...PRICE (3 pages) Celcom use price penetration strategy and psychological pricing when it comes to gain large market share and customer base. Celcom often offers new product from year to year that it is crucial to play around with the figures to either trick or attract customer to win over their preferences when selecting Telco Company. “With high availability of internets across the Malaysian globes, a price penetration strategy is advisable to enhance customer’s usage, and introducing the service. On the other hand, they would use that opportunity to increase price on improved products. Celcom should also be sensitive to the price elasticity of its product and overall consumer demand.” (Celcom Official Website, 2009) Penetration pricing is commonly used by utilities, especially phone and cable or satellite services, although it is sometimes found in competitive gas and electricity markets as well. Many home phone, cellphone, cable and satellite providers offer a discounted rate for a period of time, such as your first six months of service, to get you to switch to their service. After your discount period has ended, the price increases significantly, but the company hopes you have become used to its service and won't go through the trouble to change to a different company. KUALA LUMPUR: Celcom Axiata Bhd aims to strengthen its market penetration in the middle to high-end customers segment in urban areas this year via a number of Internet-centric products it has been launching...
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...4. NURSARAH DIYANA BIN AZIZ 2015 5. SYAHIRA BIN SOBARI 2015 PREPARED FOR: MADAM ZUBAIDAH ZAIRUDIN CLASS: BM2403N INTRODUCTION Celcom (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, a Technology Resources Industries (TRI) Bhd company has been the leading mobile cellular operator in Malaysia for the past 10 years. Celcom's main business activity is to develop and market Mobile Services such as Celcom GSM and ART 900 and Fixed Services such as Direct Connect, Leased Lines, Equal Access and Virtual Private network (VPN). Within Celcom's short history in the telecommunications business, it has ventured into value-added services, the latest being multimedia. Celcom Axiata Berhad provides mobile communication services for customers in Malaysia. It offers voice, mobile broadband and email, roaming, and IDD services, as well as telemetry and fixed wireless desk phone solutions. The company also provides a unified messaging service that allows users to view a fax message via Web; and AirCash services, which provide instant access to money via client’s mobile phone. Celcom Axiata Berhad was formerly known as Celcom (Malaysia) Berhad and changed its name in December 2009. The company was founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Celcom Axiata Berhad operates as a subsidiary of Axiata Group Berhad. Celcom is Malaysia’s premier and most experienced mobile telecommunications company with the widest coverage in the nation. It provides both prepaid and postpaid mobile...
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...RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SUSTAINING CELCOM’S HIGH PERFORMANCE MOMENTUM KUALA LUMPUR, 1 JUNE 2011 – Celcom Axiata Berhad, the first and foremost mobile telecommunications provider in the country, began the next phase in its transformation journey towards becoming the leading telecommunications provider in Malaysia, with the announcement of several new key officers and functional divisions. This phase will align Celcom with current and future market evolution, and help sustain the record-breaking quarterly growth that Celcom has experienced over the last 5 years. The company will now be more strongly aligned in delivering customer focus and differentiation, human capital and talent management, and organisational development. “In our vibrant industry, the only constant, is change. Technology and user behaviour is evolving at a tremendous pace, and to maintain our 20 consecutive quarters of growth, we must anticipate and evolve just as rapidly,” said Dato’ Sri Shazalli Ramly, Chief Executive Officer, Celcom Axiata Berhad. “We have come a long way but our transformation is an ongoing process, and this next phase will see Celcom improve our effectiveness in delivering what customers want, when and where they want it,” he added. This next phase will focus on three core areas: 1. Customer Focus and Differentiation – Given the maturing market environment, Celcom’s overall strategy will focus on more sophisticated consumer segment management, new products and services beyond mobile voice...
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...Competing Sellers 6 5.2 Competitive Pressure Associated with the Threat of New Entrant 7 5.3 Competitive Pressures Coming from the Sellers of Substitute Product 8 5.4 Competitive Pressures Stemming from Supplier Bargaining Power 9 5.5 Competitive Pressures Stemming from Buyer Bargaining Power and Price Sensitivity 10 6.0 Value Chain Analysis 12 6.1 Primary Activities and Costs 13 6.2 Support Activities and Costs 15 7.0 Financial Analysis (Group account) 18 8.0 Celcom Axiata SWOT (TOWS) 20 8.1 Weakness and Threat 21 8.2 Weakness and Opportunity 22 8.3 Strength and Threat 23 8.4 Strength and Opportunity 24 9.0 Conclusion 26 10.0 References 27 11.0 Appendix 32 1.0 Executive summary We select Axiata Berhad as our research assignment and we focusing in Celcom Axiata Malaysia. In this assignment we will discuss on company introduction, internal and external factors and company strategy. The discussion is about company strategy that had been implemented, the benefit of the strategy and negative impact to the company. For internal and external, we use macro-environment or PESTAL analysis, porter five forces model of competition, value chain analysis and financial ratio to evaluate and form SWOT analysis. Through all the model or analysis, we gain more understanding about the company situation and provide our own recommendation based on all the analysis. As conclusion, we provide suitable recommendation in order for the company to sustain its market...
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...PRICING Price is the amount of money need to pay for using a goods or service, or the sum of the values that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the goods or service. Price is the major factor affecting buyer choice and still remains one of the most important elements determining firm’s market share and profitability. OBJECTIVES Pricing objectives can be classified into four major group: profitability objectives, volume objectives, meeting competition objectives, and prestige objectives. DiGi company objective is meeting competition objectives because DiGi have to set prices to match industry leaders such as celcom or maxis. DiGi focus on competition in services. DiGi also using value pricing strategy to emphasizing benefits a product provides in comparison to the price and quality levels of competing offerings. STRATEGY The alternatives pricing strategy are skimming pricing strategy, penetration pricing strategy, and competitive pricing strategy. DiGi using competitive pricing strategies. Competitive pricing means pricing that design to deemphasize price as a competitive variable by pricing a goods or services at the general level of comparable offerings. DiGi use this techniques to entice customers purchase services from them. DiGi try to reduce the emphasis on price competition by matching other firms’ prices and concentrating their own marketing efforts on the product, distribution, and promotion elements of the marketing mix. POLICY Pricing policies...
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...SWOT Analysis 1.5.5 Strengths 1.5.6 Weakness 1.5.7 Opportunities 1.5.8 Treats 3. Market Segmentation 1 2.5 Primary Segmentation 2.6.9 Demographic Segmentation 2.6.10 Behavior of customer segmentation 2.6.11 Physiographic segmentation 2.6.12 Geographical segmentation 2.6 Secondary Segmentation 2.7.13 Customer Migration Segmentation. 4. Marketing Strategies 2 3.7 Ansoff Matrix 3.8 Boston Matrix 3.9.14 Problem Child 3.9.15 Star 3.9.16 Cash Cow 3.9.17 Dog 5. Marketing Mix 3 4.9 7P’s Analysis 4.10.18 Product 4.10.19 Pricing 4.10.20 Distribution 4.10.21 Promotion 4.10.22 People 4.10.23 Process 4.10.24 Place 4.10 SOSTAC 4.11.25 Situation 4.11.26 Objectives 4.11.27 Strategy 4.11.28 Tactics 4.11.29 Action 4.11 Positioning: 6. Total experience 4 5.12 Customer Perspective 5.13 Internal Perspective 5.14 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 7. References 1. Executive Summary REDTONE Telecommunication Sdn Bhd was initially known as VMS technology Sdn Bhd(1996) was wholy owned by Redtone International Berhad. In 2004 Redtone was listed in Bursa Malaysia (KLSE). This is an investment...
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...1. Introduction The telecommunications sector in Malaysia has undergone significant physical and structural transformation in the past fifteen years. Between 1985 and 2000, the country’s telephone penetration rate rose by 540 per cent. Equally importantly, privatization and liberalization of the sector in the 1980s ushered in an era of regulatory reforms and competition in the sector. The market structure as well as the regulatory framework and institutions for the telecommunications sector continue to evolve. The real challenge lies in what to do after that – putting in place adequate regulatory framework and institutions that will ensure industry growth as well as protect consumer welfare. The on-going micro-regulatory reforms in the sector seek to fine-tune the regulatory mechanisms in the sector. This paper reviews the recent history and development of the telecommunications sector in Malaysia. Section 2 provides a brief historical account of the sector and the current structure of the sector. This is followed by a discussion on regulatory reforms in Section 3. Section 4 examines the impact of reforms in the telecommunications sector. Section 5 concludes by discussing the future policy agenda for the sector. 2. EVOLUTION OF INDUSTRY STRUCTURE 2.1. Physical Expansion The infrastructure sector plays a key role in Malaysia’s economic growth and development. The sector’s share of development expenditure in the various five-years plans implemented...
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...Financial Statements 138 Group's Held Properties 144 Statistics On Shareholding 218 Notice of Annual General Meeting 227 Statement Accompanying Notice Of Annual General Meering 231 Form of Proxy 76 Struktur Kumpulan 151 Laporan Para Pengarah 154 Penyata Para Pengarah 154 Akuan Berkanun 155 Laporan Juruaudit 156 Penyata Pendapatan 157 Lembaran Imbangan 158 Penyata Perubahan Dalam Ekuiti Disatukan 159 Penyata Peruabahan Dalam Ekuiti 160 Penyata Aliran Tunai 162 Nota-nota Kepada Penyata Kewangan 208 Hartanah Kumpulan 214 Statistik Pegangan Saham 218 Notis Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan 227 Penyata Mengiringi Notis Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan 232 Borang Proksi …to become the finest enterprise in the country [2] LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2002 ANNUAL REPORT Celcom (Malaysia) Berhad (167469-A) CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE...
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...Annual Report 2010 Axiata Group Berhad Axiata Centre 9 Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (242188-H) Website: www.axiata.com This publication has been printed on recycled material. principled collaborative optimistic excellence local relevance innovation uncompromising affordable connectivity innovative technology developing world class talent Our goal is to advance Asia via telecommunications and technology. The road ahead is exciting and full of possibilities. In the years to come, we at Axiata, hope to explore new frontiers of communications and to get more people connected across Asia and beyond. To move ahead towards a better, brighter future. Axiata Group Berhad (242188-H) Corporate inForMation BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Non-Independent Non-Executive Director tan sri dato’ aZMan HJ. MoKHtar Managing Director/President & Group Chief Executive Officer Independent Non-Executive Director JUan VillalonGa naVarro Independent Non-Executive Director dato’ sri JaMalUdin iBraHiM Independent Non-Executive Director daVid laU nai peK Independent Non-Executive Director tan sri GHaZZali sHeiKH aBdUl KHalid Senior Independent Non-Executive Director MUHaMad CHatiB Basri Non-Independent Non-Executive Director datUK aZZat KaMalUdin dr. Farid MoHaMed sani GROUP COMPANY SECRETARY AUDITORS sUrYani HUssein ls0009277 REGISTERED OFFICE Level 5, Axiata Centre...
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...Metropolitan International University Lecturer: Dr. Sayed Kadir Prepared by: Asadullah Escandari Student ID #: 0192VMNVMN1014 (MBA) Date of Submission: April 16, 2015 MBA-II Semester Assignment (Strategic Management) Strategic Analysis of Maxis An Extensive study of Maxis strategies Strategic Analysis of Maxis An Extensive study of Maxis strategies Contents Table of Figures 2 Executive Summary 2 1. Introduction – About Maxis 3 2. Task 1- 3 2.1. Company Profile 3 2.2. Strategic Alliance of Maxis 4 2.2.1. Select Partners of Maxis 4 2.2.2. Allies of maxis 4 2.3. Select Partners 5 2.3.1. System Integrators 5 2.3.2. Application Solution Providers 5 2.3.3. Content Providers 5 Allies of Maxis 5 Consulting Partners 5 Technological Partners 5 Hardware Partners 6 2.4. Maxis’ Authorized Distributors 6 2.5. Strategic Partners of Maxis 7 2.6. Alliances of Maxis: 8 2.7. Internationalization Model in Maxis 9 3. Task 2: 11 3.1. MISSION 11 3.2. VISION 11 3.3. VALUES 11 3.3.1. SIMPLE 11 3.3.2. TRUST 12 3.3.3. CREATIVE 12 3.3.4. BRAVE 12 3.4. Maxis Demand Scale 12 Market share 14 3.5. Maxis strategy for Product Differentiation 16 4. Task 3 18 4.1. Maxis Failed Strategic alliance with DRM 18 5. Conclusion 20 Bibliography 21 Table of Figures Figure 1 Maxis partners 7 Figure 2 Maxis Alliances 8 Figure 3 Entry Modes of Classifications 9 Figure 4 Price Elasticity Charts...
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...| TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT Course Code | BBM501/03 | Course Title | Economic Environment of Business | Student Name | Yong Shio Ping, Alene | Student ID No. | 041110362 | Student IC No. | 780205-14-6346 | Name Of Tutor | Pn Malar Arasi A/P Sundaram | Class Code | 4ENV1 | TMA No. | 1 | TMA Submission Date | September 5, 2011 | PART A (Case Scenario) (a) Elaborate on the causes of sugar price hike as discussed in the article above. [8 marks] The article as reported by Andrew Clark indicates that the main cause of the sugar price increase in the global commodity market occurred due to a simultaneous drop in the overall supply of sugar by the world’s largest sugar producer, Brazil, alongside a change in the supply and demand of the world’s largest consumer of sugar, India. In the case of Brazil, the world’s largest sugar producer, the drop in the supply of sugar occurred due to a period of heavy rain, as well as the decision to channel a large portion of sugarcane, an input into the production of sugar, into another industry, ethanol fuel production, hence significantly reducing the availability of this input to sugar production. Figure 1.1 below illustrates S1 as the original supply curve of sugar, and S2 as the new supply curve of sugar which has shifted to the Left. This shift to the left is caused by a decrease in sugarcane supply, an important input to sugar production. The effect is an increase in the Price of sugar due to a decrease in the quantity...
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...of 14 weeks 7 Lecturer and Tutor: Lecturer / Tutor Mr. Neerjang Lama (Faculty of Business & Finance) neerjang@utar.edu.my Dr Falahat Nejadmahani Mohammad (Faculty of Accountancy & Management) falahat@utar.edu.my 3 Year of Study: 4 5 6 Year and Trimester: Credit Hour Lecture hours & tutorial hours 8 9 Mode of Delivery: Moderator Lecture & Tutorial Dr Gengeswari a/p Krishnapillai - Assistant Professor gengeswarik@utar.edu.my 10 Objective: The objectives of this unit are: To provide a theoretical framework for analyzing global marketing strategies and orientations. To examine the relationship between global marketing environments and global marketing strategies. To examine the concept of global marketing research and its impact to the global marketing. To import the knowledge of various entry modes into a foreign market place. To highlight various marketing mix strategies applicable to global marketing. 11 Learning Outcome: On completion of this unit, a student shall be able to: Identify different levels of global marketing orientation and its respective implications in the global marketing practices. Demonstrate different forces that will influence the survival of the corporations in global marketing. Elaborate different modes of entry into a foreign market and the necessary -1- Unit Plan UBTI2013 Global Marketing January, 2014 ...
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...CHAIRMAN’S NOTE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MODULE 1: ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE INDUSTRY Malaysian Economic Performance – Overview for the Year 2012 3 6 11 13 C&M Industry Performance – Overview 2012 Global and Malaysian GDP Growth Communications Services Contribution to Growth Bursa Malaysia ACE Market – An Overview of Licensees C&M Industry Financial Performance Overview Telecommunications Companies Broadcasters Trends of C&M Companies Financial Performance Digital Signature C&M Revenue by Services Market Segment ARPU Comparison Contribution of the C&M Industry to Bursa ...
Words: 31483 - Pages: 126
...1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY These business plans outlines the strategy for sales of enterprise software planning solutions to optimum the usage of mobile phone and provide the convenient system to our user. Polaris Private Limited (PPL) will act as the software developer to enhance the usage of mobile phone. We expect a high degree of profitability based on our plan to key in on businesses that have already expressed the need for such services and products to the software manufacturer. Our management expertise in dealing with corporate decision makers and our reputation will be the cornerstone of our success and be a funded that we needed to develop our system. . M&M PHONE in Polaris Private Limited. It is a local company with 100% Bumiputera status. It begins with new introducing and promoting the well-known concept of smart and high tech system that provides services towards customer and makes their daily life more effective and easy regarding using their mobile phone. We got the idea from e-wallet and we tend to expend the idea and come up with M&M phone and create a new environment of life which is modern and easy life in one pocket. With M&M PHONE user can make use their mobile phone as maximum they can. Our system was first conceived as a method of storing various forms of electronic money (e-cash), but with little popularity of such e-cash services, the M&M PHONE has evolved into a service that provides internet users with a convenient way to store and use online...
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...UNIT 1 i Introduction to operations management Unit 1 BLC 301/05 Operations Management Introduction to Operations Management ii WAWASAN OPEN UNIVERSITY BLC 301/05 Operations Management COURSE TEAM Course Team Coordinator: Ms. Loo Saw Khuan Content Writer: Dr. Quah Hock Soon Instructional Designer: Ms. Koh Kah Ling Academic Members: Dr. Chuah Poh Lean and Mr. Chong Fook Suan COURSE COORDINATOR Ms. Loo Saw Khuan EXTERNAL COURSE ASSESSOR Associate Professor Dr. Lim Kong Teong, Universiti Utara Malaysia PRODUCTION Editor: Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. In-house Editor: Ms. Koh Kah Ling Graphic Designer: Ms. Audrey Yeong Wawasan Open University is Malaysia’s first private not-for-profit tertiary institution dedicated to adult learners. It is funded by the Wawasan Education Foundation, a tax-exempt entity established by the Malaysian People’s Movement Party (Gerakan) and supported by the Yeap Chor Ee Charitable and Endowment Trusts, other charities, corporations, members of the public and occasional grants from the Government of Malaysia. The course material development of the university is funded by Yeap Chor Ee Charitable and Endowment Trusts. © 2008 Wawasan Open University First revision 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from...
Words: 16361 - Pages: 66