...Timeline Part II NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the "Example Timeline Matrix" document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. “Timeline Part II.” NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner. Limit your submission of the Timeline Part II up to 250 words per topic/subtopic. For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources. Major Event/Epoch in American History | Time Period/Date(s) | Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History | 1) The evolution of the institution of slavery from the Colonial Period to the 1860s. | 1619-1860 | At first, slaves could earn their freedom. When they did, slaves tended to own their own slaves. This is how it was up until 1750 when Georgia legalized slavery. Slavery was more needed in the south than the north due to the climate and ability to grow more crops. (Webmaster, 2011) Around 1808, the importation of slavery ended due to the rise in births. Blacks then made up 20% of the American population. | 2) The socio-cultural impact of the abolitionist movement including: a) The effect of...
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...Timeline Part II NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the "Example Timeline Matrix" document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. “Timeline Part II.” NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner. Limit your submission of the Timeline Part II up to 250 words per topic/subtopic. For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources. Major Event/Epoch in American History | Time Period/Date(s) | Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History | 1) The evolution of the institution of slavery from the Colonial Period to the 1860s. | 16th Century – 19th Century | I found this excerpt from Robert Francis Engs from the Macmillan Information Now Encyclopedia: The history of African American slavery in the United States can be divided into two periods: the first coincided with the colonial years, about 1650 to 1790; the second lasted from American independence through the Civil War, 1790 to 1865. Prior to independence, slavery existed in all the American colonies and therefore was not an issue of sectional debate. With the arrival of independence...
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...and it's relationship with the civil war and its origin. It is a logical chronicle of diplomatic happenings during the 1840s and 1850s and how it changed the political scenario of America. It outlines the upright dissension of the slavery expansion. The author opines a number of subject matter in his book. By referring to Jacksonian Politics, he talks about the western settlement. Later he writes about the split into two party system and the contribution of territorial issue to it. Though the territorial issue and slavery gave way to the Civil War, it was not the direct cause of it. He provides information about the brief thoughts of the cause of Civil War. The early twentieth scholars viewed slavery as the sole cause of Civil War. Likewise, the Progressive Historians had the view that the improper distribution of property and the hostility between...
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...Timeline Part II NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the "Example Timeline Matrix" document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. “Timeline Part II.” NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner. Limit your submission of the Timeline Part II up to 250 words per topic/subtopic. For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources. Major Event/Epoch in American History | Time Period/Date(s) | Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History | 1) The evolution of the institution of slavery from the Colonial Period to the 1860s. | 1600s-1860s | Slavery was the main source of manual labors in the southern territories after the invention of cotton gin; since the machine increase the profitable cash and required more manual labor- leading to the plantation system. Prior to this event, slave trade was mostly involved in New England- the triangle trade, which keep the flow of slaves to Europe in exchange for molasses; the main ingredient for rum making. | 2) The socio-cultural impact of the abolitionist movement including: a) The effect...
Words: 1916 - Pages: 8
...Timeline Part II NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the "Example Timeline Matrix" document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. “Timeline Part II.” NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner. Limit your submission of the Timeline Part II up to 250 words per topic/subtopic. For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources. Major Event/Epoch in American History | Time Period/Date(s) | Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History | 1) The evolution of the institution of slavery from the Colonial Period to the 1860s. | 1619 - 1865 | Slavery began with in 1619 with the first slaves brought to Virginia as indentured servants. As time goes by, slavery becomes more popular, to help with farming large farms or plantations. Though the Declaration of Independence in 1776 states that “all men are created equal” this did not apply to people of color. By the time the Civil War starts, slavery is big business, and the south is fighting for the right to keep it. In 1865 the U.S. abolishes slavery with the 13th Amendment. | 2) The socio-cultural...
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...During the period of 1861-1865 that is commonly known as the Civil War, both the northern and the confederate states exhibited variegated forms of what it means to be civilized. At the bottom of it, the Civil War exhibited the most bloodshed on American soil at a singular point in time. For this reason it must be stated that both The Union and The Confederates both acted out bloodthirsty and carnal impulses. The difference that was displayed was that the liberalism and regard for expanded civil rights that was the basis for The Union’s war stance was countered by a stalwart reactionary ideological platform that The Confederacy clung to. Essentially, civility was at an all-time low during the bloodshed of the Civil war. Over 500,000 lives were claimed, however the etiquette and ideological platforms of both sides proved to be The old world charm of the South was encapsulated by John Mosby and his revenge against a Union trooper killing a young child in front of the child’s mother. Mosby exclaimed that revenge was not a primary, or even a secondary motivation. He honestly believed that he had to kill in order to stop the killing (Civil War Times, 31). This etiquette and honor displayed during the bloodshed was in contradistinction to the crass and needless killing committed by the Union soldier. This shows how oftentimes ideologies can mask the deeper, truer feelings and...
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...University Of Phoenix Civil War Paper By Shane Iverson 12/23/2012 HIS/115 The Civil war was a huge war fought over territories and freedom. Over 600,000 Americans lost their lives in this war, with the North having been more effected. The North had no regrets about the war. They were satisfied that the slaves were free, and the Union was preserved. The South began to glorify what they called “the lost cause”. The generals from the south became mythic heroes. As they looked back at the war they almost regretted surrendering. Historian Shelby Foote left us with this note. “Any understanding of this nation has to be based . . . on an understanding of the Civil War. . . . The Civil War defined us as what we are, and it opened us to being what we became, good and bad things. It is very necessary if you’re going to understand the American character in the 20th century to learn about this enormous catastrophe of the mid-19th century. It was the crossroads of our being”. What does this tell us about the United States? What did Foote mean when he spoke these words? We may also think to ourselves. Why didn’t the South win? There leaders were supposedly brilliant and they lost fewer men then the North, right? What did Historian Shelby Foote mean in his quote above? He is saying that it is necessary to learn about this huge catastrophe that happened in...
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...COURSE DESCRIPTION Surveys U.S. history from the end of the Civil War. Traces socioeconomic developments following the First World War and their impact on present American attitudes and policies toward domestic as well as international affairs. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required Resources Schultz, Kevin M. (2014) HIST: Volume 2: U.S. history since 1865 (3rd ed.). University of Illinois at Chicago: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. (Note: This is a textbook uniquely created for Strayer and can only be purchased through the Strayer Bookstore. The contents of the book differ from the national title.) Supplemental Resources Alpha History. Retrieved from http://alphahistory.com American Experience. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org American Rhetoric. Retrieved from http://americanrhetoric.com A Multimedia History of World War One. Retrieved from http://www.firstworldwar.com Calisphere: University of California. Retrieved from http://www.calisphere.universityofcalifornia.edu/ Miller Center: University of Virginia. Retrieved from http://millercenter.org Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching. Retrieved from http://www.merlot.org COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Identify and discuss the different ways that the heritage of slavery, the Civil War, the Reconstruction, and segregation have shaped America’s history. 2. Summarize and discuss the ways that formal policies of government have influenced the direction of historical and social development...
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...Week 1 Appendix A Clash of Cultures HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 1 DQs HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 2 Appendix B Causes of the Revolution HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 2 Discussion Question HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 3 Appendix C Outcomes of the Revolution HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 3 Discussion Question HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 4 Constitution Paper HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 4 DQs HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 5 Appendix D Two Party Politics HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 5 War of 1812 HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 5 DQs HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 6 19th-Century Ideas HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 6 DQs HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 6 Andrew Jackson’s Presidency HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 7 The Western Experience HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 7 Discussion Question HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 8 Lincoln and Slavery HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 8 Territorial Expansion and Slavery HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 8 Discussion Question HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 9 Civil War Paper HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 9 Discussion Question HIS115 / HIS 115 / (VERSION 3) / Week 9 Civil War Presentation Powerpoint Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of HIS 115 v3 COMPLETE CLASS in order to ace their studies. HIS 115 V3 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase...
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...back to the first time you ever heard about the Civil War. Was it in school reading a textbook? Was it a field trip to Gettysburg Battlefield? Was it a “history buff” family member that was more than a little enthusiastic to tell you about the great war that divided the United States? Chances are, it wasn’t in a setting that made you want to explore and learn more. In reality, it was most likely in a classroom, where you found the teacher a little boring and war just another uninteresting part of American History. Tonight, and through this book club, we are going to change your perception of the past and bring the Civil War to life. Unbeknownst to many who call Shippensburg home, our town actually played quite an interesting role in the saga that is the Civil War. Not only will the people of Shippensburg help to shape history, but the town itself will make history. Men will eagerly enlist to help fight for the Union cause. The town itself will become one of the very few Northern towns to not only see battle, but to fall to Confederate forces. Throughout our book club you will get to know these soldiers and the people from Shippensburg on a personal level. Who were these men from...
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...Women, Slaves, and Free Blacks in the Civil War Inez Williams-Jones U.S. History to 1865 HIS/110 October 15, 2012 Women, Slaves, and Free Blacks in the Civil War The Battle of Gettysburg was a major turning point for the Civil War (Civil War Academy, 2010). It turned the tide of war from the South to the North, pushing back Lee’s army that would never fight again on Northern soil and bringing confidence to the Union army. What Roles did Northern Women play in the War Effort on the Union Side during the Civil War Clara Barton, a Northerner, had the skills of helping people, especially in the American Civil War. During the war, she collected and delivered supplies to Northern troops in the Washington, D.C. area, used her medical skills to aid Northern troops, and later organized The Ladies Aid Society as well as The American Red Cross where she dedicated the remaining of her life. Northern women organized fundraising projects, county fairs, which were beneficial in raising money for medical supplies and other necessities. Inspired by Florence Nightingale, the women put forth efforts to work on the front lines aiding injured and wounded soldiers by establishing a Preventive Hygienic and Sanitary Service for helping the union soldiers called the United States Sanitary Commission which were to combat preventable diseases and infections (Chang, 1991). One of these famous Army nurses was Louisa May Alcott, who traveled from hospital to hospital ...
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...of 10-15-12 During ancient civilizations little was known about the cause of disease and treatment often revolved around magic. Witch doctors or priests were looked upon very favorably and had a high status in these ancient societies (Blais & Hayes, 2011). As societies evolved more was learned about the causes of disease. In 1900 B.C. there were recorded codes regarding sanitation and public health. The Bible even speaks of quarantine to prevent disease and nurses are mentioned as caring for infants and the sick. But, much of today’s nursing practice seems to have evolved from the need to provide care to soldiers during wartimes. Two historical figures that left an impact on the development of modern nursing are Harriet Tubman and Walt Whitman. Araminta Ross, also known as Harriet Tubman, was born into slavery. At age 25 she married John Tubman, a free African American. They did not share the same desire to move north and after 5 years of marriage, Harriet left her husband and escaped to Philadelphia (“Harriet Ross Tubman Timeline”, 1996). After her escape, she became an operator of the Underground Railroad, an abolitionist, nurse and spy for the Civil War, suffragist, and humanitarian. In 1862, in support of Union activities, Harriet joined Northern abolitionists. She provided nursing care during the Civil War to newly freed slaves and black soldiers. After the war she moved to Auburn, New York. Tubman treated dysentery with a brew of boiled roots...
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...The American Civil War (1861) took place between the Union (Northern States) against the Confederates (Southern States) over the argument over slavery. The dispute had escalated to such an extent that the Southern States declared themselves independent of the Unites States of America. As a result, a war took place costing the death of more than 600,000 Americans. In the article the writer explains how history had been written to dominate our historical understanding of the Civil war. The reason for the civil war without doubt was slavery, yet the defeated Southerners defended the incident by claiming that it was a war for the “states’ rights” (Article). This was the Myth of the Lost Cause in which defeated Southerners molded the truth in self defense (Class notes). This demonstrates the psyche of white Southerners that they were in a stage of denial; thus, they decided to distort the history to gain their dignity back. This sheds light on the fact of the issue that historians tend to add their personal opinions when they are writing. History is supposed to give us a detailed account of what happened without personal beliefs or opinions. Everyone has a different interpretation of events and incidents, but the history pages should only include facts. They manipulated the pages of history in self-defense to make the future generation’s believe that the war was fought not because of slavery but the states’ rights. A few historians even came out and defended the inhumane act of...
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...Civil War and Slavery January 30, 2011 HIS 325: African American History Civil War and Slavery The decade of 1850s was a very fateful and turbulent time in the US history. This is when the seeds of the US Civil War began due to the North and the South disagreeing on the status of the slaves and the idea of slavery. The South had many plantations that were run by the slaves and the North was in favor of abolishing slavery. The South knew that if slavery was abolished, they would stand to lose a lot as they would have to pay their farmers instead of them being their slaves. The North was more industrialized and it really did not have much need for slaves and slavery. It is perhaps most interesting to note that slavery had a very direct relation with the Civil War as one of the root causes for the start of the war was because of slavery. Slavery was introduced in the America during the early colonial times and the American Revolution had established that all men should be equal. There was a lot of debate amongst the Americans and the North and the South came across a rift when it came to the ideas regarding slavery. The South had more plantations and needed more workers and this is why they favored slavery. The North had different ideas and they wanted the freedom of the slaves. This caused a rift and was the cause of the Civil War between the North and the South. The South really needed the slaves to work on...
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...The civil war and the inception of the US constitution played a critical and pivotal role in the reconstruction of the modern US society. From these events, it was possible for the United States to become a single state and a unified nation, which finally ended slavery and thus expanded the applicable ideals that led to the declaration of independence. Historians argue that the civil war remains to be a critical event in the United States history; this is because this war was able to end the animosity caused by the inevitable climax of conflicts and sectional tensions. This paper will discuss the evolution of the modern US society from the inception of the constitution through the civil war and reconstruction. United States constitution remains to be the oldest constitution in the world and since its inception in 1787; it has played a critical role in the development of the modern US society (Sammis, 1997). Historians argue that the United States constitution has helped in providing a remarkable degree of political stability in the US, a country known for its social diversity. According to law experts, since the inception of the US constitution it has been possible to silence matters that seem to be sensitive in regards to the modern way of living. Moreover, the US constitution enabled the sanctions of the slavery, which remained to be the cause of the animosity before the civil war. On the other hand, before the US civil war, the then US President Abraham Lincoln had began...
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