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Cba Death Penalty Essay


Submitted By Swag55
Words 694
Pages 3
In the case of the death penalty, I am against it because I believe people are sometimes wrongly convicted for crimes and they might have to pay for a crime they didn’t commit with their life. Another reason why I am against the death penalty is because in my opinion, I think that there is no greater punishment than holding the individual that committed a heinous crime to spend the rest of their life having to live with what they did.
The death penalty violates the 8th amendment on cruel and unusual punishments because the government is taking away someone's life for an action they did when all they might need is some psychological help. The government should apply some sort of action to try and help kids at a young age to see if they have any differences from the other kids. Another way to try and discourage people away from killing is to stop advertising killing like it's fun like on video games, since the kids who are playing it are the future of our country and all those games show is people killing each other to be at the top of the leaderboard.
According to a study on, it lists many reasons why the death penalty should be gone. One reason is, the death penalty is applied at random, from the 15,000 homicides that are committed a year, only 120 get the death penalty. So it hardly used. Also it showed that your race could play a huge part in how your sentencing could go, if you’re a minority your sentencing could be worse than a white person for example. Another reason is that it costs taxpayers a lot of money, for example 4 billion was allocated towards capital punishment
In the case of Gregg vs Georgia, i disagree with the ruling that the death penalty does not violate the 8th amendment. Taking someone’s life no matter what the reason is a cruel and unusual punishment because somebody's life is ended because of an action. In my opinion, it is wrong to end someone's life, they should end up in jail serving the rest of their life having to live with the thought on their mind of the reason why they're in there.
The 8th amendment bans cruel and unusual punishments and in my opinion, the death penalty violates that amendment. It’s not fair to take away someone's life for committing a crime since people can change except for some extreme cases. Although i do think that less murders might happen if the punishment for murdering a person will be the death penalty but that just shouldn’t happen because then our country would be going back to the times when our country barely settled. We should be taking steps forward instead of taking steps back and reverting back to how we were before.
I can see that it will seek the revenge the victim's family might want. Another thing I can see why people might agree with the death penalty is because it might seem fair like the old term of eye for an eye, if somebody kills somebody then they should be killed too. Lastly, there might be some crazy people that don’t even deserve to live with the crimes they've committed.
Although everything i said might make sense but for one, if the family of the victims needs that much closure that they need to convicted to be killed for their actions then every single person that would be convicted of a crime would be ordered to the death penalty. Also, the eye for an eye saying was really a long time ago, that was centuries ago so how are we going to go back and rely on ways that we developed when we weren’t highly developed people yet. Another thing is, for people that might be crazy, they could get help and change. Some might not even have control over their actions, so it wouldn’t be fair to kill someone for being in a different state of mind.

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