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Submitted By DANNYBOY2414
Words 265
Pages 2
Daniel Higginbotham Communication is the foundation for any successful endeavor, whether it is business, personal or pleasure, without successful communication the effort is sure to fail. With the continued advances in technology, it is safe to assume that telecommunications are soon to be transformed to a level previously unknown. The benefits could be astronomical as long as the process is correctly developed. Cellonics is the future. Transmitting data over radio waves and then defragmenting is soon to be a method of the past, Cellonics offers technology with the ability to increase modem speed by up to 1000 times. The breakthrough came from the study of human cells, when stimulated these cells generated waveforms separated by periods of silence. The Cellonics technology has developed a procedure which mimics these signals in a way in which they can be applied to the communications industry. This sophisticated technology accepts slow analog input and distributes rapid pulse waveforms encoding digital information and broadcasting it over communication channels. NDS mathematical formulas are applied to the cells to stimulate responses; this is a non-linear system so the output can exceed normal capacities while the application remains straightforward. Cellonics is set to revolutionize the communication industry. Businesses or corporations which communicate remotely will be able to increase their speed, reliability and decrease their power consumption. All of these factors combine to offer a lower overhead operating cost and in return a higher profit margin. The face of telecommunications is changing, Cellonics is leading the charge.
Hariharan, S. (2009) Cellonics Technical presentation under supervision of Dr. M. S. Somyashree.

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