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Prime Rib Research Paper

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Ribeye and prime rib are among the most desirable cuts of meat. They both provide excellent flavor while being tender enough to eat with plastic utensils if you cook them correctly. These two cuts have a lot in common, but there are also some differences. Let's take a look at the factors that you should consider when deciding between them. How do ribeye and prime rib differ?
Prime rib can refer to a roast, which is a larger piece of meat; it can also refer to a slice cut from the roast. The name applies to both. A prime rib roast consists of the 6th through the 12th rib and ribeye steaks are usually taken from those ribs as well. In other words, a ribeye steak is exactly the same piece of meat but it has been cut into smaller individual steaks. This means that the first big difference is the size. This is why you get a slice of the pre-cooked roast when you order …show more content…
A standing rib roast typically has between two and seven ribs. Note that while prime rib does have the word prime in the name, it is not necessarily prime grade meat; it can be choice grade as well. The USDA grades are based on the meat's quality rather than on the cut. In fact, prime rib has had its name for longer than the USDA's grading system has been in place. The prime in prime rib comes from the fact that it is deemed to be the best part of the cow. Where on the cow do ribeye and prime rib come from?
Both ribeye steaks and prime rib come from the same primal. The seven ribs that make up the prime rib cut come from the center of the rib primal. The muscles in ribeyes and in prime rib consist of the longissimus dorsi, complexus and spinalis muscles. All three are from the upper part of the rib cage, which is an area that gets very little exercise and bears no weight. The result is that the meat from that area is well-marbled and very

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