...Abstract This research proposal seeks to establish to recognize and understand the contributing factors to delinquency in adolescent .It’s intentions is for the criminal justice system to help with possible intervention of young juveniles before they proceed or graduate into the criminal justice system. The research proposal narrows its focus on the three major specific issues, which are neighbourhood disadvantage, lack of monitoring in adolescents and childhood maltreatment. In order to prevent the start of delinquency, one has to understand the causes of delinquency. Therefore, this research will seek to explain the causes of delinquency and methods used to eliminate such causes that would result into better community services and awareness. Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a tenacious and prevalent social problem in American communities (Thompson, 2005). Therefore as part of the society, we should seek ways and methods that can assist in intervention of prevention of juvenile delinquency. The community must identify what and at which stage of juvenile life causes the beginning of the criminal lifestyle that would result in young offenders advancing into the justice system, which will be forever labelled in their lives. The significance of this study is to develop understanding to the prevention in accordance with the factors that cause the onset of juvenile delinquency. This is important in our youth mentoring programs, public agencies and criminal justice research in improvement...
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...Causes of Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Justice Causes of Juvenile Delinquency The causes of juvenile delinquency are many. Some experts would say that juvenile delinquency has its roots in a biological cause. Other experts will assert that the cause is of an environmental nature. In this research paper, the author will examine both theories and present both supporting and contradicting evidence for both theories. However, before he can begin, the author must give a brief history of the juvenile justice system in the United States and how that system has handled juvenile delinquency thus far. In the days of old, juvenile justice was an unheard of concept. Most nations did not make a distinction between a juvenile and an adult (Bartollas & Miller, 2011). The court systems of early nations simply held the belief that an offender needed to be punished for a crime the same way no matter what the age of the offender. This led to children being punished in the same manner as adults. Early court systems did not recognize that juvenile offenders had different needs and motives than adults (Bartollas & Miller, 2011). It is fair to say that this fact is erroneous in every aspect. This tradition continued into the mid-1800s. In England, for example, “some 160-200 capital offenses were listed in the statutes for which children could be executed.” (Bartollas & Miller, 2011, p. 5). This is an amazing statistic. Knowing that young children could be executed sheds...
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...Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Mary-Katherine Guzofski Liberty University Abstract An adolescent who engages in delinquent behavior is it a high risk of drug use and addiction, quitting school before graduation, future incarceration, and continued criminal behavior lasting into adulthood. Early intervention and prevention methods can divert juveniles from many of the adverse consequences that result from delinquency. Intervention is best done by parents in the home as they are the closest to the adolescent on a daily basis. Quality time and open communication are essential factures in the intervention and prevention of juvenile delinquency. Prevention stems from activities such as positive and interactive school attendance, and community involvement with a faith based church group. All of these methods are keys to prevent or minimize delinquent behavior. . Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency A large number of inmates in adult facilities have been living a delinquent / criminal lifestyle since they were juveniles, therefore it is safe to say that focusing on prevention will produce an overall reduction in crime. Juvenile delinquency is on the rise and this is cause for concern. More serious crimes are being committed by adolescents, and the younger they start the more likely they are to continue their involvement in crime. Whether a juvenile’s delinquent behavior actually begins in childhood, or is a characteristic that develops later on in the teenaged years...
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...Contents Page No. * Introduction 02 * Objectives 03 * Methodology 03 * Description of Juvenile delinquency 03 * Causes of Juvenile delinquency in Bangladesh 06 * Prevention of Juvenile delinquency in Bangladesh 13 * Conclusion 17 * References 19 * Introduction: Juvenile delinquency is one of the most prominent problems today throughout the world especially in developing countries as Bangladesh. It is seems that traditional patterns of guiding the relationships and transition between family, school and work are being challenged. Social relations that ensure a smooth process of socialization are collapsing and lifestyle is becoming more dynamic and less predictable. The reformation of the labour market, the extension of the maturity gap and the limited opportunities to become an independent adult are all changes influencing relationships with family and friends. Also, educational opportunities and choices, labour market participation, leisure activities and lifestyles often create hindrance in the way of developing adolescence normal behaviour. There are some new pressures that influence on young people while undergoing the transition from childhood to independence. The factors which create a bridge with the way of getting delinquent in Bangladesh are rapid population growth, the unavailability of housing and support services, poverty, unemployment and underemployment among youth, the...
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...Social Studies Name of Candidate: Jada James School: St. James Government Secondary School Center Number: 160064 Candidate Number: Date: Teacher: Ms. Boxill Social Studies- School Base Assessment 2016-Juvenile Delinquency Acknowledgement I wish to give the most heartfelt thank you to God, family, friends and the participants for the support given during this endeavor. It is with gratitude that I also acknowledge the hard- work and efforts of my teacher Ms.Boxill who paved a way for me with her willingness to assist me in checking and verifying this assessment. Table of contents Mission StatemenT What are the causes and effects of Juvenile Delinquency in my community and what can be done to solve this problem? Reasons for Selecting Area of Research Four reasons for me selecting this topic are:- * I have observed children in my community engaging in negative activities. * To investigate the cause of Juvenile Delinquency * I want to assist people who are involved in this social issue * It seeks my interest and I want to go in depth with the topic Method of investigation The method of investigation used for this assessment was printed questionnaires. It was chosen because I acquired vital information within a short period of time and had easy data analysis; through the structured questions. There are advantages as well as disadvantages associated with the selection of doing...
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...Introduction Juvenile crime affects everyone in society; the perpetrators, witnesses and targets of the crime. Cases of delinquency have been decreasing but they are still too high (Saminsky, 2010 p.1). Juvenile Blueprint Programs aim at promoting the emotional wellbeing, behavior, physical health and education of the youth. There are a variety of blueprint programs for child delinquency some are involved in reforming the delinquent after the crime has taken place and others before. The most effective juvenile blueprint programs are those that prevent the occurrence of child delinquency (Saminsky, 2010 p.2). The following essay talks about the Prevention and early intervention for young offenders. Early intervention to potential juvenile offenders prevents the onset of criminal behaviors as an adult, prevents young lives from being wasted and minimizes the burden of crime on the people of society. Prosecution and reform programs for juvenile offenders cost the taxpayers a lot of money (Saminsky, 2010 p.1). Community based intervention program. Children at Risk (CAR) intervention program which changed its name to Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse Striving Together to Achieving Rewarding Tomorrows (CASASTART) is a community based intervention program (Siegel & Welsh, 2011 p.462). The program was established to assist children with a high risk of delinquency, behavioral problems, substance abuse and gang involvement. The program was administered to children in poor neighborhoods...
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...Juvenile Delinquency and Recidivism TaShara Smith A00338366 Master of Science in Criminal Justice General Walden University August 20, 2012 Criminal justice is a broad category; there are many issues within criminal justice that can definitely use adjustments just as with any other subject in society. The increasing amount of crime in the United States has become unbearable for those who are living within the country. Juvenile delinquency and juvenile recidivism is at an all-time high; there is a vast amount of society that participates in juvenile crime prevention while others pretend like it is not their job. In order for anything to be successful everyone involved must put forth a joint effort. This paper will focus on a targeted population of juveniles African Americans and those of low economic status along with delinquency and recidivism, who commits juvenile crimes, why do juveniles reoffend. Juvenile delinquency is of great importance; and juvenile recidivism is even more important everyone should take the time to participate in some way in order to prevent it. Often time’s society questions why there is so much juvenile crime and recidivism that exist, but reality is until everyone works as a team instead of in separation juvenile crime and recidivism will stand just as it did the first day it started. The best research methods to use to retrieve credible and somewhat accurate information would definitely have to be both quantitative and qualitative research...
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...Juvenile delinquency is a rapidly growing problem in both the developing and developed countries. In Kenya, the incidences of juvenile delinquency have increased in the resent years and thus it has prompted the research studies on juveniles and crime. Juvenile delinquency is a type of offences committed by young people. The major offences committed by juveniles include vandalism, auto-theft, vagrancy, truancy and incorrigibility. The prevalence of juvenile delinquency has fostered by high living standard in the country, media and technology, availability and misuse of drugs, poor parental skills and broken-homes. However, most cases of juvenile delinquency are never reported, thus making it impossible to arrive at an accurate assessment of the number of children who engage in delinquency. In the 1960s in the United States of America, Gottrieb and Ramsey (1964) observed that only about third of adolescents apprehended by the police for offences considered delinquent were ever taken to police station or juvenile court. Usually, published figures underestimate the real incidences(Snooks, 1980). Therefore, this research proposal tries to study both the overlooked cases and addressed cases of juvenile delinquency in order to understand the risk factors and come up with more accurate figures that will help the CJS and rehabilitative centers come up with effective preventive measures.. This research proposal seeks to explore the different root causes of delinquency in Kericho...
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...LESM A204 Unit 2 Criminology for the security manager 159 Course team Developer: Dr Daniel Gilling, University of Plymouth (Unit 2) Designer: Louise Aylward, OUHK Coordinator: Dr Raymond W K Lau, OUHK Members: Dr Czeslaw Tubilewicz, OUHK Dr Garland Liu, OUHK External Course Assessor Dr Dennis S W Wong, City University of Hong Kong Production ETPU Publishing Team Copyright © The Open University of Hong Kong, 2001, 2011. Reprinted 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form by any means without permission in writing from the President, The Open University of Hong Kong. Sale of this material is prohibited. The Open University of Hong Kong Ho Man Tin, Kowloon Hong Kong This course material is printed on environmentally friendly paper. Contents Introduction 1 The focus of criminology 4 What is criminology? Why study crime? 4 6 Developing theory: the foundations of criminology 8 Theorizing about crime before criminology: the classical perspective Positivist criminology 8 10 Sociological criminology The Chicago School Strain and subcultural theories of crime Control theories The labelling perspective Critical criminology 14 15 17 21 23 27 Environmental criminology 30 Jane Jacobs and Oscar Newman Routine activity theory Rational choice theory 30 33 35 Summary 39 References 41 Feedback on activities 43 ...
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...Chapter 7. DELINQUENCY Juvenile among young people, as they negotiate the transition from childhood to adulthood in an increasingly complex and confusing world, is the issue that this chapter first examines. Some basic assumptions relating to delinquent behaviour are presented, followed by a description of the various factors underlying or contributing to this phenomenon. Some regional variations are highlighted. Effective approaches and measures for preventing juvenile delinquency are detailed, with particular attention given to the development of educational, professional development and community programmes, improvements in family relations and parenting skills, and the value of restorative justice for both perpetrators and victims. The chapter concludes with a summary and recommendations for future action. Delinquent and criminal behaviour For many young people today, traditional patterns guiding the relationships and transitions between family, school and work are being challenged. Social relations that ensure a smooth process of socialization are collapsing; lifestyle trajectories are becoming more varied and less predictable. The restructuring of the labour market, the extension of the maturity gap (the period of dependence of young adults on the family) and, arguably, the more limited opportunities to become an independent adult are all changes influencing relationships with family and friends, educational opportunities and choices, labour market participation...
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...Chapter 7. DELINQUENCY Juvenile among young people, as they negotiate the transition from childhood to adulthood in an increasingly complex and confusing world, is the issue that this chapter first examines. Some basic assumptions relating to delinquent behaviour are presented, followed by a description of the various factors underlying or contributing to this phenomenon. Some regional variations are highlighted. Effective approaches and measures for preventing juvenile delinquency are detailed, with particular attention given to the development of educational, professional development and community programmes, improvements in family relations and parenting skills, and the value of restorative justice for both perpetrators and victims. The chapter concludes with a summary and recommendations for future action. Delinquent and criminal behaviour For many young people today, traditional patterns guiding the relationships and transitions between family, school and work are being challenged. Social relations that ensure a smooth process of socialization are collapsing; lifestyle trajectories are becoming more varied and less predictable. The restructuring of the labour market, the extension of the maturity gap (the period of dependence of young adults on the family) and, arguably, the more limited opportunities to become an independent adult are all changes influencing relationships with family and friends, educational opportunities and choices, labour market participation, leisure...
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...follows. The juvenile justice system primarily focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment for youthful offenders. Society appears to concentrate that children are more capable of change than adult offenders more capable of knowing right from wrong ("Cornell University Law School," nod.). The statutes creating the juvenile court systems and methods of allocating with juvenile delinquency are run by courts as a suitable extension of state police power to warrant the safety and welfare of children in the system. The doctrine of parent’s patria allows the state to promulgate for the safeguard, care, custody, and upkeep of children within its jurisdiction. In 1968 the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act was put into effect, and in 1972 it was put into revision as the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act. This act set forth to assist states in dealing with juvenile delinquent acts and assist communities to prevent delinquency by providing services to the community and youths in high risk of subduing to criminal activity ("Cornell University Law School," nod.). The Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act describes juvenile delinquency as an act that is a criminal but is set forth by a youth under 18 years of age. It applies rules that state laws...
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...chapter has pointed out how complex, and how deeply set, some of the motivations towards juvenile delinquency can be. Since a child does not become delinquent on the spur of the moment but as the result of a long and intricate series of reactions, any realistic plan to help that child will not be an easy one. Any person, or any community, who hopes to change a specific delinquency problem must accept the fact that it is a long and thoughtful process, often one of discouragement and delay. It is expensive in terms of money, time and effort. It need hardly be pointed out, however, that the results of delinquency are twice as costly. From all our knowledge of delinquents and delinquency, there is no reassuring evidence of a formula or recipe for prevention. What emerges clearly, from many studies and reports and surveys, is that delinquent behaviour must be the concern of the entire community, not just dismissed as a problem to be handled by local schools, churches, police courts or professional agencies. It should be recognized as their problem by the citizens of a community even when their own children are not remotely involved. But in many big cities in the world, the very word community is a mockery and without true meaning. Most urban centres are not communities in any real sense of the word. Therefore, in just such an instance, a beginning must be made at the very level where delinquency occurs-on the block, in a neighbourhood, in a district. The very lack of a community, a word...
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...school property. In earlier decades, school violence merely involved delinquency and the occasional fight. However, school violence has become a problem which has plagued the nation for the past several years. There has been an increase in the amount and the degree of violence. Students are now bringing guns, knives, and other weapons to school, and many are using them to hurt and kill. With incidents such as the shooting rampage in Littleton, Colorado, the public has become increasingly concerned with ways of predicting and reducing violence in the schools. The problem is how to reduce the amount of violence in America’s schools. The purpose of this study is to investigate the major factors of school violence, the effects of school violence, and the methods of prevention. The questions that this study attempts to answer are the causes and signs of school violence, the effects on the academic community, and methods of prevention. It is hypothesized that school violence will be caused by exposure to violence in the media. It is also hypothesized that school violence will have detrimental effects on the academic community. Finally it is hypothesized that increased security will reduce violence. Causes and Signs of Violence in Children In order to reduce and eventually eliminate school violence in our nation, we must first understand the causes and signs that lead to violence. If we can understand the causes, we can perhaps eliminate these factors from the lives of children. Similarly...
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...l Race and Juvenile Delinquency by Dubien Tshimanga SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY CAPSTONE PRINCIPIA COLLEGE APRIL 2015 ABSTRACT Throughout history, the struggle of minorities has been seen in many facets of life such as in history, literature, music and film: Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi fought for the right of unrepresented minorities. Books such as Too Kill a Mocking Bird spoke to the prejudices of a community. Movies such as Roots illustrated the hardship of the slaves. From the Roman’s persecution of Christians to today’s rap song lyrics about economic disparities the plight of the minority has been fought for millennium. This research examines the struggle of minorities within the juvenile justice system and the differential rates of adjudication and length of sentencing between the white majority and the black minority juvenile offenders. During the course of this research, additional insights were gained from an internship at a youth correctional center as well as drawing on my own personal experience as a refugee from Gabon. The findings of my research demonstrate that minority offenders do receive harsher sentences than the whites, and that there are several factors contributing to higher rates of juvenile delinquency among African Americans; primarily education and community. To consider the struggle of minorities is important because it creates awareness that the maltreatment of a minority group by the dominant majority often...
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