...Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving Amber R. Muniz Kaplan University Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving A cell phone wielding driver weaving in and out of traffic and drifting across lanes, because they are completely distracted by the device in their hand, may be all too familiar. When using a cell phone while driving, it impairs the persons driving abilities as much as a person with a 0.08 blood alcohol level. Think of the drivers that you pass daily; how many were using cell phones? Imagine if all of those drivers were drinking instead of using their cell phones behind the wheel. Cell phone use while driving is dangerous because it causes slower response time and reduces the situational awareness of the driver. The best solution to this issue is to ban the use of cell phones while driving. “Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death in the United States for 3 to 34 year olds. Crashes are among the top three causes of death throughout a person’s lifetime. They also are the number one cause of work-related death. Annually, more U.S. soldiers are killed in crashes in privately-owned vehicles than all other Army ground accidents combined” (National Safety Council, 2010) Distracted drivers using cell phones cause about 2,600 traffic fatalities and 330,000 accidents every year (Richtel, 2009). Many drivers talk, text, and respond to their e-mails while trying to drive. People that use cell phone while driving are not aware of their surroundings....
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...While driving down the freeway do you ever see a car in front of you that is swerving or speeding up and slowing down? Then you think to yourself, “I don’t want to follow behind or be in the lane right next to them.” So you speed up, and sure enough the driver is using their cell phone. Well, I am sure you have. Cell phone use while driving is not only frustrating for other drivers; it is very dangerous to all drivers who are on the road. When a driver is using a cell phone, it doesn’t matter what kind of person they are, or what their age is, or their gender. Accidents don’t show any sympathy. Driving while using a cell phone is dangerous and there should be laws that prohibit the use of cell phones while driving. These laws should be effective in every state, not just some states. This is a seriously dangerous issue because that driver is putting not only but their life at stake, but the lives of other drivers on the road at stake when cell phones are used. In 2009, 5,474 people were killed in the U.S. that involved distracted driving (dd), of the 5,474 deaths, 995 of them involved reports of a cell phone being a factor, and 24,000 injuries were reported from cell phone related accidents (Cell Phone & Texting While Driving Statistics, 2010). This is a serious problem in our world today in the lifestyle we live, but the problem is solvable. All that needs to happen is for a few laws to be passed to refrain people from using cell phones. It should not be legal in any state to...
Words: 2001 - Pages: 9
...regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized? The use cell phones have spread like wild fire in the last ten years. It has become a part of everyday life for many Americans citizens, and a good number of people depend on them to carry out daily operations. Unfortunately, many accidents have taken place in the ten years due to the use of cell phones while on the road. The leads to believe that if people cannot concentrate on the road while talking or texting on cell phones they should not have a cell phone near them at all while driving. The purpose of this research is to discover if texting while driving is the leading cause of automobile accidents of today. Society does not view texting while driving as a safe practice. There are many articles, news reports, and laws passed on texting while operating a vehicle because of the danger associated with the act. Texting while driving causes numerous of problems such as: distraction from the road, a decrease of attention once he or she turns away from the road in responding to a text, and limiting physical ability because texting requires the use of one or both hands to reply to messages. These are some of the issues researchers investigate in finding a conclusion to if the individuals should or should not text while operating a vehicle. Solving the problem of texting while driving is important to Team A because it will reduce the number of accidents connected to texting while driving. According to Statistics...
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...Parlad Dhungana ENG 095 06/17/ 2014 Using a Cell Phone While Driving Have you ever used a cell phone while driving? Is it dangerous or not? Using a cell phone while driving is common, but widely considered dangerous. We can’t imagine our life without using a cell phone. It is a part of our daily activities. We use a cell phone to make calls, E-mails, text messages, surf the Internet, to listen music and many other daily activities. Many of these activities take place while a person is driving. So, it is not only becoming a part of our daily activities, but also putting our self at risk. In my point of view, using a cell phone while driving increases the risk of accident. Using a cell phone while driving distracts our mind. Distraction is an important risk factor of traffic injuries. Suppose you are holding your phone on your ear, listening to the conversation, and managing your car all at once. You're not paying attention; you could miss a turn or not see something coming out into the road. This can be incredibly dangerous. Using a cell phone while driving distracts your mind obviously. It can take your eyes off the road, your hands off the steering wheel and your mind off the sudden situation that can lead a more dangerous accident and result may be death. Moreover, if you are speaking on a cell phone while on the road you can’t notice all road traffic signals, may go too close to other vehicle and find it very hard to keep a regular speed...
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...September 2014 Why Should Using Your Cell Phone While Driving Be Banned? It is no question that the number of cellular device users is dramatically growing in the United States. Between the years of 1995 and 2010 cell phone subscriptions increased by a whopping 82%. In turn, people are no longer confined to their location. We can essentially communicate with anyone, anywhere, and anytime thanks to the cell phone, including while driving. While we can all agree that cell phones are much more convenient than the days of the home phone, cell phone pose a major safety threat when used while operating a motor vehicle. If you’re using a cellular device while driving not only are you causing your brain to multitask, it has been proven to be just as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. Here’s the shocking part! Even though most people are aware that the use of a cell phone while driving is just flat out dangerous, they choose to do it anyway; did I just describe you? Many people have the ability to multitask, in fact most of our jobs require some degree of multitasking. However, multitasking while driving is extremely unsafe as operating a vehicle requires full undivided attention. When multitasking our brains will pay more attention to one stimuli over the others, for example, texting while watching T.V. In that moment you are typing a text your brain will naturally pay more attention to texting than it will to the T.V. in the background. While you still may be listening your attention...
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...Cell Phone Use While Driving In today’s technologically advanced world it is hard to find anyone without a cell phone in their purse or pocket. Cell phones are being used more frequently during normal activities, such as at the dinner table, in the movie theater, and in the car. The use of a cell phone in a moving vehicle raises the risk of collision 3 to 6.5 times greater than that of an undistracted driver (Seo &Torabi, 2004). The increase of 16-24 year olds using cell phones combined with their lack of driving experience creates a deadly cocktail of inevitable consequences. These consequences are closely related to those of a person driving well above the legal blood-alcohol-limit (Seo &Torabi, 2004). The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) seems to feel that cell phone use isn’t that dangerous. The NHTSA states “only 18 percent of the 5,474 people killed and 5 percent of the 448,000 injured in crashes were because of cell phone use” (www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811379.pdf). Eight-teen percent, that’s 985 people dead each year, if the number of drivers using cell phones stays the same. That’s 985 times The United States takes a step backwards to getting closer to finding a cure for cancer, because each one of those 985 people has the potential to do just that. Oh, don’t forget the five percent of the 448,000 or 22,400 people that were only injured. Injured, what exactly does that entail? Injuries sustained from motor vehicle accidents...
Words: 850 - Pages: 4
...use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide Dimuthu perera AC1304661 SP180.0.3 Principles of Public Speaking Assignment 6_06 8/14/13 Abstract How dangerous it is by using cell phones while driving and talking or texting can happens deadly accidents to adults and younger adults in united states. And other country,s. Why Banning The Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide On December 13th 2011, the National Transit Safety Board called for a complete ban on cell phone use while driving, arguing that even hands-free phone use was distracting and dangerous. However, two weeks later, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood, said he would not endorse a ban. His justification was simply that hands free cell phone use was “not the big problem in America”. This is not an acceptable government response. The use of cell phones and texting devices is known to be dangerous both through anecdotal evidence and hard scientific fact. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association estimates that over 3000 fatalities are caused by distracted driving every year. Furthermore, an estimated one out six drivers admits to sending text messages while driving. Method Participants Using cell phones while driving and talking or taxting many younger adults face to the accedents back in 2011 and 2012. many of people give it away life using cell phones while driving...
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...02-07-2014 I Believe and Persuaded the Use of Cell Phones Should Be Mandatorily Banned Nationwide To Prevent Unnecessary Distractive Driving Banning the use of cell phones should be made mandatory nationwide while driving because it is a one of the nations’ top killers in America. Driving while being distracted kills thousands of people every year. Yet many drivers think they are good at managing both tasks so they continue to text behind the wheel. A car travels approximately 100 yards in less than the 5 seconds it takes to read a text. Texting distracts people from driving properly by diverting their attention to their cell phone, instead of focusing on the road. Furthermore, studies show that texting is as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. Subjects are found to be mentally impaired while driving and chatting on a mobile device as when they are under the influence. These are the top reasons why I believe and am convinced that driving while on a cell phone should be banned in America. Cell Phone Usage as Top Killer in America National statistics show that cell phone usage while driving has become one of the nation’s top killers on our roadways today. According to the Texting and Driving Safety Statistics an average of 1,600,000 accidents are reported each year due to texting while driving. Nearly 25 percent of all accidents nationwide, 11 percent of which are teenagers ages 15-19, occur on a daily basis. (Texting and Driving Safety, 2010) Approximately 3,331 people...
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...Banning the use of Cellular Phones While Driving should be Mandatory Rene Caddell Ashworth College Author Note This preparatory speech is being submitted on September 18, 2013 for Rene Caddell’s SP180 Principles of Public Speaking course – Candace Murray, instructor. Imagine traveling on a roadway behind a vehicle swerving back and forth over the lines or driving at very inconsistent speeds. You wonder what could possibly be causing the driver to drive so erratically. Is the driver drunk? Is the driver preoccupied with eating his or her lunch? Is the driver busy attending to children in the backseat? As you pull alongside the driver, you realize this is not the case. Instead, you notice that the driver has a cellular telephone up to his or her ear and is busy chatting away, or even worse, you notice that the driver is busy looking down typing a text message on his or her cell phone. As you pass the driver, who is more focused on his or her cell phone conversation than on driving, you are disgusted. However, if you are like eighty-five percent of Americans, you answer your cell phone or make a phone call just moments later, thereby engaging in the same dangerous practice that just annoyed you. Talking on the cell phone as well as texting while you are driving is quickly becoming on of the leading causes of car accidents. Cell phone use while driving should be banned and we must take action now to get this enforced. We all think...
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...Car accidents are common on a daily basis, and the causes behind these crashes are the many different distractions we have throughout the day, but talking on the phone and even texting while driving is the number one cause of crashes according to recent studies. This distraction can be deadly in many ways and can put the driver as well as the passengers in danger; therefore the use of technology while driving is never an option. The usage of phones either by text or call are a problem when it comes to driving because they do not allow people to focus on their surroundings like incoming traffic and pedestrians, causing crashes and many times even death. Of course, teenagers play a very important role in this controversial topic, as they have been more involved in the evolution of technology; leading them to an addiction to it. In addition, the Department of Transportation is working on banning the use of cell phones while...
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...distracted driving and most of the distractions are caused by cell phone usage. (Mulgrew) Many drivers today have such busy lives and never have time to get the things they need to do completed in one day’s time. This leaves them to get things done while on the road. Checking emails is a top priority for Americans and since many havsmartphonees, they will do it on the road as well as send text messages.There are many laws being established to try to prevent distracted driving from happening, although they can’t completely stop it. No matter what age the driver is, under no circumstance should they be texting while driving. Texting or using a cell phone while driving is very hazardous to yourself and the people surrounding you. One reason the majority of people are against this action is because it causes a great amount of car accidents every year. (Copeland) While driving, adults and teenagers cannot resist the urge to pick up their cell phone and send a text or respond to one. When the driver hears the vibrate or ring, nothing can stop them from checking the notification on their phone. As soon as the driver’s eyes meet their cellular device, their focus on the road is drawn away. In 2009, 5,474 lives were taken and 448,000 people got injured from car accidents from being distracted while driving, says the government. (Copeland) The lives of innocent people are being taken every day due to a simple distraction. Car crashes are four times more common to take place while the driver...
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...Are Cell Phones Dangerous? You are driving down the highway and you hear that familiar sound – you just received a phone call. You reach for your phone but it is not where you put it. You try to keep one eye on the road and search for your phone. Meanwhile, it is ringing like crazy. Finally, you find it only for it to stop ringing. Oh man, another missed call! You see it was your best friend and you decide to call them back. Once again, you try to keep one eye on the road while typing in the number. Does this sound familiar? Do you know someone like this? Cellular phones today have been helpful to keep in touch with people and communicate with others when we are not around them. Sure, it is good to keep in touch when away from home, but most people have not stopped to think about the trouble it causes on the roads or the damages it can have on the user’s body. Dangerous can mean many things when it comes to cell phones. There has been a lot of controversy whether cell phones emit high enough radiation to cause health problems. Some say one of the leading causes of cancer is the radiation from cell phones. The main source of the radiation is through the cell phone’s antenna. The closer the antenna is to a person’s head, the greater the exposure is to the radiation energy. The amount of radiation energy absorbed by a person decreases with increasing distance between the antenna and the user. According to the US Food and Administration, there is not enough of scientific...
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...Arad Radfar Mrs. Aliona Buresh September 30, 2015 Cell Phones and Driving In today's society, cell phones has become more powerful and popular like never before. As a result, people started using their cell phones everywhere such as parties, meetings, classrooms and even while they are driving. Even though texting and driving is not dangerous by its self, it can distract the drivers from focusing on the road. Some people believe, when a driver receives a text massage, the best action that he/she can take is to stop the car and then start replying to his/ her messages. The three main reasons of not using the cell phones in cars are, it can reduce drivers reaction, it increases the number of accidents and it is becoming more popular. To begin with, a regular drivers tends to focus on the road while he/she is driving. On this situation the driver is focused 100% on the road. But, as drivers start texting or talking to their phones their focus on the road can decrease by 30%. That is because whenever people start multitasking they just need to focus on one task more, in these situation, driving, drivers tend to pay more attention to their phones rather than the road. “A drunk person can drive better than a person who is texting while driving” said by Dr. Johnson. According to a BBC News conference, more than 80% of people use their cell phones while they are driving. Accordingly, the number of accidents are increasing rapidly each year. In addition, according to another BBC News...
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...Cell Phone use While Driving In today society we as people use cell phone for communicate. They play an important role in communicating in our modern society. Even though a cell phone is the most convenient and fast way for getting in touch with people, they should not be used while operating a vehicle. Cell phone use while driving has dramatically increased over the past years in the U.S., and studies show that the risk of having an automobile accident or near accident significantly increases when a person is talking on their cell phone. Although, not everybody who uses their cell phone while driving has been or will be in an accident, but an alarming number of people who were involved in automobile accidents have been reported to have been using a cell phone while driving. Because of the increased number of traffic accidents caused by cell phones, it can be show that cell phone use should be banned while driving do to the risk of getting a ticket, people get distracted while they are texting and dialing a phone number and maybe hands free headset should be banned as well. Individual that uses their phone while driving is taking the risk of getting a ticket or even an accident. It’s easy to get distracted while driving, but don’t the reason you get distracted is because you are on your cell phone. People who look away from the road while because they are looking for their phone or while they texting and evening dial the number. When you are messing with your...
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...Texting While Driving When sending a text message while you are driving your eyes leave the road for an average of 5 seconds (stoptextsstopwrecks.org). It may not seem like much time, but a lot can happen in that small amount of time. In five seconds a car can travel the distance of a football field. In five seconds a small child can run out into the street to grab their toy as you back out of your driveway. Since they were first introduced, texting while driving has become an extreme problem in the United States, and it is getting worse year by year. But this doesn’t have to continue. Texting while driving should be illegal because it is a highly dangerous action, and by illegalizing it, it’ll bring the world one more step closer to being a safer place. In the book Cell Phones and Driving it stated, "6,000 people die a year due to drivers who are distracted by phones. That’s one hundred and sixty five people in one day, or another person every hour and a half …for example, the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute conducted a study of cell phone use in a moving vehicle and concluded that sending a text message while behind the wheel makes the risk of a driver getting into an accident 23.2 times higher than that of a non-distracted driver. When sending a text message, the driver looks away from the road for 4.6 seconds across a 6 second interval”(Kiesbye7-10). 6,000 is a very large number, especially when it’s placing a number on fatalities. And texting was the main...
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