Final Exam * Comprehensive and long * Minimum 3 hours…
Be careful of time management * Be able to recall things from memory right away - no time to reflect * Read through exam first - don't need to do the questions in order Useful Framework * Use the six quizzes * Handout: What are the critical defining characteristics of a project? * Characteristics: * Unique * Technically complex * Time-constrained, resource-constrained * Multiple stakeholders * Dynamic/uncertainty * Key skills required of a PM * Readings that tie in to the key required skills of a PM * Question: UNCERTAINTY - for sure * How do you bound the uncertainty? * How do you deal with the uncertainty? * Hints: * Competencies * Question: Stakeholders * Competencies - expressed through BEHAVIORS * Do you know the competencies at all three levels? * Know the names, the definition of the competency * When asked a question on competency, need to be able to explain the WHY * WHY is ALWAYS answered by the BEHAVIORS * It is not just about listing the behaviors, but talk about the behaviors of the managers in a way where you actually APPLY the behaviors to the situation * Behaviors help justify why you believe the competency is relevant to the problem * Memorize the competencies inside and out Readings * Triple Constraint, project - know what they are, how to talk about them but no questions on the background readings * Project Life Cycle - should know what it is * Refer to quiz * Definition, Planning, Implementation, Monitoring/Control, Wrap-Up * Nothing about Mission 2020 * Lessons for an Accidental Profession - IMPORTANT * Research that identified the twelve things