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Penetrating Molecules

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Penetrating molecules, which are molecules with the ability to pass through the lipophillic barrier of the cell membrane, brings about the influx of small water molecules via osmotic diffusion. The rate for erythrocyte to hemolyze is directly related to the rate of osmotic. If the solute cannot penetrate through the cell membrane and pull water with it, no hemolysis will occur. Therefore, the rate of hemolysis can also be used as an indicator of the diffusion rate for particular penetrating solutes (Bakko, 1985; Giese, 1963). There are aqueous channels (water filled pores) present in the surface of the cell membrane which is involved in the maintenance of the molecules diffusing through the channels.With diameters that are less than 1.0 nm …show more content…
The rate of influx of penetrating molecules across the membrane increases in direct proportion to the concentration of the solute in the extracellular fluids. When the test were conducted, ethyl alcohol had the shortest amount of time taken with a mean of 1.02 minutes followed by ammonium acetate, propyl alcohol, ammonium oxalate and ammonium chloride with 1.18 min, 1.24 min, 3.04 min and 6.46 min on average respectively. The other solutions which contained are glucose, glycerol, sodium sulphate, sodium nitrite and sodium chloride respectively all exceeded 15 minutes in order for the blood solution to be fully hemolyse and therefore ranking the rate of hemolysis in uncertain. Indication that not all molecules freely pass through the erythrocyte …show more content…
With subsequent addition of nonpolar groups, the molecular permeability increases(Alberts et al., 1989; Eckert and Randall, 1988; Strand, 1983). The determining factor of the rate of diffusion of non charged, polar molecules through the bilipid pathway is its lipid solubility but factors such as the size of the molecule (the smaller molecule is faster) and the steric configuration or shape of the molecule (the symmetrical or globular molecules are faster than the fibrous molecules) can also be accountable and explain the differences observed in the rate of diffusion of the respective test with isotonic solution containing different molecules. Relatively large molecules such as glucose and glycerol are simply cannot pass through the cell membrane without the aid of specialized transport channels but otherwise unable to diffuse into the cell under normal conditions which accounts for the low rate of haemolysis of the red blood

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