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Celiac Disease Case Study Essay

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Well done, Tamra. I choose your case study because I did understand that there is a condition where gluten is indigestible for many people but I didn't know the actual name of the disease. While reading through the case studies, Celiac disease just sounded like it pertained to the gastrointestinal tract because I had it confused with Colic, which is along the lines of intestinal obstruction or abdominal pain due to intestinal gas, mainly in infants. The pathophysiology of a disease is often a little difficult to write in a way that all reader can comprehend in one go. I was a little confused with how exactly gluten intolerance begins and whether or not does lupus in the family predispose Rhonda to celiacs disease specifically. After researching about genetic predisposition, I feel like I learned too much because of the insane amount of information out on the web. The medical field has advanced immensely, but even today, we don't have many of the answers.
The human body has a very complex and effective immune system that will rise to injurious conditions and get rid of any harmful …show more content…
Lupus is an autoimmune disease as well this makes Rhonda genetically susceptible to an autoimmune disorder. Many people with celiac disease have a close relative with celiac disease or another autoimmune disorder. It’s the same way for lupus. Genetic predisposition is very likely and there has been much research done to isolate the exact genes that are responsible for predisposing celiac disease. Celiacs disease is actually known to present itself on chromosome 6p21, on the human leukocyte antigens (HLA), DQ2 and DQ8. HLA are a system of cell surface proteins that regulate the immune system. HLA genes are polymorphic which means always replacing so adaptation is key to keeping the immune system in

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