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Ceze's Partial Deafness Analysis

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Words 736
Pages 3
Cece’s partial deafness hurts her ability to develop relationships with friends and family. Fistly, Cece dislikes when others try to change their way of communicating with her. Next, Cece can’t correctly hear all of what her friends or fellow classmates are saying to her. Finally, Cece doesn’t fit into her new neighborhood when she moves.
To add on to the idea that, Cece dislikes when others try to change their way of communicating with her. For example, “Hey! Is. That. A. Rich-ard. Scarry. Book? I. Love. Ric-hard. Scarry.” “Me, too!” Why is she talking to me like that? She doesn’t talk to Laura that way! (64). Cece wants to be treated like a normal person, not like someone who can’t hear. She doesn’t want to be different especially if talking slow is harder to hear. This affects Cece’s and Ginny’s relationship because when Cece tells Ginny about the slow talking it is really rude. Then Ginny is mad at Cece because Cece snaps at her.
Cece also can’t correctly hear all of what her friends or fellow classmates are saying to her. Simple conversations are now so difficult! “Doo yoo wan sumding do dring? We haff Jerry’s mop… Shoes… Or a goat!” “I’ll have the goat!” “Huh?”(25) When Emma is offering Cece something to drink Cece can’t hear her correctly which …show more content…
The key points are that Cece dislikes when others try to change their way of communicating with her. Cece can’t correctly hear all of what her friends or fellow classmates are saying to her, and Cece doesn’t fit into her new neighborhood when she moves. Cece dislikes when others try to change their way of communicating with her because when kids talk slowly to Cece and signs to her too, Cece feels different. Cece tries to tell people this, but when she does, it affects her relationship. For example, Ginny and Cece got in a fight over the slow talking. Slow talking is harder for Cece to

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