...Assignment 1.2, “Facing Poverty with a Rich Girl’s Habits” by Kim: Revised Brionica Leary ENG 115 Professor Rachel Hays November 18, 2012 Suki Kim is the author of “Facing Poverty with a rich girl’s habits”, by Kim. In the essay she talks about how she learned to adapt to a new way of living after losing everything that her family once owned. She explains how she began to accept who she had become, and how her outlook on life changed after this transition had taken place. Kim realized that no matter where she was geographically in this world, that she was still the same person within her soul. Not only was she still the same person from within, but that her cultures and beliefs did not have to change because of where she resided in this world. Kim also came to peace with knowing that there were more people of her culture, who shared the same beliefs living in America as well. Kim’s main purpose in her writing was to explain to her audience that she had experienced a great deal of challenges adapting to different beliefs and cultures living in America, versus living in Korea. She stressed to her audience that it was challenging accepting a new way of living compared to what she had been taught, and was already accustomed to believing. Kim’s genre in this writing could be classified several ways. Overall, her genre was narrative. It was very explanatory. I would also consider it to be a memo. Her audience consisted of people of her race (Koreans), who had...
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...short time. America continues to be the most preferred destination for international students, Many Chinese students choose American colleges as their future college. As a Chinese international student who study abroad in America, a majority of us face a same issue, the issue is international students cannot interacting with local culture. Due to different language and different place for international students, they cannot communicate with native speakers well and do not have many natives friends. The number of international students study abroad increase in recent 10 years, most of the parents rather to pay higher tuition that want their children have a better place to study. International education offers a student a unique experience and exposure to the world by interacting with people from different cultures, religion, and socio-cultural backgrounds. However, international students whose English is not their first language often finds difficulties integrating into the new culture as their ability to communicate fluently and effectively is thwarted. International students use barely English with natives and it is hard to communicate with others. In addition, it is hard to make friends with natives due to different culture. In my opinion, differences in language and cliques are the greatest threat to the success of international education, limiting the experience and knowledge acquisition of international students. Cultural differences present a huge challenge to international...
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...Opportunities and Challenges Facing FIAT to Enter Ukraine Opportunities and Challenges Facing FIAT to Enter Ukraine Report Team: NO.10 Italy Class period: Tuesday 8, 9 Team Member Zhou Wen Duan Jiaqi Han qingxiu English Name Cookie Todd May Student Number 41006044 41032003 41029021 Contact Information 289192701@qq.com 917686559@qq.com 304593546@qq.com 1 Opportunities and Challenges Facing FIAT to Enter Ukraine Executive summary The report is going to analysis the opportunities and challenges facing FIAT to enter Ukraine automobile market. We first identify the strength and weakness of global strategy of Fiat with the SWOT analysis (Appendix 1) to find out entering Ukraine could contribute to Fiat’s global strategy, and then we evaluate the investment potential in Ukraine with PEST analysis (Appendix 2) to find out that Ukraine government is encouraging foreign investment by incentive policy and regulation, moreover, the automobile market in Ukraine is large. However, under the condition of financial crisis, the trade protectionism is on the rise in Ukraine, making the existing competition fiercer than before. To solve the problem, we suggest Fiat to export light vehicle and manufacture installation kit by joint venture to minimize risk and mitigate challenges. Besides, the board should pay attention to balancing the relationship among local government, local employees and management layer. 2 Opportunities and Challenges Facing FIAT to Enter Ukraine Content...
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...Immigrants who were traveling to America had to be brave to face the hardship there was. First, steerage conditions took bravery for the immigrants. The movie An American Tail showed there was an atrocious storm while traveling in steerage. This took bravery because someone could have gotten injured during this storm. Also, evidence from the picture book When Jessie comes across the sea similarly, proves steerage conditions took bravery. Traveling in steerage caused the main character Jessie ill. This took bravery because Jessie has a protracted journey ahead of her and had nothing to make her feel convalescent. Second, entrance through Ellis Island posed a challenge and took bravery. In the nonfiction book, Immigrant kids it explained how...
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...causing the decay of the Black Community. In his attempt to be a nonpolitical figure, he discusses how the political parties played a major role in the desecration of the morals, ideas and beliefs facing black America. West states, “The Liberal / Conservative discussion conceals the most basic issue now facing black America: the nihilistic threat to its very existence. Dr. West felt that in order to legitimately discuss race relations in America, then the conversation has to go beyond, government, academia and black organizations. West argues that "we need to begin with a frank acknowledgment of the basic humanness and Americanism of each of us . . . If we go down, we go down together." By analyzing social issues through a humanistic and often spiritual lens, West transforms discussions of the fine points of affirmative action or the failings of black leadership into wide-ranging inquiries on the human condition. West's thinking consistently challenges the conventional wisdom. Black leaders should have been honest, he writes, about the fact that Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill were "two black Republican conservative supporters of some of the most vicious policies to besiege black working and poor communities since Jim and Jane Crow segregation." Black sexuality is a taboo subject in America principally because it is a form of black power over which whites have little control, he argues in one essay. And West faults both blacks and Jews for...
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...PRESS RELEASE Extended Stay America Commits 100,000 Room Nights To The American Cancer Society, Helping Cancer Patients Traveling For Treatment Renewal of flagship room donation program, Hotel Keys of Hope™, doubling previous years' donations ATLANTA -- An estimated 1.6 million Americans will be diagnosed with some type of cancer this year, and thousands will travel away from home for treatment. Extended Stay America (ESA) -- the largest owner-operated HOTEL brand in the U.S., and the American Cancer Society (ACS) -- the largest voluntary health organization in the nation – announced the renewal of their unprecedented multi-year partnership and flagship room donation program, Hotel Keys of Hope™. More than doubling the previous contribution, the hotel brand commits a record-breaking 100,000 rooms over the next two years, providing lodging support to a targeted 15,000 cancer patients. "All of us at Extended Stay America are very proud of the HOTEL Keys of Hope™ program. Our goal is to come to work every day and create a stay that makes a difference. If we can help pay back, even a little bit, it makes our day, our month, our year," said Gerry Lopez, chief executive officer, Extended Stay America. "For cancer patients facing financial challenges, this program alleviates one of the largest barriers for treatment — lodging cost during treatment. HOTEL Keys of Hope™ extends a comfortable suite with homelike amenities, the ability to have the comfort and support of family and...
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...Marquita Shadley English 112 Professor Howell April 21, 2015 Education Crisis of America Education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement, and generally of preparing oneself or others for mature life. Now knowing the definition, one can understand more clearly how important having an education is to our future. So why is America facing this crisis? On February 18, 2015, the United States Department of Education stated that over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the U.S. every year. That is about 7,000 students a day. Some are pointing to the current educational system for this dilemma. Change is needed soon before this crisis becomes worse. In this work the education crisis and the dropout rates were investigated. It was found that with the parents at home, the teachers at school, and resources within the community this issue can be resolved. Parents’ involvement with their children from elementary through high school is very detrimental to their child’s success. The way the teacher teaches a subject, and how they keep a student engaged in their work is very important to whether that child does well. Also, if children start using the resources in their community such as tutoring, after-school programs that help with homework, and summer camps that have reading programs things could improve. I hope this paper helps people to realize that yes parents and teachers...
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...Critique of “America Remains the World’s Beacon of Success” Whether you read it in print or online years later, former Congressman Tim Roemer’s 2012 article titled “America Remains the World’s Beacon of Success” makes a bold statement; one that still applies today. As the article opens, Roemer regales his audience with some of the experiences as the U.S. ambassador to India. He discovered that America is not nearly as despised as we believe that it is. In fact, he goes so far as to state that “America is still greatly admired around the world” (618). Roemer begins his article by talking about his time as a U.S. ambassador. When he interacted with the Indian government and populace, he sensed a deep respect and admiration for the States...
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...Facing Poverty with a rich girl’s habits is an essay written by Suki Kim. This essay is about a young girl and her struggles to be accepted in the American culture as a Korean immigrant. One would view the most important point of this essay is understanding the shock Suki kim and her family went through adjusting from their extravagant life style, to working class, even being considered lower class family. Suki kim had to realize what life would be like living in America without the comforts of money, maids, chauffeurs and tutors at her side at all times. Suki Kim was thrown into a world she had never known before, coming to America in 1983, a teenager that had lived in Korea until that point. She was facing and seeing things that would be hard for her to understand and she would face challenges that she would work hard to overcome. One of the important facts of this essay about Suki Kim is the complete difference in culture she faced. She came from a country and a world of luxury and wealth, to living in a two-family brownstone house in Woodside, NY. Kim herself said the house was a “crammed, ugly place”. Suki reflected on the differences she saw in her school in Korea and the new school she went to in America. She said the children in Korea were taught to bow at their teachers to show respect, they would wear slippers in the building to keep the floors clean, a big difference from the graffiti filled walls and policeman guarded gate of her new school. As Suki Kim didn’t...
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...Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools Part one “Savage Inequalities: children in America’s Schools” was written by Jonathan Kozol in the year 1991. Jonathan was born in the year 1936 in the United States of America and he is a renowned educator, activist and a writer. During his teaching career, he was able to study the lives of students, parents and teachers. He has written many books, including “Rachael and her child: homeless families in America,” “Shame of the nation” and many more. His books mainly focused on the social life experienced in schools. In the book “Savage inequality”, the writer argues that segregation is the main challenge facing American schools today. He believes students are facing segregation more than it was in the year 1954. The issues that Kozol discussed are from interviews and observation with students, parents and teachers during his teaching career. These observations showed how the urban schools were different from the private schools in terms of resources and methods of teaching (Kozol, 196). In the books, he tells his story as a teacher. He explains all the school he taught and the challenges he observed. In the year 1964 he began his teaching career in segregated public institution in Boston. The institution faced some challenges; the school lacked enough classrooms, and teachers were not permanent and would leave any time of the year. Students had never experienced a chance to be taught by one teacher from one level to the other. He...
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...While adversity can cause depression and loss of confidence in most people, facing adversity in one’s life can have extremely positive results. Going through challenging times can help anyone assess who they are and who they want to be. Helen Keller faced adversity all throughout her life. Becoming deaf and blind as a child brought huge challenges to her life. Not learning how to compensate for her problems and learning to communicate would have been the easy way out for Helen. While she could have avoided the challenge of learning to communicate and going through many years of difficult studies, without the ability to communicate, she would have lived a very sheltered, dark, and confused life. Instead Helen spent all of her life learning to communicate through sign language. Mastering sign language is difficult enough for someone with their vision and so without hers, Helen had even more of a challenge. While working through her challenges in life, Helen was able to learn more about herself and the world around her. Because of adverse conditions in England, the Pilgrims came to America and began our history. A major factor in why the Pilgrims left England was a desire for religious freedom. The Church of England was intolerant towards other religious beliefs. Many citizens of England wanted to worship God how they wanted without being faced with persecution. By leaving England and starting fresh in America, the Pilgrims were free from the Church of England controlling their religious...
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...A Summary of “Facing poverty with a rich girl’s habits” by Kim Strayer University English Composition April 17, 2016 A Summary of “Facing Poverty with a Rich Girl’s Habits” by Kim This is a brief summary of Suki Kim’s essay, “Facing Poverty with a Rich Girl’s Habits” in which she reveals how she came from riches to rags. Beginning with how she grew up in an ugly house in Queens, New York in the 80’s, which was clearly a downgrade from the mansion in which she stayed in up until the seventh grade. This was quite a shock to her considering her father was millionaire and lost his fortune literally overnight. Her father’s business had gone bankrupt and since this was an offense punishable by jail, she and her father packed up and fled to America. They came to America nearly penniless and while doing so still managed to secure a residence from another Korean family at the aforementioned ugly house in Queens. Even this posed quite the challenge since this was far from the chauffeured life that she was accustomed. From taking public transportation for the first time, to attending class in America for the first time she was in for quite the shock. She did not know any English and as a matter of fact her first word was F.O.B which was an acronym for “fresh off the boat”. She also had to come to grips with the fact that she was now being called Asian. This was not a term that she was used to being called. The fact that she was considered...
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...strategic alliance and its future prospects in the auto industry? The strategic alliance between Chrysler and Fiat was a beneficial step for both the companies. Chrysler was facing problem of financial crisis of 2008-2009 and was not able to perform after de- merging with Daimler in the year 2007. In North-America Chrysler was facing challenges of its bankruptcy filing and global financial crisis, because of which the demand of its car decreased in the domestic market. In order to recover from this loss, Chrysler had no other option but to find a partner with whom it could serve the foreign market. Chrysler surveyed the possibilities of various big automakers like Nissan, TATA Motors, Ford, Volkswagen, GM and Fiat. Finally they decided to create a strategic alliance with Fiat. In this alliance Fiat agreed for 20% of Chrysler stake and increased to 35% within five years. With this Alliance, Fiat got the opportunity to enter the US Market and instead of paying for the 35% of Chrysler stake, they provided Chrysler access to their technology in automobiles. (Calabrese, 2012) Fiat announced publicly their intention to open a production center in North America for manufacturing of Alfa Romeo and Fiat brands. By doing so they gained 35% stake in Chrysler and gained access to the Chrysler production center in America. Similarly, Chrysler also benefitted by gaining access to the European market and was able to learn and apply Fiat technology for engineering small cars. The joint venture...
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...ResearchBeam has announced a new Report Package "MES Market in North America 2015-2019: Industry Size, Trends, Growth, Analysis, Challenges, Report" Report Overview MES is a control system that helps manage and monitor operations on a plant floor. It tracks the entire manufacturing process end to end, from the transformation of raw materials to the final finished product. MES uses real time data from machines, robots, and employees. For better performance and information flow across the organization, companies are integrating MES with ERP. This allows organizations to improve efficiency by performing operations, such as operation scheduling, lot tracking, resource allocation and control, plant maintenance, labor planning, data acquisition and collection, quality assurance, and process control. MES acts as a communication system between the various parts of a plant and also provides an enterprise-wide record system. Get Detailed Report at: http://www.researchbeam.com/mes-in-north-america-2015-2019-market As per the analysts forecast the MES market in North America to grow at a CAGR of 11.42% during 2014-2019. Covered in this Report The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the MES market in North America for the period 2015-2019. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from various end-user industries. The namely MES market in North America 2015-2019, is prepared based on an in-depth market analysis, with...
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...Abstract This paper discusses the challenges that America is facing in the race to be first in the world regarding the importance of obtaining a higher education for a better workforce of the nation. The rapid increase in globalization of the 21st century has completely changed the course of the world allowing a vast open playing field and competition from every direction. Foreign students have gained access to the American workplace due to outsourcing and breached the job market for American workers who lack the necessary skillset and education qualifications. While the worldly competition in education has drastically increased, President Obama has addressed a goal for the nation by 2020-for America to be top in the highest proportion of college graduates of the world. One of the greatest challenges that plays as an obstacle for this goal is the problematic college access. On the contrary, Germany has found that college education is not a necessity at all and has successfully maintain a low unemployment rate. However, the economy and government of the United States is structured very differently, and the framework of Obama’s plan proved that a stronger educated population is directly correlated with a stronger nation itself. History and Theoretical Framework For much of America’s history, a college education was not needed to make a decent living as the difference between the average wages of high school and college graduates was very minor. After WWII, however, the growth...
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