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Examples Of How 102 Changed Me Essay

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How 102 Changed Me Almost one hundred thousand dollars in debt and 4 years spent living the college life with only a piece of paper to show for it all. Many students will follow a career path which they picked before freshman year, enduring it till the graduate. For those students I feel they have missed the true point of college. Its not a place where you find your job but a place where you discover what you want your job to be. Throughout the semester, the copious amount of research on the topic of my choosing for my papers in writing 102 shifted my career focus toward a job absorbed with waterfowl. I was born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina, for 18 years I had lived no where else my opinion on world was not formulated. I don’t see how someone can be content without …show more content…
I grew up living multiple life styles befriending people of all different intrest. I played almost every highschool sport, I rode bmx bikes, skate boarded, surfed, fished, raced four motorcross, and built trucks. By the time I was 14 I had still never hunted for anything besides squirrels, but that was rare as I was always sad for killing an animal. But my childhood best friend and his dad treated my dad and I to a wood duck hunt on their private property. It would have almost been rude to deny their invite but my dad and I decided to wake up at 3a.m. and fufill our duty. We arrived passing through a cloud of fog that was sitting on the water and near the bank to see nothing but the tree tops. I was concerned that the fog would impair our shooting but we hoped for the best. After 1 hour of pain staking work to setup the spot we were ready to wait for the birds. I was nervous and had no idea of how the next hour would change my life forever. But as soon as the sun peeked over the horizon I heard whistling through the trees and then

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