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Webinar Observation Report

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The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) website have many excellent audio broadcasts on previously recorded healthcare podcast. These podcasts are designed to help dedicated health care improvers worldwide keep up with some of the freshest thinking and strategies for improving health and patent care (, 2017). I selected a webinar that discusses a new emergency checklist for office-based surgery. This podcast peaked my interest, as most of my nursing experience is in the surgical specialty and I am currently work in the post anesthesia care unit.
Guest Speakers and Credentials
The guest speakers for this webinar includes Madge Kaplan, the IHI director of communications. Ms. Kaplan spent 20 years as a broadcast journalist for …show more content…
Fred E. Shapiro, an Assistant Professor of Anesthesia at Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Dept. of Anesthesia Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Boston, MA. He created the first Harvard Medical School office-based anesthesia CME course and the manual of office-based anesthesia procedures. Dr. Shapiro founded The Institute for Safety in Office-Based Surgery, an independent, multidisciplinary, nonprofit organization to promote patient safety in office-based surgery (, 2017).
MD Alexander Hannenberg, MD, the Chief Quality Officer of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. He is a founding trustee of the Lifebox Foundation US, an organization focused on improving the safety of surgery and anesthesia globally. He led the development of quality performance measures in anesthesiology and critical care for Medicare's quality reporting program (, 2017).
Jennifer Lenoci-Edwards, RN, MPH, CPPS, is an Executive Director at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Edwards began her role at IHI in 2015 and is committed to patient safety across the continuum. She currently leads IHI Strategic Partnership with the Military Health System (, …show more content…
These unwanted outcomes are largely due to the failure to response quickly and effectively to unexpected crisis (, 2017). The first main concept discussed is the need for an improved tool to assess if a patient is the ideal candidate for office-based surgery. Some recent high-profile events include the death of Joan Rivers, who died of hypoxia and cardiac arrest after Propofol administration for endoscopic procedure for vocal changes and acid reflux (, 2017).
A teenager died of malignant hyperthermia (MH) during breast surgery; the parents suing surgeon and anesthesiologist for not recognizing MH and having enough dantrolene stocked in outpatient surgery center (, 2017). A three-year-old died of possible apnea after general anesthesia for tooth extraction, an eight-year-old died after receiving three times the prescribed amount of sedation medication for a routine checkup (, 2017) and a 25-year-old died due to possible hypoxia and lack of monitoring after Propofol administration for wisdom tooth extraction (,

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