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If Women Earn Less Too Summary

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Throughout the childhood knowledge, I always thought that men and women are treated equally for both money and rights. Not until someone explain to me that women and men get an entirely different range of how much they're getting paid. Why women deserve less amount of wages than men even though they have the same exact hours of entering the workforce and leaving work? There are women who is hard working in factory workers, medical, and engineers that takes the energy to make something better and able to deliver such a fast pace before the deadline. Like for my mother, who works long hours during the daytime and sometimes drag towards at nighttime, shipped the tomatoes before each deadline making sure that none of the tomatoes are left behind and rotten before reaching to the markets. Yet leaves the issue of women receive less income wages than men who works the same occupation and hours. …show more content…
With that event, it doesn’t have much of changing the laws of making men and women’s earnings to be the same amount. It only impact the economy of selling products that women enjoy while having the discount for it. McGregor presented that, “Equal Pay Day marks the symbolic point in the year when women’s earnings catch up with their male peers’ -- that is a woman would have to work from January 1, 2013 until April 8, 2014 to make what a man made in 2013 alone” (McGregor). Full three months of catch-up work to meet the male’s income and repeat for the next 15 months to meet it again. It’s like having boys to take the typical 9 months to finish a whole year of school, while girls need two more months to finish a whole year. Women has the same effort as men to work and yet receive different incomes in the same

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