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Civics - Final Project


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Civics - Final Project
An Amendment calling for mandatory military service after high school graduation should be passed to help all students be successful upon graduation. Military services should be allowed to recruit in high schools which would give high risk students an opportunity to be successful. Besides, it offers students who will not attend college a way to gain skills as well as provide an opportunity for low-income students a way to pay for college. If the government does not allow military services to help educate students about their options after graduation, it will be doing an injustice to the future generations leaving a child left behind. Make a difference in the future and someone’s life and allow the military services to recruit in high schools.
There are many benefits that people take for granted daily that many would do not worry about in the military. Health care is not a topic many 18-year-olds think about because the majority are still covered by their parents to the age of 21 and sometimes further than that with the right plan (Simon and Lovrich 372). Enrolling in the military service is a feasible option to earn money, gain technical skills and training as well as leadership skill that will assist one for the rest of his or her life. One of the difficulties in getting a job fresh out of college is lack of experience consistent with the working knowledge in their field. After the compulsory military service, the students will have the technical skills and aptitude to excel in a variety of situations based on their military experience. The military is not always the easiest choice to make. However, it can be the wisest considering the current economic problems in the United Sates.
An Amendment Calling for Mandatory Military Service
The Amendment demanding that high school graduates be enrolled for mandatory military service could bring many advantages to the military department. First, obligatory services can provide a bigger and stronger military because all men and women, who finished their services in the military are sent to reserve. The U.S. officials can regulate the amount of people in the military. Mandatory military service will make more people serve their country. Better military service will be very useful for developing patriotism and nationalism of people in the U.S. Besides; military services teach people to respect their country and each other. They will be more conscious about their rights and freedoms, which is very excellent for all population as the crime rates will be expected to fall (Seungsook 82).
Moreover, if the military service is made obligatory, people who serve there are not paid. They get everything they need to sustain their lives, but they do not earn. Economically it is better for the country because it will have to cut the budgeting for the military because of the economic situation in the country. One more advantage is that educated people will behave better in difficult or stressful emergency situations. In the military, they are taught how to perform the first aid or how to transport wounded people. The situation in the world can change all of a sudden, and all other people highly appreciate these skills. In general, if a compulsory military service were to be introduced to the American society, young adults would be able to display the characteristics of an exemplary citizen. Such features include but are not limited to, respect for those in authority, needed discipline, skills in leadership, the courage to face life’s challenges, knowledge, and of course responsibility (Simon and Lovrich 368).
After spending four years in high school, some students know exactly what they want to do with their lives, and they head down that path. There are plenty of other kids that still have no idea where they want to go. It may not be too appealing to a high school student to be paying large sums of money to attend college if they do not know what they want to be there for. For these students, the military is a perfect opportunity for deciding a career. Not only will they have plenty of time to think about their future goals, but they will also continually be learning skills and knowledge that will help them in their future occupations. Even if a kid knows what he wants to do but does not want to sit in a classroom for another four years, the military has practical hands-on experience for just about any profession. Someone with three years of experience repairing military vehicles, for example, is going to have an upper hand over plenty of other mechanics looking for jobs (Card and Cardoso 61).
Moreover, the United States Military has a program called Concurrent Admissions Program which allows service members to continue their education once their time in the service is over at the University of their choosing. Service members are automatically enrolled in the college of their choice and do not have to worry about any application fees or any other requirements that average students have to worry about. Most high school students that cannot afford college have not thought about how they can still achieve their goals. By putting in place mandatory recruitment of high school graduates, students will be educated on how they can afford the college of their choice.
Furthermore, mandatory public service will benefit the military and civil groups while building the youths understanding of various duties and responsibilities in a democratic society. If something is not done to put future generations to appreciate their duties and obligations as citizens, this will be a country run by and for small, motivated special interest groups. It would be argued that political primaries are already run this way. That may be the greatest challenge and threat to people’s liberties facing the U.S today (Simon and Lovrich 378).
Another benefit of military service is that for military personnel on active duty abroad or stateside, healthcare will be free for their family. For those who are not active, the relatively low cost of coverage for their families with optional dental and life insurance is at times lower than what their civilian counterparts would pay just by themselves. In fact, many people who join the service do so for the low cost of healthcare provided to their family. For the soldier, healthcare cost nothing if they are treated on post or at the Veterans Affairs office, with the seldom chosen option for outside provider care with attached co-pay. All of this is great, but one of the biggest benefits for members is lifetime coverage and a life insurance policy that never expires and remains applicable in the civilian world (Seungsook 78).
Consequently, while people join the military for different reasons, it is safe to assume that the benefits of military life prove to have the most force in the decision. Even though there are disadvantages of such a regimented lifestyle, the military takes measures to ensure that its military service members and their families are well taken care of. The military realizes that the benefits awarded to its members are in fact small prizes when compared to the magnitude of the work and sacrifices it demands from the members (Simon and Lovrich 380).
The military, with all its attractive compensation packages, is still nonetheless a serious place that deals with grave problems. On the other hand, obligatory military services make military less efficient. People, who do not want to serve, but must serve, might not perform well. Their unwillingness to work make the military less effective. Despite the fact that obligatory services are not paid, they are not economically very advantageous. Currently, the budgeting of the military is done by very emirate separately. If the military service is obligatory, the country will need to reorganize military financing (Card and Cardoso 74). The other problem is that it is difficult to pick up right and professional staff to organize the inner structure of the military. Worse training will produce worse soldiers, which is not useful for the country. Not all people want to go and serve in the military. In some way, the obligation to serve limits the freedom of choice. Unmotivated people in the military will be not productive and interested in their career. Currently, the congress is discussing the reestablishment of mandatory military services, but they are proven to be insufficient by critics. They state that reluctant and careless military is worse than small and active one. There are also definite problems connected with the placements of training camps (Seungsook 76).
Some would argue that the Amendment is the only solution available to ensure and maintain an active military and keep costs of war to a minimum. If the Amendment had been in place before the war in Iraq, America could have avoided disaster. The Iraq war was waged with entirely too little consequence for the vast majority of Americans who are not connected to the military. No war bonds or victory gardens or any sense of shared national sacrifice exist beyond stupid yellow ribbon stickers placed on the back of oil guzzling automobiles. As a resent college graduate and a vehement opponent of the war from its inception (because of cost), mandatory military service is necessary to end the practice of going to war with other people's money and other people's children (Simon and Lovrich 371). Even before the war opened, the armed forces were already undermanned. The only way to resolve their acute shortages is to pass the mandatory military service Amendment. It is time to construct a new form of American conscription that will restore the citizen soldier, properly compensate the career force, and allow other essential security work to be done at a reasonable cost to the nation. A mandatory military service after high school graduation will dramatically upgrade the quality of US recruits because it would give the military a real cross-section of our youth.
Summing up, the mandatory military services are beneficial for the country because they increase the number of urban people, who really respect their country. Reform of the military services in the U.S. will take too much time, and it is the reason the country can continue its military development following already chosen track. Today, the military of U.S. is small but efficient and well-equipped. It is enough to sustain safety and protect the country from foreign interests and intentions.

Works Cited
Card, David, and Ana R. Cardoso. "Can Compulsory Military Service Raise Civilian Wages? Evidence from the Peacetime Draft in Portugal." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 4.4 (2012): 57-93. Print.
Seungsook, Moon. "Imagining a Nation Through Differences : Reading the Controversy Concerning the Military Service Extra Points System in South Korea." The Review of Korean Studies. 5.2 (2002): 73-109. Print.
Simon, Christopher A, and Nicholas P. Lovrich. "Sources of Support for Mandatory Military Service in the Context of the War on Terrorism: Survey Evidence Pre and Post-September 11, 2001<sup>*</sup>." Social Science Quarterly. 90.2 (2009): 368-386. Print.

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