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Problem Formulation/Theoretical Orientation: A Case Study

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Description The client is a 4-year old, Caucasian, female. She lives with her mother and they would be considered a low-income family. Her mother has a high school education and is employed as a cashier at a local department store. Various social services are engaged to help this family meet their financial needs such as the Department of Health and Social Services, Medicaid, the welfare program and more. My client is also involved in occupational therapy to help address her behavioral issues. My client attends the Head Start program so that her mother can work full time. This client’s strengths are her sense of humor, kind heart, and cooperativeness in sessions. This client is also able to learn very quickly and seems to have a strong support network available to her as her mother seems to be willing to be involved tin treatment and knowledgeable about how to navigate the social supports her family needs.
Problem Formulation/Theoretical Orientation/Literature Review
Clinical Formulation …show more content…
Reports from the Head Start program tend to agree with her mother’s reports stating that the client often disobey the daycare workers, and has hit and fought with other children. The occupational therapist the client sees also reports that the client disobeys direct instructions. The client was assigned to my caseload with a diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). This diagnosis, these reports, and the mother’s distress while meeting with me to discuss this client’s treatment plan seem to warrant some type of behavioral modification to make the client’s behavior more manageable at home and in the daycare setting especially before the client begins

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