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Government And Civics

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Course Description: Welcome to Government, Citizenship, and Civics! This is a one-semester social science course in which the underpinnings, concepts, cases, and practices of the U.S. government are studied. Through various means and methods (i.e. lectures, discussion, group activities, projects, papers, etc.) we will examine the basis of government and how that government works in today’s society. The major goal of this course is for students to understand and apply democratic and civic values. The foci of the course include the development and meaning of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; understanding the role and connections of the Courts and the governmental process; the roles and influence of the legislative, executive and …show more content…
Understand how the United States Constitution aims to protect individual freedoms and rights that have been extended to more groups of people over time. These rights and freedoms continue to be debated, extended to additional people, and defined through judicial interpretation.
Introduced to methods of engaging in issues of civic debate, citizens act with an appreciation of differences and are able to participate in constructive dialogue with those who hold different perspectives.
Understand how United States citizens have certain rights, responsibilities, and duties, the fulfillment of which help to maintain the healthy functioning of the national, state, and local communities.
Introduced to the numerous avenues for engagement in the political process, from exercising the power of the vote, to affiliating with political parties, to engaging in other forms of civic participation.
Understand how all levels of government—local, state, and federal—are involved in shaping public policy and responding to public policy issues, all of which influence our lives beyond what appears in the …show more content…
Grades will be earned from:
Regular reading and writing assignments, current events article reviews/presentations and assigned practice/focus questions.
Following each unit of study outlined below, students will take a multiple-choice/free-response examination that is meant to assess their overall understanding of the material presented.
Reflection Essays and free response questions
Short reading quizzes/projects will also be given periodically to ensure students are not falling behind on assigned readings
Students will complete weekly current event article reviews
Utilizing current event articles written throughout the semester students will create a final project taking an in-depth look at an issue of their interest

Grading Policy:
Quarterly Grade Percentages:
40% Tests
25% Projects and Quizzes
20% Homework
15% Class Participation

School Percentages: 95 – 100 Highest

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