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Mat 540 Final Project Report

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Final Project Report:

1. Problem Statement:

Making improvement in Foldit from a gamer’s perspective

The problem is to be able to model and design proteins and other molecules using a Graphical User

The Solution to this problem is:

The Rosetta Molecular Modeling suite is a command-line-only collection of applications that enable high-resolution modeling and design of proteins and other molecules. Although extremely useful, Rosetta can be difficult to learn for scientists with little computational or programming experience. To that end, we can use a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Rosetta, called the PyRosetta Toolkit, for creating and running protocols in Rosetta for common molecular modeling and protein design tasks and for …show more content…
FIREWORK_SPEED: This field sets the speed at which the stars travel.

CONFETTI_LIFE_MIN: This field sets the minimum life span of the star.

CONFETTI_LIFE_MAX: This field sets the maximum life span of the star.

CONFETTI_LIFE_FADE_TIME: The stars after 3-4 seconds start to fade out so this field allows us to set that fade time.

CONFETTI_SPIN_SPEED_MIN: We can change the min spin speed of the confetti.

CONFETTI_SPIN_SPEED_MAX: We can change the max spin speed of the confetti.

CONFETTI_RADIUS_MIN: This sets the minimum radius and size of the star

CONFETTI_RADIUS_MAX: This sets the maximum radius of the star.

Change the Color of Confetti: To change the color of the confetti we need to make changes as shown in the following piece of code: This will set different colors like Medium Orchid, Black, Brown, Green and Lime provided the correct vector values of the colors have been written in the parenthesis.

3. Results of Changes Made in …show more content…
Step 3: This steps shows how the confetti gets scattered on the entire screen after being released from the protein. In the unmodified Fold It version the confetti is released like a shooting star from the bottom of the screen.
Here we can see that after making changes to the file, it looks like that the confetti has been released from the protein structure. This is just the tip of the ice berg. Tons of more changes to this graphic can be made by given values to the available parameters.

Step 4: The fade effect of the stars can be seen in this step.

5. Describe what would be the next steps if someone were to continue your project:
My future implementation will include modeling and design of proteins using PyRosetta toolkit and making a uniform graphical interface for FoldIt using all the research provided in this

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