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Ccou 201 Compare and Contrast Paper


Submitted By jsue1955
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The Hebrew Bible is divided into 3 sections Law, Prophets and the Writings of Wisdom. The Jewish canon has 66 books; there are 39 books from the Old Testament originally in Hebrew and some written in Aramaic. [1]The New Testament has 27 books, the 12 Minor Prophets are counted as one book, and the Apocrypha word that comes from the Greek word meaning hidden or concealed were not included in the Hebrew Bible. The Catholics considered these writings and canonicals, and Orthodox Churches considered some as canon to a lesser degree. The heretical teachers from Asia Minor author of Roman Canon of sacred books did not believe that the New Testament books superseded the Old Testament others were omitted and did not recognize 10 Pauline Epistles but accepted 13 Epistles. [2] The Latin Greek word Kanon (kav’wv) defined as a measuring rod or index list centuries later the secondary word for the Church to recognize the Scripture of the Bible.
The disciples and the Jews used a Septuagint from Alexandria Egypt is the early Greek translation of the Old Testament dating to BC 250. In the 3rd Century BC included the deuteron canonical books. The New Testament books were not in existence until after 300 the death of Christ. The person known as Marcion tried to develop a New Testament Canon and it conclude the Gospel. His goal was to have the Jews reject their Jewish Heritage. The Council of Nicaea was very un-inspirational calling to order in 325 AD with Athanasius an Assistant Bishop who opposed and denounced the Trinity this caused a divide in the Churches in which a Nicene Creed was developed so that the doctrine of the Trinity could be introduced.
Irenaeus Bishop of Lyons AD 185 a theologian in opposition of Gnostics who believed that the Gospel was for all principal work. This being the Refutation of heresy’s a instruct believers. He was a defender of Orthodox Christianity and against Gnostic rivals. Gnostic were taught that Christ did not have a PAGE 2 material body and only believed what was fitting to them at that time [3] was very adamant that there were exactly 4 Gospels no more or no less. He claimed that the Acts of Apostles and the Gospel of Luke was the same author. All but two of the Bishops signed the creed and the canons. [4]
Tertullian (Septimius Tertullian’s) a schismatic and arranger of words was not adverse in Scriptures technical of stoicism to discuss the distinct formula of the doctoring incorporated in the Canon and considering the New Testament the sacred books as a divinely inspired record of God’s self-revelation to men. He argued that Jesus Christ our Lord is the divine authority and canonicity follows the Authority. [5]Paul wrote in 1 CORINTHIANS 14:37 If anyone thinks he is a prophet or a spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to are the Lord’s commandments, which means 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 All Scriptures is God breathed for the teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. So to translate that that all biblical, literal, poetical, letters composed hymnals are inspired by our Creator. [6]Tertullian recognized the canon of true perfection of all things in Christ. His longest dispute was with Marcion arguing the separation of the just God of the Old Testament from the good God who sent Jesus Christ.
However, written before or after Christ the Old Testament did speak about the Prophet or Messiah that was yet to come. The accuracy of the authors of the written word is a very controversial subject because only God knows who he ordained and chose to write the books of the Bible. We should not argue the Bible or take anything from it or add to Deuteronomy 4:2. Arguing the Bible is not being obedient to the word as being not only hearers of the word but doers of the word James 1:22. This means that all the were refuting and disputing the word were being disobedient to the commandments.


In conclusion we look for answers in the Bible using the foundation of scriptures which can only be inspired by God himself. Through Gods deity who concludes that His Son which is the word is still true and you can use the inerrant and the inspiration theory to agree or disagree with the canon in the Old and New Testament. [7] According to Rivera Chapter 4 page38 “But let’s remember what our goal is we want to live a life full of love for God, recognizing this as the first and greatest commandments. If then the Bible is the source of special revelation that God has set in place i.e.; The Canons, to convey truth to us about every circumstance of life, shouldn’t it be tremendous priority for us both as individuals and in our Churches”, to read it, get wisdom from it and in all things get understanding from it Proverbs 4:5.



Towns, Elmer C. Theology for Today 2008, 2002 Cengage Learning

Hastings, James Hastings Dictionary of The Bible Fifth printing March 2001

Elwell, Walter A. Evangelical Dictionary of Theology Second Edition 1984, 2001 by Baker House

Gonzalez , Justo L. The Story of Christianity, Volume 1 The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation

MLA”S 1. Valerio Fabbri and Michelangelo Tablet Pacifica Universita Della Sata Grace 2008

2. Who Gave us the New Testament by Fr A James Bernstein

3. Rankin, David. Tertullian and the Church. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

4. Henry Chadwick (1960). Faith and Order at the Council of Nicaea: a Note on the Background of the Sixth Canon. Harvard Theological Review, 53, pp 171-195. Doi:10.1017/S0017816000027000.

5. https/www.Biblegateway./New Testament/ KNJV NASB Copyright 1960-1995 by The Lockman Foundation New Testament KNIV

6. Bruce, Fredrick Fyvie, The Canon of Scripture Chapter House, 1988

7. Rivera, Ted F. The Heart of Love: Obeying God’s Two Great Commandments. Grand



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