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Cephalopod Eyes Case Study

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Cephalopods are considered the cleverest invertebrates on earth. It is proven that they can complete complex intellectual tasks, such as recognizing faces and solving puzzles (Anderson & Richter, 2010). Yet the remarkable characteristic of cephalopods is their ability to camouflage into their environment. These creatures can mimic their surroundings’ spectral and textural information by controlling chromatophores and iridophores found in their skin cells (Mäthger, 2009). This becomes more impressive since cephalopod eyes contain a single photoreceptor (Mäthger, 2009). Cephalopod eyes encompass a single rhodopsin type which absorbs light wavelengths up to 492 nm, meaning a cephalopod should only detect blue and achromatic light (Brown, 1958). …show more content…
The study only used an IPhone camera to record patterns and the study should be redone with an appropriate recording device. Differences in light levels & other colors in Charlie’s enclosure could have distorted her displayed patterns. For concrete evidence, the experiment should be redone with proper recording equipment, accurate light measuring tools, and realistically colored substrates. All other substrates and surfaces should be removed from the tank to isolate Charlie and the colored substrate. The experiment should also be conducted with multiple octopuses to determine if Charlie’s behaviors consistently appeared in all test octopuses. Future assessments could determine if cephalopods have difficulty distinguishing between solid colors and pattern-colored stimuli. Further research could determine the minimum distance cephalopods need to distinguish color. Moreover, there is great potential to work on how cephalopods interact with polarized light (Cronin, 2003). Future investigations could test if there is a relationship between polarized light and detecting color, possibly pursuing intraspecific communication (Cronin, 2003). Finally, there is the possibility of human error considering the project’s observations were conducted by only one person, which may lead to bias in observations …show more content…
2010. Octopuses (Enteroctopus dofleini) Recognize Inidividual Humans. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 13: 261-272.

Brown, P.K., Brown, P.S. 1958. Visual pigments of the octopus and cuttlefish. Nature, 182: 1288-1290.

Cronin, T.W., Shashar, N., Caldwell, R.L., Marshall, J., Cheroske, A.G., Chiou, T. 2003. Polarization Vision and Its Role in Biological Signaling. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43, 4: 549-558.

Mäthger, L.M., Barbosa, A., Miner, S., Hanlon, R.T. 2006. Color blindness and contrast perception in cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) determined by a visual sensorimotor assay. Vision Research. 46, 11: 1746-1753.

Mäthger, L.M., Shashar, N., Hanlon, R.T. 2009. Do cephalopods communicate using polarized light reflections from their skin? Journal of Experimental Biology. 212: 2133-2140.

Ritcher, J.N., Hochner, B., Kuba, M.J. 2016. Pull or Push? Octopuses Solve a Puzzle Problem. Plos One.

Stubbs, A.L., Stubbs, C.W. 2016. Spectral discrimination in color blind animals via chromatic aberration and pupil shape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113,

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