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Cesar Estrada Summary

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Cesar Estrada’s affirms how immigrants positively affect the business community and the American economy. Estrada states, “On average, immigrant-owned small businesses each employ about eight employees and collectively provide jobs for about 4 million people in the United States” (Web). Opponents of immigration dispute that immigrants would take away jobs, when in reality they create more jobs for American workers. Likewise, “Immigrants make up about 28 percent of small-business owners and are two times more likely to become entrepreneurs than the native-born population” (Estrada Web). Immigrants are stereotyped as lazy; however, these people are one of those most diligent especially in overcoming discrimination. Immigrant small businesses have grown exponentially, representing their successful entrepreneurship and hard work. The companies they own are a large part of Fortune 500 which increase the …show more content…
Estrada supports pro-immigration stance with: “The Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy, or ITEP, projects that implementing DACA, expanded DACA, and DAPA would increase state and local tax revenue by $805 million each year” (Web). Immigrant contributions could be even greater with congressional reform. “On top of that, these initiatives would grow the U.S. economy by $230 billion over 10 years” (Estrada Web). This economic expansion would raise the salaries for all workers and create thousands of new jobs each year. In all likelihood, this would also provide laws and protection to the nation’s unauthorized population. However, the Supreme Court has been putting them off. This may be due to fear from the disillusionment of history’s negative encounter of immigration. Lest, there is no significant change for the better without risk. These benefits would outweigh any possible

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