Free Essay

Cerebrovascular Accident


Submitted By eunice1985
Words 5320
Pages 22
AMA Computer Learning Center
St. Augustine School of Nursing

A Case Study Presented to the faculty of AMA Computer Learning Center
Guagua, Pampanga

Cerebrovascular Accident

Submitted to:
Mr. John Eric T. Salvador B.S.N, R.N

Submitted by:

Almario, Jeanette

Cayanan. Gemmalyn Joy

Quitaleg, Mary Jane

Santos, Cariza Joy M.


October ‘09

Table of Content Page

Introduction 1

Personal History 2

Lifestyle and Diet 3

Complete Physical Assessment 4-9

Neurological Assessment 10-11

Laboratory Procedure 12-13

Diagnostic Procedure 14

Anatomy and Physiology 15-17

Pathophysiology of Cerebrovascular Accident 18-19

Drug Study 20-21

Diet and Activity 23

SOAPIE (actual) 24

SOAPIE (potential) 25

Conclusion 26

Recommendations 27

Bibliography 28

NCP (actual/ potential ) 29-33


A stroke is damage to part of the brain when its blood supply is suddenly reduced or stopped. A stroke may also be called a cerebral vascular accident, or CVA. The part of the brain deprived of blood dies and can no longer function. Blood is prevented from reaching brain tissue when a blood vessel leading to the brain becomes blocked (ischemic) or bursts (hemorrhagic). The symptoms of a stroke differ, depending on the part of the brain affected and the extent of the damage. Symptoms following a stroke come on suddenly and may include: weakness, numbness, or tingling in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, or coordination inability to speak or difficulty speaking or understanding, trouble seeing with one or both eyes, or double vision, confusion or personality changes, difficulty with muscle movements, such as swallowing, moving arms and legs, loss of bowel and bladder control, severe headache with no known cause, and loss of consciousness.
There are following metabolic disorder that may contribute to stroke, excess weight around the waist (waist measurement of more than 40 inches for men and more than 35 inches for women) triglycerides blood level of 150 mg/dL or more, HDL cholesterol levels below 40 mg/dL for men and below 50 mg/dL for women, blood pressure of 130/85 mm HG or higher and prediabetes (a fasting blood sugar between 100 and 125) or diabetes (a fasting blood sugar level over 125 mg/dL).

Latest Trend
(Medication for Cerebrovascular Accident)

Anti-platelet medicines like aspirin, clopidogrel, extended release dipyridamole and aspirin in combination, and ticlopidine help prevent stroke because they keep the blood from clotting. Like aspirin, these medicines keep your blood from clotting. They are available only prescription. dipyridamole and aspirin combination (Aggrenoxl®), clopidogrel (Plavixl®), ticlopidine (Ticlidl®).Anti-coagulant medicines keep you from getting blood clots. You may hear people call these medicines "blood thinners." Warfarin (Coumadinl®) is often used in patients who have heart problems or artificial heart valves. Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA or thrombolytic therapy) dissolves blood clots, but it may cause bleeding (including bleeding into the brain).This medicine must be given within 3 hours of the start of stroke symptoms. You will not be given t-PA if your blood pressure is too high, if changes on a CT scan show it should not be given, or if the risk of bleeding is too great. Heparin / heparinoid medicines slow the creating of blood clots. But there is little, if any, benefit in treating stroke. The medicines also can cause bleeding.


2. Personal History

Name: Mr. D Address: San Rafael, Guagua Age: 43 yrs. Old Work: Jeepney Driver

Chief Compliant: Impaired Verbal Communication
2.1 Family Health History


2.2 Past Health History Mr. D’s wife verbalized that Mr. D was already been confined on the hospital before due to mild stroke last year December 2008 , while he is in their house he experienced sudden headache, dizziness, numbness, blurred vision and that made his wife to bring him into the hospital. Mr. D was confined for 4 days and after a week he was able to work again as jeepney driver though the doctor said he need to take rest from work, avoid stress, smoking, alcohol intake, and high fat/ salt food to avoid the stroke.

2.3 Present Health History Mr. D was been confined again in the hospital of DPMMH last August 27, 2009 and he spent more than 7 days in the hospital. Mr. D’s wife said that while Mr. D is talking with his friend and drinking alcohol he experienced severe headache, sudden dizziness, paralysis in the right part of his body, numbness, blurred vision and loss of consciousness. And made his family to bring him into the hospital.

3. Lifestyle and Diet Mrs. D said that his husband was a smoke, he consumed more than 30-40 pieces a day (1 1/2 pack) since 20 years old and he also drink 1 bottle of alcohol since 23 years old. Mrs. D said that her husband likes to eat pork after a long day of handling his jeep.


4. Complete Physical Assessment

Date assessed: September 4, 2009
Time Assessed: 9:00 A.M
Initial Vital Signs: Temperature: 36.3 C Pulse Rate: 77 cpm Respiratory Rate: 21 cpm Blood Pressure: 140/ 100mmHg

General Appearance: * The pt. is awake, lying on bed, unconscious with an IVF of PNSS regulated @ 10-15 gtts./min. (KVO) 200ml. level infusing well @ left hand. * With Nasogastric Tube inserted. * With Foley catheter inserted (2000 ml. urine bag)

Area Assessed | Technique Used | Normal Findings | Actual Findings | Analysis | SKINcolor | Inspection | Tan | Pale | Due to decrease oxygen supply. | Texture | Palpation | Smooth, soft | Smooth, soft | Normal | Turgor | Palpation | Skin snaps back immediatelyWhen pinched | Skin snaps back immediatelyWhen pinched | Normal | Hair Distribution | Inspection | Evenly distributed | Evenly distributed | Normal | Temperature | Palpation | Warm to touch | Warm to touch | Normal | Moisture | Palpation | Dry, skin folds are normally moist | Dry, skin folds are normally moist | Normal | NAILSColor of Nail bed | Inspection | Pink and clear | Pink and clear | Normal | Texture | Palpation | Smooth | Smooth | Normal | Shape | Inspection | Convex curvature | Convex curvature | Normal | Nail base | Inspection | Firm | Firm | Normal | Capillary refill time | Blanch test | 2-3 seconds | 4 sec. | Due to decrease oxygen supply. | HAIRColor | Inspection | Black (varies) | Black (varies) | Normal | Distribution | Inspection | Evenly distributed | Evenly distributed | Normal | Moisture | Inspection | Neither excessively dry nor oily | Neitherexcessively dry nor oily | Normal | Texture | Inspection | Silky, resilient | Silky, resilient | Normal | HEAD | | | | | Scalp symmetry | Inspection | Symmetrical | Symmetrical | Normal | Skull size | Inspection | Normocephalic | Normocephalic | Normal | Shape | Inspection and Palpation | Round | Round | Normal | Nodules/ masses | Palpation | Absence of nodules and masses | Absence of nodules and masses | Normal | FACESymmetry | Inspection | Symmetrical | Symmetrical | Normal | Facial movement | Inspection | Symmetrical | Symmetrical | Normal | Skin color | Inspection | Tan | Pale | Due to decrease oxygen supply. | EYESEyebrows | Inspection | Symmetrically aligned, equal movement | Symmetrically aligned, equal movement | Normal | Eyelashes | Inspection | Slightly curved upward | Slightly curved upward | Normal | Eyelids | Inspection | Smooth, tan, do not cover pupil as sclera, close symmetrically | Smooth, tan, do not cover pupil as sclera, close symmetrically | Normal | Ability to blink | Inspection | Blinks voluntarily and bilaterally | Blinks involuntarily. | Due to damage of Broca’s area. | Frequency of blinking | Inspection | 20 blinks per min. | To speech. | Due to damage of Broca’s area. | Ocular movement | Inspection | Eye moves freely | Lack of eye movement | Due to damage of Broca’s area. | Position | Inspection | Drawn from lateral angel | Drawn from lateral angel | Normal | Size | Inspection | Medium | Medium | Normal | Texture | Palpation | Mobile, firm and non-tender | Mobile, firm and non-tender | Normal | CONJUCTIVAColor | Inspection | Transparent with light color | Transparent with light color | Normal | Texture | Inspection | Shiny and smooth | Shiny and smooth | Normal | Presence of lesions | Inspection | No lesions | No lesions | Normal | APPARATUSCorneaColor | Inspection | Black | Black | Normal | Texture | Inspection | Shiny and smooth | Shiny and smooth | Normal | PUPILSColor | Inspection | Black | Black | Normal | Reaction to light | Inspection | Pupils Equally Round and React to Light Accommodation (PERRLA) | Pupils Equally Round and React to Light Accommodation (PERRLA) | Normal | Size | Inspection | Equal | Equal | Normal | Shape | Inspection | Round and constrict briskly | Round and constrict briskly | Normal | Symmetry | Inspection | Equal in size | Equal in size | Normal | Visual Acuity | Inspection | Able to real news print | Cannot able to real news print. | Due to damage of the left hemisphere of the brain. | Visual Fields | Inspection | When looking straight ahead, client can see objects in periphery | With blurred vision and cannot classify objects in periphery. | Due to damage of the left hemisphere of the brain. | Ocular | Inspection | Eyes move freely | Eyes move freely | Normal | NOSESymmetry, shape, size and color | Inspection | Symmetrical, smooth and tan | Symmetrical, smooth and tan | Normal | Mucosa color | Inspection | Reddish to pinkish | Reddish to pinkish | Normal | NASAL SEPTUMNares | Inspection | Oval, symmetrical | Oval, symmetrical | Normal | Nasal discharge | Inspection | No discharge | No discharge | Normal | Sinuses | Inspection | Not tender | Not tender | Normal | MOUTHSecretion | Inspection | (neutral in color) without mucus production | without mucus production | Normal | LipsColor | Inspection | Pinkish to slightly brown | Dark and brown and cracking lips | Due to decrease oxygen level | Symmetry | Palpation | Symmetrical | Symmetrical | Normal | Texture | Palpation | Soft, moist, smooth | Crack, rough s | Normal | Moisture | Palpation | Soft and moist | Dry | Due to decrease oxygen. | GUMSColor | Inspection | Pinkish | Pale | Due to decrease oxygen. | Moisture | Palpation | Moist | Moist | Normal | BUCCAL MUCOSAColor | Inspection | Glistening pink | Slightly pale | Due to decrease oxygen. | Texture | Palpation | Soft | Soft | Normal | Moisture | Palpation | Moist | Moist | Normal | TOUNGEColor | Inspection | Pinkish | Slightly pinkish | Due to decrease oxygen. | Size | Inspection | Medium | Medium | Normal | Symmetry | Inspection | Symmetrical | Symmetrical | Normal | Mobility | Inspection | Moves freely | Moves freely | Normal | UVULALocation | Inspection | At the midline | At the midline | Normal | Symmetry | Inspection | Symmetrical | Symmetrical | Normal | TONSILSColor | Inspection | Pinkish | Pinkish | Normal | Discharges | Inspection | No discharges | No discharges | Normal | TEETHColor | Inspection | Ivory/yellowish | Yellowish | Normal | Number of teeth | Inspection | 32 | 28 | Due to tooth decay (teeth extraction) | NECKPosition | Inspection | Head-centered | Head-centered | Normal | Movement | Inspection | Moves freely | Moves freely | Normal | Range of motion | Inspection | Full range | No ROM | Abnormal due to neuromuscular impairement. | Consistency | Inspection | No enlargement | No enlargement | Normal | HEARTHeart rate | Auscultation | 60-100bpm | 77 bpm | Normal | Heart sounds | Auscultation | Clear, without crackles | Clear | Normal | Lung field | Auscultation | Resonant | Resonant | Normal | THORAX & LUNGS POSTERIOR THORAXSymmetry | Inspection | Symmetrical | Symmetrical | Normal | Respiratory rate | Inspection | 12-20cpm | 21 cpm | Normal | Spinal Alignment | Inspection | Spine vertically align | Spine vertically align | Normal | Skin integrity | Inspection | Skin intact | Skin intact | Normal | ANTERIOR THORAXBreathing pattern | Auscultation | Breathing is automatic and effortless, regular and even and produces no noise | Breathing is automatic and effortless, regular and even and produces nonoise | Normal | Lung/ breath sounds | Auscultation | Bronchia-vesicular | Bronchia-vesicular | Normal | ABDOMENContour | Inspection | Flat | Flat | Normal | Texture | Palpation | Smooth | Smooth | Normal | Frequency and character | Auscultation | Audible; soft gurgling sound occur irregularly and rages from 5-30 mins | Audible; soft gurgling sound occur irregularly and rages from 5-30 mins | Normal | UPPER EXTREMITY Skin color Movement | InspectionInspection | TanWith ROM and sensation | PaleWith no ROM and sensation | Due to decrease oxygenDue to neuromuscular impairment | Size (arms) | Inspection | Equal | Equal | Normal | Symmetry | Inspection | Symmetrical | Symmetrical | Normal | Hair distribution | Inspection | Evenly distributed | Evenly distributed | Normal | LOWER EXTREMITYSkin colorMovement | InspectionInspection | TanWith ROM and sensation | PaleWith no ROM and sensation | Due to decrease oxygenDue to neuromuscular impairment and (+) weakness on right lower extremities. | Size (legs) | Inspection | Equal | Equal | Normal | Symmetry | Inspection | Symmetrical | Symmetrical | Normal | Hair distribution | Inspection | Evenly distributed | Evenly distributed | Normal | NEUROLOGICALLevel of consciousness | Interview | Can follow instructions and commands | Unconscious | Due to decrease level of consciousness. | Behavioral and appearance | Interview | Makes eye contact with the examiner | Does not make eye contact with the examiner. | Due to decrease level of consciousness | Mood | Interview | Expresses feelings which corresponds to the examiner | Expresses feelings which corresponds to the examiner | Normal | MANNERISMS & ACTIONS LANGUAGEVoice inflection | Interview | Clear and strong | Aphasia | Due to damage of Broca’s area in the brain and muscle tone. | Tone | Interview | Fluent and articulated | Aphasia | Due to damage of Broca’s area in the brain and muscle tone. | Manner and speech | Interview | Can give appropriate answer to questions | Cannot give answer or talk. | Due to damage of Broca’s area in the brain and muscle tone. | MENTAL STATUSOrientation | Interview | Oriented with time | Disoriented with time | Due to decrease level of consciousness | TIMERecall recent and remote memory | Interview | Recall events readily, immediate recall of remote information | Cannot recall events readily, immediate recall of remote information | Due to aphasia. | Judgments and thoughts | Interview | Can make logical decisions | Cannot make logical decisions | Due to decrease level of consciousness |

Neurological Assessment (September 4, 2009)

Gloscow Coma Scale | Normal Values | Result | Total GCS | Interpretation | Eyes | Spontaneous- 4To speech- 3To pain- 2None-1 | To speech- 3 | Total GCS= 8/15 points. | 8/15 pts., good prognosis(15 pts. Pt is alert, can follow simple commands and is completely oriented to time, person and place.)(7 or less= pt is comatose.)(3= indicates deep coma and poor prognosis.z | Verbal | Oriental- 5Confused- 4Inappropriate word- 3None- 1 | None- 1 | | | Motor | Obeys command- 6Localized pain- 5Flexion pain- 4Abnormal flexion- 3Abnormal extension- 2Flaccid- 1 | Flexion pain- 4 | | |


Cranial Nerve | Date Done | Normal Result | Actual Result | Interpretation | Olfactory Nerve | September 04. 2009 | Can smell on both nostrils. | Cannot able to extinguish smell | Due to decrease LOC. | Optic Nerve | | With 20/20 vision | Without 20/20 vision. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. | Occulomotor Nerve | | PERRLA | PERRLA | Normal | Abducens Nerve | | Lateral movement. | Cannot move eyes in lateral direction. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. | Trochlear Nerve | | Up and down movement. | Pt. cannot move eyes up and down. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. | Trigeminal Nerve | | For touch and pain sensation. | Pt. cannot localize sensation. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. | Facial Nerve | | Can smile, frown, puff the cheek and can feel the cotton. | Cannot follow specific command. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. | Acoustic Nerve | | Can hear on both ears. | Cannot follow specific command. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. | Glossopharengeal | | Can swallow. | Inability to swallow due to presence of NGT. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. | Vagus Nerve | | Check for gag reflex | With NGT inserted. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. | Accessory Nerve | | With strength on both shoulder. | With no muscle strength. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. | Hypoglossal Nerve | | Sense of taste. | Cannot localize taste. | Due to the damage of left hemisphere and decrease LOC. |
5. Laboratory Procedures * LaboratoryProcedure | Date Done | Normal Values | Result | Nursing Interpretation | NursingResponsibilities | Creatine | August 28, 2009 | 53-115.0 | 63.6 | Normal | Pretest:Explain the procedure to the patient.Instruct the patient to wear easily manipulated clothing to get blood samples easily. | HDL | | 0.78-2.21 | 1.30 | Normal | Tell the pt. to relax because the procedure is painless. | | | Hematocrit0.37-0.54 g/l | 0.44 g/l | Normal | Intra-test:Instruct the patient to look away when the needle is being inserted. | | | Leucocytes5-10 x 10 g/l | 12.4 x 10 g/l | Abnormal due to infection weakened immune response. | Post-test:Put cotton balls on the puncture site to avoid bleeding. | | | Platelets150-450 x 10/l | 648 x 10/l | Abnormal due to blood clot formation. | Tell the patient to rest after the test. |


LaboratoryProcedure | Date Done | Normal Values | Result | Nursing Interpretation | NursingResponsibilities | URINALYSIS | August 29, 2009 | ColorStraw/ yellow amber | Yellow | Normal | Pre-test:Explain the procedure to the pt. and how he can cooperate. | | | TransparencyClear | Turbid | Due to infection | Provide privacy. | | | Reaction4.5-8.0 | 6.0 | Normal | Intra-test:Instruct the pt. on how to get urine samples (it should be midstream/ sterile technique). | | | Specific Gravity1.010-1.025 | 1.030 | Normal | Tell the pt. that the procedure is painless. | | | SugarNegativeAlbumin Negative | NegativePositive | Normal Due to nearly kidney damage and hypertension. | Post-test:Bring the urine samples in the laboratory. |


6. Diagnostic Procedure Diagnostic Procedure | Date Done | Result | Interpretation | Nursing Responsibilities | Electrocardiogram Report | September 1, 09 | Rhythm:Sinus | Sinus tachycardia | Post-test:Explain the procedure to the pt.and how he can cooperate. | | | AL:120/m | | Tell him to remove all jewelry and coins. | | | PR:0.20 sec. | | Tell him to relax and lie still. | | | QRS:0.40 sec. | | Intra-test:Monitor for the result. | | | QT:0.32 sec. | | Post-test:Assist the pt. when he will stand. | | | Axis:+250 | | Remind him about his jewelry and coins or any metal he remove will he is doing the procedure. |

7. Anatomy and Physiology
The cerebellum is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor movement, balance and equilibrium and muscle tone. It is located just above the brain stem and toward the back of the brain. It is relatively well protected from trauma compared to the frontal and temporal lobes and brain stem.
Cerebellar injury results in movements that are slow and uncoordinated. Individuals with cerebellar lesions tend to sway and stagger when walking.
Damage to the cerebellum can lead to: 1) loss of coordination of motor movement (asynergia), 2) the inability to judge distance and when to stop (dysmetria), 3) the inability to perform rapid alternating movements (adiadochokinesia), 4) movement tremors (intention tremor), 5) staggering, wide based walking (ataxic gait), 6) tendency toward falling, 7) weak muscles (hypotonia), 8) slurred speech (ataxic dysarthria), and 9) abnormal eye movements (nystagmus).

The cerebrum is the part of the brain that occupies the top and front portions of the skull. It is responsible for control of such abilities as movement and sensation, speech, thinking, reasoning, memory, sexual function, and regulation of emotions. The cerebrum is divided into the right and left sides, or hemispheres.
Depending on the area and side of the cerebrum affected by the stroke, any, or all, of the following body functions may be impaired: * movement and sensation * speech and language * eating and swallowing * vision * cognitive (thinking, reasoning, judgment and memory) ability * perception and orientation to surroundings * self-care ability * bowel and bladder control * emotional control * sexual ability

Limbic System
The limbic system is a set of evolutionarily primitive brain structures located on top of the brainstem and buried under the cortex. Limbic system structures are involved in many of our emotions and motivations, particularly those that are related to survival. Such emotions include fear, anger, and emotions related to sexual behavior. The limbic system is also involved in feelings of pleasure that are related to our survival, such as those experienced from eating and sex.
Broca's Area

An area located in the frontal lobe usually of the left cerebral hemisphere and associated with the motor control of speech. Also called Broca's center.
Temporal Lobe
The temporal lobes are involved in the primary organization of sensory input (Read, 1981). Individuals with temporal lobes lesions have difficulty placing words or pictures into categories.
Language can be effected by temporal lobe damage. Left temporal lesions disturb recognition of words. Right temporal damage can cause a loss of inhibition of talking.
The temporal lobes are highly associated with memory skills. Left temporal lesions result in impaired memory for verbal material. Right side lesions result in recall of non-verbal material, such as music and drawings.
Parietal Lobe
Damage to the left parietal lobe can result in what is called "Gerstmann's Syndrome." It includes right-left confusion, difficulty with writing (agraphia) and difficulty with mathematics (acalculia). It can also produce disorders of language (aphasia) and the inability to perceive objects normally (agnosia).
Damage to the right parietal lobe can result in neglecting part of the body or space (contralateral neglect), which can impair many self-care skills such as dressing and washing. Right side damage can also cause difficulty in making things (constructional apraxia), denial of deficits (anosagnosia) and drawing ability.

Occipital Lobe
The occipital lobes are the center of our visual perception system. They are not particularly vulnerable to injury because of their location at the back of the brain, although any significant trauma to the brain could produce subtle changes to our visual-perceptual system, such as visual field defects and scotomas. The Peristriate region of the occipital lobe is involved in visuospatial processing, discrimination of movement and color discrimination (Westmoreland et al., 1994). Damage to one side of the occipital lobe causes homonomous loss of vision with exactly the same "field cut" in both eyes.

Frontal Lobe

The frontal lobes are considered our emotional control center and home to our personality. There is no other part of the brain where lesions can cause such a wide variety of symptoms. The frontal lobes are involved in motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgement, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior. The frontal lobes are extremely vulnerable to injury due to their location at the front of the cranium, proximity to the sphenoid wing and their large size.

8. Pathophysiology (Patient Base)

Pathophysiology (Book Base)

9. Drug Study Drugs | Classification | Indication | Side Effect | Nursing Responsibilities | Generic Name: MannitolBrand Name:Osmitrol | Diuretic | Reduction of intracranial pressure and brain mass. | Pulmonary congestion, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, electrolyte loss, dryness of mouth, thirst, marked diuresis, urinary retention, edema, headache, blurred vision, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, rhinitis, arm pain, skin necrosis, chills, dizziness, dehydration, hypotension, tachycardia, fever and angina-like chest pains. | * Monitor blood pressure. * Check for hypervolemia, urinary tract obstruction and signs of fluid imbalance. | Generic Name:HydralazineBrand Name:Apresoline | Anti-hypertensive drug | Severe essential hypertension when the drug cannot be given orally or when there is an urgent need to lower blood pressure. | Difficulty of breathing, swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fast pounding heart beats, numbness, joint pain and loss of appetite. | * Patient must avoid orthostatic position. * Pt. must get up slowly to avoid fall. * Monitor Bp. | Generic Name: MetropololBrand Name:Neobloc | Anti-hypertensive drug | Metoprolol tartrate tablets are indicated for the treatment of hypertension. They may be used alone or in combination with other antihypertensive agents. | Tiredness and dizziness, Shortness of breath, diarrhea and alopecia. | * Metoprolol should be used with caution in patients with impaired hepatic function. * Should not be given in breast feeding mother. | Generic Name: AspirinBrand Name:Zorprin | Anti-thrombosis | Treatment of mild to moderate pain; fever; various inflammatory conditions; reduction of risk of death or MI in patients with previous infarction or unstable angina pectoris or recurrent transient ischemia attacks or stroke in men who have had transient brain ischemia caused by platelet emboli. | Nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, dizziness, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, hemorrhage, convulsions. | * Take Aspirin by mouth with or without food. If stomach upset occurs, take with food to reduce stomach irritation. * Swallow Aspirin whole. Do not break, crush, or chew before swallowing. * Take Aspirin with a full glass of water (8 oz/240 mL). | Generic Name:Nicholin Brand Name:Citicoline | Cerebral circulation stimulant | Disturbances of consciousness associated with head and brain injury. | Dropped blood pressure, chest discomfort, dyspnea, nausea, headache and dizziness. | * Monitor blood pressure. * Check for the correct site for injection. |

10. Diet and Activity

Activity | Date Ordered | Indication | Nursing Responsibilities | Turn side to side (every 2 hrs.) | August 28, 2009 | To prevent bed sores and pneumonia. | Accompany the relative whenever mobility is done (q2 hrs.) |

Diet | Date Ordered | Indication | Nursing Responsibilities | Osteorize feeding | August 30, 2009 | To prevent aspiration (NGT). | Make sure that the NGT is intact whenever feeding is to be made.Check for stomach content to prevent overfeeding. |


11. SOAPIE (actual)

Subjective “Nahihirapan siyang magsalita, kung minsan umuungol din siya, as verbalized by Mr. D’s wife.”


Received pt. on lying position on bed, unconscious , with ongoing PNSS 1L regulated @ 10-15 gtts./min. (KVO) 200 ml. level infusing well @ left hand. * (+) difficulty in speaking * (+) weakness * (+) headache * (+) dizziness * (+) blurred vision * (+)Paralysis on right part of the body * With NGT inserted * With Foley catheter inserted

Assessment Impaired verbal communication related to impaired cerebral circulation possibly evidence by impaired articulation.

Planning After 4-6 hrs. of N.I the patient will learn techniques on how to communicate with others.

Interventions * Established rapport. * Monitored and recorded vital signs. * Maintained good verbal/ non-verbal means of communication. * Thought the patient that loss of ability to talk does not mean loss of intelligence. * Provided time for the patient to respond. * Conversation should be continue to practical and concrete matter, supplemented with gestures, pictures, and object. * Medications compliance on time (with the doctor’s permission).

Goal met as evidence by the patient learn techniques on how to communicate non-verbal cues and in which needs are can be expressed. 24.
11. SOAPIE (potential)



Received pt. on lying position on bed, unconscious , with ongoing PNSS 1L regulated @ 10-15 gtts./min. (KVO) 200 ml. level infusing well @ left hand. * (+) difficulty in speaking * (+) weakness * (+) headache * (+) dizziness * (+) blurred vision * (+)Paralysis on right part of the body * With NGT inserted * With Foley catheter inserted

Assessment Risk for aspiration related to decreased level of consciousness.

Planning After 2-4 hrs. of N.I the client/ SO shall be able to identify causative factor that may lead to aspiration.

Interventions * Established rapport. * Monitored and recorded vital signs. * Monitored administration of NGT feeding. * Checked for the NGT if intact in the stomach. * Provided information about the effect of aspiration in the lung. * Always keep the bed elevated whenever feeding. * Keep wire cutter or scissor at bedside all the time.

Goal partially met as evidence by the pt./SO was able to avoid factors that may cause aspiration.


13. Conclusion

We therefore conclude that CVA or stroke may lead to permanent brain damage or death to individuals with sedentary lifestyle. People who consumed large amount of food high in cholesterol, alcohol, cigarette smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure can increase the possibility of stroke. This may also lead to heart disease and maybe worsen if we don’t prevent the common factors that cause Stroke. Self discipline is very important for us not to acquire this feared or killing disease.

14. Recommendations

For the Patient and Family Members

Patient and family members should be given proper instruction and knowledge on how to help the patient to cope in his condition. Dealing with emotional stress and changing his sedentary lifestyle can reduce the risk of stroke. Patient way of living should be carefully understand to limit the anxiety and self-pity. Showing emotional and moral support can aid the anxiety and self-pity. If family members adjusted to this kind of treatment to the patient, a fast recovery can be possibly.

For Health Care Provider/ Institutions

Cerebrovascular accident is one of the most common disease that cause dead in the world. It can happen to anyone, especially to those of people who have sedentary lifestyle and most commonly to people who acquired it through genes. Though we don’t know when it will come, we have to be aware of the main factors that bring our lives into danger. Maintaining good lifestyle and avoiding smoking, alcohol intake, high fat and salty food, exercise, and low sugar food can decrease the possible stroke. Health care provider and Institutions should give the enough knowledge to everyone. Dealing with this kind of condition is one of the healthy processes of fast recovery. It helps the patient and family members to adapt this knowledge and behavior for the sake of the wellness of their love ones.


15. Bibliography
Website source:

Book Source:


Medical-Surgical Nursing

Anatomy and Physiology

Mims Annual

28. The objective of the information in past and future anatomy articles is about generalizations. My intent is not to address specifics. The objective is to provide information and education. The left brain hemisphere, or logic brain, acts as a feature combiner and comprehends spoken language by performing phonetic analysis of the sounds, as opposed to the right brain method of comprehending language by matching acoustic sound patterns. The left brain has the ability to extract isolated details from spoken words or sentences, can generate correct spelling from scratch and can learn from reading by reading for meaning even if the topic is dull. Where the right brain lacks the short-term memory capabilities to be able to follow long sentences and extract their meanings, the left hemisphere can. If a sentence is long and complex grammatically, it falls into the realm of the left hemisphere for comprehension and de-coding for meaning. The left hemisphere is able to work with both slow and rapid speech where the right brain can only deal effectively with slow speech. Complex syntax, semantics, phonics, sight words, new vocabulary (read or heard) are all shuttled to the left brain for comprehension. The left brain is also where re-worded sentences or explanations, even if redundant, are processed. The information processing that one hemisphere isn’t capable of processing is switched to the other via the corpus callosum. The left hemisphere’s speaking and listening vocabulary is almost as large as that for reading and sight and allows it to be able to equally extract meaning from written or spoken words. When we read and hear the words in our head, they’re formed (sub-vocalized) in the left brain because it, and not the right hemisphere, has the ability to de-code written words acoustically. The left brain doesn’t have the ability to handle ambiguity (needs absolutes, clear cut patterns and predictability), doesn’t handle receiving input from changing sources, doesn’t do well if required to make changes in solution strategies or changes in timing of responses. Left is the logical and analytical side and processes information in a sequential manner. It works best with life and projects when they’re presented in a planned and structured manner. It’s the side that works best with multiple choice questions, prefers authority structuring, controls feelings, is future oriented and time conscious, sees distinct right or wrong according to the prevailing cultural/beliefs system and discerns sharp perceptual and conceptual boundaries. This makes the left brain more involved in seeing differences when dealing with others who are felt to be of lower caste or intelligence. Even though the left brain prefers talking and writing it’s also the hemisphere that’s more likely to suspect everyone and alienate friends. Those who are left brain dominant are more likely to buy, buy, buy, test the limits of credit cards (and their ability to pay) clean everything, buy everything and stock up for suspected or unknown eventualities, reorganize shelves, cupboards, retrace their steps and reorganize shelves, etc. perpetually. They’re also more likely to quit their job before being fired. If we go back and review the information on all aspects of the brain it’s easy to see why we have differences and difficulties. Fortunately, few of us are totally dominated by one hemisphere or the other. If that were the case it would be a world of, “In this corner are the right brainers and in this corner the lefties. Prepare your agendas and come out fighting.” Which, by the way, is how we seem to handle most difficult problems anyway? All of us are endowed with two sides of the brain and a way for the information to travel from one hemisphere to the other. The brain is the area that heredity can be the largest or smallest factor in the way we interpret life around us. If we don’t like our life and our health, the brain gives us the means with which to change. The choices are also up to one of the brain’s functions but the mind and the brain aren’t the same.

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