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My Mom Research Paper

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What do you think of when you hear the word 'hero'? Some people think of superheroes, such as 'Batman', 'Superman' or 'Spiderman'. However, some unknown heroes deserve our respect and admiration as well. A hero is someone who is looked up to and admired for doing something brave, intelligent, noble or heroic. It is someone who is respected for their personal qualities such as bravery, honesty and selflessness. My personal hero is not anyone of superheroes, but is someone idolized for being true to herself, she is my mom. When I think of a hero, I think of someone who is strong, unique and inspiring. My mom has all of these characteristics. A great hero is someone that makes a large impact on your life and changes it for the better. A hero to me is a person that is always there for you regardless of the consequences. My mom is this person to me. My mom has never left my side no matter what; she will always be there when I need her. She has shown me right from wrong and provided me with everything I need to succeed in this world. My mom is the strongest person i know and shows all characteristics of a hero and a leader. Even though she had a bad day, she comes home with a smile and shows me the perfect example of a role model. …show more content…
She is someone who sets an example for me and someone that stands for a collection of high morals. I always wished to inherit her traits to become a person like her, because she has never done wrong in my eyes. She always puts her children first and above her personal needs. She always shows lavish love and attention to me, tries to understand me, and tries to see things from my personal point of view. She would support and encourage me when I am down, forgive my mistakes, extol everything I accomplish, and insist I eat healthy

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