...Government officials that are elected are put in office to support these civic values based on society’s wishes. Most of the time civic values are individually and community based justice or general considerations for other people. America’s values act as a reinforcement of American civic values. There are many things that undermine American civic values. Many large corporations and very wealthy people are often criticized into believing that they influence the government and the decision making process. This is one assumption because their large financial contributions help to elect candidates that support their interest. Also the media is also something in today’s society that undermines American civic values. The media focuses on negative issues such as unemployment and crime which intensifies already apparent problems. These issues broadcast negativity into American culture and as it spreads so does the lack of American civic values. Civic values help make America’s political and civil culture better because it is a guideline for Americans to follow. It allows each person or group of people to have their own decision rather its individual or government mandated. These values are considerate of its members and help keep communities peaceful. There are penalties for failing to adhere to civic values. Some examples are losing jobs, fines, or prison. There are many instances when not adhering to civic values is the issue and the people are simply dealing with regret, guilt,...
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...American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 3 No. 8; August 2013 Toward a Functional Citizenship Education Curriculum in Nigerian Colleges of Education for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century Eyiuche Ifeoma Olibie, PhD Department of Educational Foundations Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria Lilian-Rita Akudolu, PhD Professor of Curriculum & Instruction and Commonwealth Fellow Department of Educational Foundations Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria Abstract This study was carried out to identify basic components of civic awareness, civic knowledge and civic dispositions needed by youths in two Colleges of Education in Anambra State of Nigeria as a basis for a functional Citizenship Education curriculum. Three hundred students were randomly selected from the two Colleges of Education in Anambra State. A 50-item questionnaire survey method was utilized based on five research questions. Findings indicated that in the perceptions of the students, it is ideal to incorporate several civic components, skills and dispositions into the citizenship education curriculum. Recommendations were made for revamping of the citizenship education curriculum in Colleges of Education in line with the identified civic components, skills and dispositions so as to ensure the establishment of education for sustainable development in the country. Keywords: Citizenship education, functional curriculum, sustainable development, teachers. Introduction Since the declaration...
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...Civic-based approaches to education grant students the chance to take away persuasive, informative, and debate communication skills and apply them to the challenges facing civic life. When elected officials make a speech or comment about our current state of education, they do not encourage students to read Plato, Descartes, or even the Federalist Papers, instead our government is encouraging students to become increasingly experienced in math and computers and other STEM programs, or else foreign countries will steal all of our jobs and advance in front of America when it comes to education. Yet in reality, these foreign countries will steal nothing from the United States if they do not entertain lively and democratic institutions, like American’s...
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...in creating the current system of government are central to understanding the enduring success of American democracy. The contributions of Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Paine to the foundations of the American government emphasize common values of personal freedom and civic engagement. Together, these leaders have established a strong foundation for democracy rooted in individual rights and active participation. By examining these foundational elements, it becomes clear how the foresight and wisdom of the great men hand-wrote a government that protects liberty and promotes justice. The principles of protecting human rights, civic responsibility, and freedom are essential to the structure and function of the United States government. The Declaration of Independence emphasizes protecting individual rights as a fundamental principle of the United States government. It asserts that all individuals are entitled to "Life,...
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...endeavors to discuss the connection between citizenship education and civic education. It will further look at whether there is a difference between the two or if they are the same. Lastly, the conclusion will be drawn. Before going into a detailed discussion it is prudent to define the key words, that is , Civic education and Citizenship education respectively. Civic Education is a broader field and therefore can be defined in many different ways depending on the orientation of the educators, time , place and dictates of the political regime in the country. Zambia Civic Education Association (2004:38) “Civic Education refers to the formal awareness of the country’s citizens about their moral and legal entitlements (rights), their expected moral and legal functions(duties) as well as the extent to which they can influence the utilization of national/public resources, monitor leadership legitimacy and take part in decision making (governance).” Hamwiinga (2008:2) defines Civic Education as “an envisaged broader- based subject which relates to human beings and relationship with the natural, physical, social and cultural environment.” According to UNDP (2004) “ Civic Education is learning for effective participation in democratic and development processes at both local and national levels”. This then implies that if the citizens have not learnt about Civic Education they will not be able to uphold good democratic values thereby failing to be part of the local and national democratic...
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...process enhaces security by giving a complete database of information giving the ability to verify identities of individuals as well as creating data sharing that can help USCIS officers receive information in a timely manner. The NSCIS has also implemented an Intelligence Program that provides the officers with extremely useful and current information they may need to support quality decision making. In addition another one of USCIS’s strategic goals is to support immigrants’ integration and participation in American civic culture. It is important for immigrants to understand the civic values that unite us as Americans. I believe the USCIS is meeting this goal because they have designed civic education resources that help immigrants every step of the way on their qwest to becoming an American citizen. The USCIS also provides web-based training modules and regional training sessions as well adult educators that support immigrants integration and participation is American civic culture. The...
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...Democracy in America Today Pos/110 October 16, 2011 Final Project: Democracy in America Since the beginning of American Democracy it has been morphed from the founder’s format. With all its changes, it still functions as a well-constructed form of democracy that supports our nation. American democracy has both strengths and weaknesses. Government spending or over-spending is a core issue facing our nation in these economically troubled times. There are many points to be addressed regarding American government today. Adjustments within American democracy have caused us to land in our current situation of economic uncertainty. Some of these developments have actually had a negative impact on democracy and the people of America. Some have enabled us to have vast achievements within our government. Our ability to take care of ourselves and continue to achieve greatness has been diminished by some of these changes. We will always face challenges and issues in our country, but we need to be able to see these problems and move forward in a positive way. The commonality between all American’s with regard to their views on democracy is that the very status of that democracy impacts every citizen of America. There are distinct views of democracy and the issues facing American government. “Democracy is the means to select any policy maker and government, in which the policy would then represent the citizens’ preferences” (Edwards, Wattenberg, & Lineberry...
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...dramatically over the years both technology and economic ways. Both of these threaten the whole intentions of our founding fathers. In my opinion things have gone down hill for America. It seems like the poor is getting more poor and the rich is getting more rich. I don't think that American is very stable at all or equal for that matter. American used to be a place of equality, but no one gets treated equal. The higher class citizens with money get the best of everything. America just isn't the country it used to be. Everything has changed. I fear that the next thing they will try to change is the constitution. There are many strengths in our system. The Bill of Rights, balance of powers, the federal government shares sovereignty with the states, and also another great strength is that the Supreme Court balances the rights of each individual state. Our country system has many weaknesses as well. One of the weaknesses is that that everyone believes that the United States can “fix” the world and this isn't so. Our country is slowly falling apart. One of the biggest weakness that we have is that we have an over taxed system. If I were able to change one fundamental element of American democracy is the way that the government shows bias to one group of citizens over another. It kind of remind me of “cliques” in high school. It all boils down between those who have and those who don't have. Those who have get better treatment, receive better education, and get by...
Words: 1528 - Pages: 7
...The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science http://ann.sagepub.com/ Capital, Consumption, Communication, and Citizenship: The Social Positioning of Taste and Civic Culture in the United States Lewis Friedland, Dhavan V. Shah, Nam-Jin Lee, Mark A. Rademacher, Lucy Atkinson and Thomas Hove The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 2007 611: 31 DOI: 10.1177/0002716206298694 The online version of this article can be found at: http://ann.sagepub.com/content/611/1/31 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: American Academy of Political and Social Science Additional services and information for The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science can be found at: Email Alerts: http://ann.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://ann.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://ann.sagepub.com/content/611/1/31.refs.html >> Version of Record - Apr 30, 2007 What is This? Downloaded from ann.sagepub.com at NATIONAL UNIV SINGAPORE on October 14, 2011 Capital, Consumption, Communication, and Citizenship: The Social Positioning of Taste and Civic Culture in the United States By LEWIS FRIEDLAND, DHAVAN V. SHAH, NAM-JIN LEE, MARK A. RADEMACHER, LUCY ATKINSON, and THOMAS HOVE In this article, the authors analyze the field of cultural consumption in the United States. Using...
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...Why Should Government Support the Arts? State governments today face monumental challenges: record-breaking budget shortfalls, rising unemployment, widespread home foreclosures and escalating needs for public assistance. States are wrestling with these immediate pressures while also trying to address long-term concerns about education, economic competitiveness and health care. All the while, public managers and elected officials must uphold the principles that taxpayers expect: thrift, accountability, equity and transparency. In this environment, all areas of spending—including the arts—are under increased scrutiny. Lawmakers may question whether government has a legitimate role to play in the arts or may ask why the arts should receive funds when so many other needs are pressing. We encourage you to welcome dialogue about these issues. The 40-year history of state arts agencies proves that when policymakers understand how the arts benefit government and citizens, they find a way to continue support, even during hard financial times. We hope that this document will help bring those benefits to the foreground and help your state answer common questions about government’s role in arts support. Designed for public arts leaders and advocates to excerpt and adapt, this material can be used to support your state’s case for the arts. Select the points that are most relevant in your situation. Quote the research. Add your own examples, and consider the tips and ideas included...
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...business and financial sector of the economy. Early 1900s mark the beginning of organized medicine. The American Medical Association (AMA) gains influence and power as the nation’s organization of state and local associations (The Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics, n.d.). This paper aims to convey a historic look at the evolution of health care and health care funding in the United States as well as historic events that shape the current health care economy. Promotion of the concept of health insurance dates as early as 1912. Social insurance, including health insurance receives public notice when Teddy Roosevelt and his Progressive Party promote the economic issue during his campaign. A draft bill published and promoted by the American Association for Labor Legislation comes against derailed efforts as World War I begins (The Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics, n.d.). It is not until 1929 that a model for health insurance is surfaces. Baylor Hospital, located in Dallas, Texas, offers a local teachers union a prepaid hospital insurance program creating what becomes the nation’s first illustration of contemporary health insurance. Economics defines as the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of mankind (Apollo Group, 2010). For more than a decade, from 1929 to 1940, American free-market economy failed to operate on a level that allowed many to attain economic success. With hard...
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...polymath, Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, musician, inventor, satirist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass 'armonica'.[1] He facilitated many civic organizations, including a fire department and a university. Franklin earned the title of "The First American" for his early and indefatigable campaigning for colonial unity; as an author and spokesman in London for several colonies, then as the first United States Ambassador to France, he exemplified the emerging American nation.[2] Franklin was foundational in defining the American ethos as a marriage of the practical values of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions, and opposition to authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment. In the words of historian Henry Steele Commager, "In a Franklin could be merged the virtues of Puritanism without its defects, the illumination of the Enlightenment without its heat."[3] To Walter Isaacson, this makes Franklin "the most accomplished American of his age and the most influential in inventing the type of society America would become."[4] Franklin, always proud of his working...
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...In his essay, “The New American Divide,” Charles Murray provides a more in depth look into the large gap that separates the classes in America, both financially and culturally, and how it has evolved over time. From the beginning, he emphasizes the dissolution of a “common civic culture” as previously widespread values such as marriage and a hard work ethic become less commonly held among the greater American populace. Even though the gap in wealth has always existed in America, in earlier eras there still existed a sense of cultural equality among the classes, or at least among the non-Latino white population. He states that Americans pride themselves in the idea of a cultural equality between all citizens; however, Murray feels that this cultural equality is decreasingly true since the 1960s as citizens of contrasting classes have evolved differently over the decades from 1960 to 2010. Murray defines this common civic culture as “a culture encompassing shared experiences of daily life and shared assumptions about central American values involving marriage, honesty, hard work, and religiosity” that most Americans, if not all, of all social classes share (Murray 348). Murray states that over the past fifty years, this civic culture has progressively fallen apart and a new upper class as well as a new lower class has emerged. This new upper class has advanced educations, shared opinions, and specified preferences that set them apart from mainstream America, as compared...
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...PUBLIC SPEAKING AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT A research paper of Gamaliel Eve Relampago MInggong as partial fulfillment of the requirements in English 202 Submitted to: Nora L. Sisneros, M.D TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I- Dynamics of the Study I.a- Rationale of the Study I.b- Significance of the Study I.c- Narrative Approach of the Study I.d- Qualitative Paradigm of the Study CHAPTER II- Research Plans and Methodology II.a- Content Analysis of the Study II.b- Framework and Analysis II.c- Theoretical Foundations of the Study II.d- Interpretative Analysis of the Study REFERENCES CHAPTER I- Dynamics of the Study Public speaking has always been an essential part of our life. We might find ourselves being stuck in a situation to speak in front of people like funerals, weddings, graduations and school activities. It was never erased in our existence. Civic activities are one of these situations. Civic engagement or civic participation is the encouragement of the general public to become involved in the political process and the issues that affect them. It is the community coming together to be a collective source of change, political and non-political. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civic_engagement) Public speaking and Civic engagement goes hand in hand. Without speaking in public, like the definition above, you will never be able to speak your mind out to the general public for the sake of your purpose. Civic engagement doesn’t happen with just watching...
Words: 1911 - Pages: 8
...school to study arithmetic and writing. He attended this school from age of 8 to 10. Mathematics is the study of topics such as quantity, structure, space, and change. Franklin was a renowned polymath and a leading author, printer, political theorist, Politian, freemason, post master, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American enlighten. Benjamin Franklin learned to be a printer through the apprenticeship system. However, he gained his independence at age 17, not by completing his apprenticeship, but by running away from his master and leaving his family and hometown behind. He worked for...
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