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Janata Bank Ltd.


Submitted By sfhnayem
Words 1855
Pages 8


It is the age Globalization. So business education is essential to meet the challenges of globalization. Internship provides this support to those who want to be a leader of today’s business. As a business student of AIS department it is essential for us to know the practical side along with theoretical knowledge. Modern business world is most sophisticated and complex one. It needs comprehensive lessons to deal with it efficiently and smartly. The necessity of practical knowledge is very much required. They are as follows:

* After achieving practical knowledge it acts as a guideline during the service period. * In improvement of theoretical knowledge adjacent to practical events. * Identification of problem of business unit. Finding out techniques and methods for solving business unit problem. * Enhancement of the relationship between administration and laborers. * Formulation of policy for the improvement of business policy. * In performance evaluation of a business unit internship program is most significant. * Comparing or determining then extent applicability of systems or methodologies of various business disciplines. * Identify or direct barriers and changes to bring success of business unit. * Knowing about method of correction of errors, formulation of co-operatives.

Scope of the study can be described in terms of two grounds like:
Organizational Scope:
I worked in some important departments of Janata Bank Ltd. Hatem Khan Branch Rajshahi. I could not get the opportunity to work in foreign exchange department. I gave my all customers service in Janata Bank. Periodical Scope:
My practical orientation in Bank started from the beginning dated 3rd May to 2nd June. The total duration of program was 4 weeks.

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