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What Can I Do for My Country


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What can I do, to help my country? - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization

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- By Bahram Maskanian

I am writing this article specifically for those of you whom are interested to get involved and carryout your civic obligations, to make your community, city, state and country, a better place to live, for yourself, your family and loved ones. Please understand that the first rule of becoming a true and effective political, social justice activist is to do it for yourself, your family and loved ones, thinking globally, but acting locally, with NO expectations of receiving any credits, rewards, or recognitions of any kind, with utter humility. - Your unmatched and gratifying reward will be the smiling faces of healthy and happy children, knowing in your heart that your efforts played a role in making that happen. By many estimates in the United States there are close to 1 million political and social justice activists, which means only 1 million people are aware of what is really going on in this country. That would leave out 349 million people whom are at the mercy of the nation-less corporate media, which 1/5


What can I do, to help my country? - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization

will only provide the public with a highly filtered, or censored version of all world events, mixed with a huge amount of mind-numbing consumer products commercials. We need at least 10% to 15% of the 349 million U.S. populations to be informed and get involved. Silence solves nothing, it never has, and it never will. Our silence will encourage more devastation, violence and corruptions at all levels, all over the world. Our silence will help to defeat and silent the peaceful ethical voices of reason and common sense. It is our civic obligation, ethical and moral responsibility, to get involved and never be silent, by simply casting the light of truth and exposing the sources of corruption, followed by enlightening educational measures to solve the problem by means of peaceful conflict resolution. Through the relentless efforts of the very same nation-less corporate media, ignorance and apathy has become somewhat fashionable. It is our responsibility to eradicate these two of the most destructive and deadly weapons of mass destruction: IGNORANCE and APATHY, has been used by the criminal elites to divide and conquer for centuries. Since the beginning of the Venus Project Foundation, in 1995 as the very first social justice and political activism and think tank website in the world, the most popular question asked has been: “What can I do, to help my country?” The answer is always the same, if you are interested to become an organizer you need to first organize your own thoughts and your actions regarding your subject of interest. Once you are well informed, you are ready to become, first, a teacher and second, an organizer. In order to eradicate ignorance and apathy we need to perform the following three actions: education, education and education! In my 35 years of social justice and political activism, I learned a lot, but one of the most important lessons has been; that to accomplish my ultimate goal of achieving a utopian life for all of humanity, on Earth, I have to first attain a few smaller goals, in order to get to my final desired objective: idealistic life on Earth, for every child, woman and man. Therefore whether you are an activist, already working on your area of interest, or on your way to become one, choose this, one and only problem to remedy, as your very first objective, which we must change, to make other changes possible, to heal all of our ills, to gain true liberty, human rights and democracy in the United States: the U.S. Constitution. We, the people must wake-up and boycott all elections and convene constitutional conventions all over the United States of America. We must take the U.S. Constitution, make the necessary modifications and create a modern 22-Century Document, make it available on line for all to read and vote on it, and then put it up for vote by the entire nation as a ballot initiative, or to use the word that scares the pants off of the criminal elites and their politicians; REFERENDUM. The human tragedy is not what some evil individuals do to others; rather, the much bigger tragedy is the silence, inaction and the apathy of the good people. Furthermore, we, the people must never forget, that: those who do not learn from their true history are doomed to repeat it! We all must beware of the work of the following top crime families, responsible for all evils befalling on all people, all over the world, collectively orchestrating and funding wars, murder and mayhem, through their central banks, nation-less corporations and other institutions, deliberately causing millions upon millions of deaths and unimaginable destruction all over the world, to rule and control planet Earth, exposed by Thrive documentary film. - The evil bastards are as follows: Rothschild(s), Morgan(s), Rockefeller(s), Carnegie(s), Schiff(s), Herminie(s) and Warburg(s), for centuries these criminal families have been instigating and funding wars, murder, countless fake revolutions, creating and funding terrorist organizations through their secret societies, rewriting the 2/5


What can I do, to help my country? - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization

true history as fiction to only benefit themselves and their racketeering businesses at all costs.

Evil shall triumph, only when good people do nothing to stop it!

- By Simon Baron Cohen



What can I do, to help my country? - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization

Success, or Failure of a Political Movement - How to peacefully evolve out of our current political, social and economic black hole U.S. Political, Economic and Social Evolution - We, the people, have all one thing in common, we are the (99.99%) ninety nine point nine, nine percent of the U.S. population, victimized and constantly plundered and held back by the one tenth of one percent (0.01%) criminal, greedy, narcissistic bastards, owners and operators of the Nation-less Corporations. We, the people, will no longer tolerate the massive corruption of the 0.01% percent.



What can I do, to help my country? - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization


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