...and marketing challenges in the global hospitality industry Author: Rishi, Meghna; Gaur, Sanjaya S Abstract: Purpose - This paper attempts to identify the emerging themes that can shed light on the sales and marketing issues and challenges being faced by global hospitality organizations. Design/methodology/approach - The paper utilizes a multi-method approach for data collection. A thorough literature review, a focus group and personal interviews were conducted to explore the themes and construct a tentative thematic web. Publicly accessible secondary data in the form of customer reviews were drawn from world's leading web site - Tripadvisor.com. A total of 702 reviews of the customers of luxury hotels from the world's top two tourist destinations - France and USA - were analyzed, using thematic analysis. Customers' perspective is juxtaposed with industry's perspective to offer insights on the sales and marketing issues and challenges being faced by hospitality organizations globally. Findings - Marketing challenges, namely personalization/customization of services, service management, creating a strong parent brand, under-utilization of the social media and diverting tourists from heritage properties, are identified as some of the key emerging sales and marketing issues and challenges faced by the global hospitality industry. Practical implications - Analytically identified themes in this research paper provide valuable insights on issues and challenges related to sales...
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...of the world change clothes. Within this paper we are going to look at the overview of those changes and just exactly what makes this industry tic. We will discuss the challenges involved in managing restaurant operations that are specific to my state, as well as how I would address those challenges. Such challenges to the restaurant industry may include regulatory issues, social concerns, competitive issues, and / or demographic and geographic issues. I am also going to determine the impact of computerization on food service and lodging operations within my state, particularly in the areas of reservations, accounting, personnel management, and the recording of sales transactions, I’m also going to consider the quality of technology infrastructure in my state and the degree of technology usage by potential customers visiting or using these services within my state. I will be giving my opinion on all of these topics plus I will also analyze the interdependence of food service, lodging, and meeting segments of the hospitality industry and make two (2) recommendations for how the synergy between the three (3) could be improved, using examples from my state to illustrate my case. I will also explain how I believe these segments can improve their relationships between one another and how they can combine their services in order to be more marketable in my home state, and lastly I will Determine the likely consequences of the introduction of gaming entertainment into my state, or discuss...
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...Portada Management information systems managing the digital firm Part One. Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise ....1 Chapter 1. Managing the Digital Firm ....2 Opening Case: DaimlerChrysler's Agile Supply Chain ....3 1.1 Why Information Systems? ....4 Why Information Systems Matter 4 • How Much Does IT Matter? 6 • Why IT Now? Digital Convergence and the Changing Business Environment ....7 1.2 Perspectives on Information Systems ....13 What Is an Information System? ....13 Windows on Organizations: Cemex: A Digital Firm in the Making ....14 Window on Technology: UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology ....17 It Isn't Just Technology: A Business Perspective on Information Systems 18 • Dimensions of Information Systems ....20 1.3 Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems ....25 Technical Approach 26 • Behavioral Approach 26 • Approach of This Text: Sociotechnical Systems ....27 1.4 Learning to Use Information Systems: New Opportunities with Technology ....27 The Challenge of Information Systems: Key Management Issues 28 • Integrating Text with Technology: New Opportunities for Learning ....30 Make IT Your Business ....31 Summary, 31 • Key Terms, 32 • Review Questions, 32 • Discussion Questions, 33 • Application Software Exercise: Database Exercise: Adding Value to Information for Management Decision Making, 33 • Dirt Bikes USA: Preparing a Management Overview of the Company, 33 • Electronic Commerce Project: Analyzing...
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...Managing Diverse Workforce Name Institution Introduction The concept of workplace diversity refers to the differences that exist within an organization based on the employees working together in a team (Sonnenschein, 2009). It is imperative to note that the modern working environment calls for the need to manage the diverse workforce. As such, the management shoulders the responsibility of ensuring that they effectively manage diverse employees within their organization. It would sound simple to think that managing such team does not require tact and knowledge. However, it is pertinent to note that the aspect of diversity encompasses many fields like ethnic background, race, and age of individuals, gender, educational level, and the personality type of people. Additionally, diversity involves how the individuals perceive themselves and others of the different background than theirs. Hence, the perceptions will interfere with how they interact with others and the manner in which the organization will operate (Blunt, 2009). Therefore, for various assortments of employees to be in a position to function effectively within an organization, the human resource personnel must effectively deal with a broad range of issues. For instance, they must address change within the organization, communication aspect, and adaptability to the working environment. Furthermore, the issue of diversity will significantly increase in the future hence the need...
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...Workplace Diversity: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more. Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others. Those perceptions affect their interactions. For a wide assortment of employees to function effectively as an organization, human resource professionals need to deal effectively with issues such as communication, adaptability and change. Diversity will increase significantly in the coming years. Successful organizations recognize the need for immediate action and are ready and willing to spend resources on managing diversity in the workplace now. Benefits of Workplace Diversity An organization’s success and competitiveness depends upon its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits. When organizations actively assess their handling of workplace diversity issues, develop and implement diversity plans, multiple benefits are reported such as: Increased adaptability Organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets...
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..."As manager’s adviser to a possible new firm, set out the entrepreneurial new business lifecycle to help the business owners develop a strategic plan, also the options and challenges they will face in the growth and development phase ,and later on , when pursuing a “going global’ focus." At the beginning, what is Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship is strategic thinking and risk-taking behavior that results in the creation of new opportunities. The Entrepreneurs are either; * A classic entrepreneur is someone willing to pursue opportunities in situations others view as problems or threats. * A serial entrepreneur starts and runs businesses and nonprofits over and over again, moving from one interest and opportunity to the next. * A first-mover advantage comes from being first to exploit a niche or enter a market. What many people think is that entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses are one and the same, but they aren't. Entrepreneurial ventures are organizations that pursue opportunities, are characterized by innovative practice, and have growth and profitability as their main goals. While, Small Businesses are organizations that are independently owned, and financed; has fewer than 100 employees; doesn't necessarily engage in any new or innovative practices; and have relatively little impact on its industry.(p292) Attitude & Personal Interests of Entrepreneurs * Internal locus of control. * High energy level * High...
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...on mobile application development. BREW and J2ME are intended to provide a standard protocol for downloading executable applications to… (TCO C) What role can Java play in enhancing the mobile shopping experience? Java reduces the cost of downloading and developing moving images that are written in HTML because…. (TCO D) Discuss why a company would deploy WDAs versus laptops. A mobility increase production in most enterprise but the same doesn’t apply to others due to some… (TCO D) Describe 2 challenges of managing mobile devices in the enterprise. Two key challenges IT department faces in managing Mobile device in an enterprise are: Mobile applications compatibilities and… (TCO E) Give 3 reasons why WDAs pose a security risk when used on corporate intranets? Three of these reasons are that passwords are not always… (TCO F) What are the issues faced when designing mobile device hardware, e.g. handsets, PDAs for the mobile workplace? Mobile Intranet services may represent the largest potential market for Internet-compatible phones....
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...hardware platforms are needed. Existing multicore operating systems do not scale to large numbers of cores, and do not support clouds. Consequently, current day cloud systems push much complexity onto the user, requiring the user to manage individual Virtual Machines (VMs) and deal with many system-level concerns. In this work we describe the mechanisms and implementation of a factored operating system named fos. fos is a single system image operating system across both multicore and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud systems. fos tackles OS scalability challenges by factoring the OS into its component system services. Each system service is further factored into a collection of Internet-inspired servers which communicate via messaging. Although designed in a manner similar to distributed Internet services, OS services instead provide traditional kernel services such as file systems, scheduling, memory management, and access to hardware. fos also implements new classes of OS services like fault tolerance and demand elasticity. In this work, we describe our working fos implementation,...
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...Executive summary This report identifies and analyses the management challenges outlined in the case study of Service Adhesives Ltd. The research draws attention to how Service Adhesives traditional corporate structure, outdated strategies and failure to implement qualitative initiatives leant to their reclining competitive advantage in their industry and the slowdown of their profit margins. The report finds that Service Adhesives prospects in their current operations are limited but with their renewed commitment to effect radical improvements to their organisation then operational excellence is attainable. It is recommended that Service Adhesives revisits the qualitative initiative of total quality management (TQM) as this method encompasses everyone and every function of the organisation. It uses holistic approach to long term success that views continuous improvement as a process and aims to transform the organisation through progressive changes Table of Contents 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................3 1.1 Background of Service Adhesives..........................................................................3 1.2 Background of operations management..................................................................3 2. Orientation.......................................................................................................................4 2.1 Literature review...
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...Managing Crowds in Innovation Challenges Arvind Malhotra Ann Majchrzak Crowdsourcing for innovation is typically conducted as an “innovation challenge.” Despite the popularity of innovation challenges, there appears to be a growing consensus that innovation challenges do not succeed at generating solutions with competitive advantage potential. This article presents three ways in which managers can assure that their innovation challenges are fruitful: foster different crowd roles to encourage contribution diversity; offer knowledge integration instructions and dual incentives; and offer explicit instructions for sharing different types of knowledge. (Keywords: Creative Collaboration, Innovation, Creativity, Crowdsourcing, Open Innovation) I nnovation challenges, also known as innovation tournaments and idea contests, are a manifestation of crowdsourcing.1 When running an innovation challenge, a company posts an open call on the Web to solicit solutions from a diverse range of individuals. For example, GE’s Innovation Challenge solicited new technologies for its sustainability product line and a Lego Challenge asked the public to suggest unique Lego products as new revenue streams. By 2017, over half of consumer goods producers are projected to employ crowdsourcing for 75% of their consumer innovations.2 Despite the popularity of innovation challenges, there is a growing consensus that the current manner in which innovation challenges are implemented fails ...
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...PUMA POLICY BRIEF PRINCIPLES FOR MANAGING ETHICS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE OECD RECOMMENDATION The OECD Council adopted a Recommendation on Improving Ethical Conduct in the Public Service on 23 April 1998. The Recommendation is based on a set of Principles for Managing Ethics in the Public Service agreed in the Public Management Committee, to help Member countries to review their ethics management systems. Although governments have different cultural, political and administrative environments, they often confront similar ethical challenges, and the responses in their ethics management show common characteristics... Member countries need to have a point of reference when combining the elements of an effective ethics management system in line with their own political, administrative and cultural circumstances... Preamble to the OECD Recommendation PUMA Policy Brief No. 4 Public Management Service May 1998 On the proposal of the Public Management Committee the OECD Council recommends that Member countries take action to ensure well-functioning institutions and systems for promoting ethical conduct in the public service. This can be achieved by: • developing and regularly reviewing policies, procedures, practices and institutions influencing ethical conduct in the public service; • promoting government action to maintain high standards of conduct and counter corruption in the public sector; • incorporating the ethical dimension into management frameworks to ensure that management...
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...Innovative changes and Managing Evolving Generations Wayland Baptist University Management 5305 Organizational Theory Course Instructor: Dr. William Cojocar, Ph.D. Herlinda Sifuentes (January 31, 2012) Abstract Building a culture for Innovation, creativity, smart technology, non-traditional work environment, business management and new strategies sum up the focus of innovation in todays’ competitive changing world . Todays’ economy brings opportunities, moves quickly, and marks innovation as the only way to stay ahead of fast-moving developments and increasing competitive pressures. In their book “Innovation, The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want” Curtis Carlson and William Wilmot (2006) provide a developed disciplined process of innovation. This paper will analyze challenges the business environment faces in developing new ways to lead, inspire creativity, innovation, and challenges in managing the evolving generational gaps in the workplace. Introduction For organization be successful in the current business world is not an easy task. A strong Corporate culture and efficient leadership is essential to face challenges that are presented by competitors and the changing environment. Todays’ organizations must keep themselves open to creativity and continuous innovation, not only to prosper but merely to survive in a world of disruptive change and increasingly stiff competition. These challenges usually make an organization engage...
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...for organizational success. While there are many emerging HRM issues, there is one particular area that I found to be most concerning. Thomas Singleton, the Human Resources Director at Lifespan Corporate Services assisted me by proclaiming that, “…as globalization and the information age continue to advance, organizations need to adapt to the changes in technology and the changing issues in management of people.” Furthermore, he stated that managing globalization is a critical issue for human resource managers. Due to globalization and expected changes in technological and the social environment it has become critical for human resource managers to effectively and efficiently handle the competitive environment that affects the performance of organization at domestic as well as global platforms. “Globalization represents the structural making of the world characterized by the free flow of technology and human resources across national boundaries as well as the spread of Information Technology and mass media presenting an ever-changing and competitive business environment” (Česynienė, 2008). Furthermore, the challenge of human resource managers managing globalization has a slippery slope effect to the challenge in managing a demographic workforce. Managing a demographic workforce is an emerging issue for any organization and its HR department. At domestic and global levels, there are many policies and regulations that affect the recruitment policy of an organization...
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...MANAGING COMMITMENT-BASED ORGANIZATIONS IN COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENTS V. Aruldas, P. Zachariah, S. Awale Commitment-based organizations (organizations with a strong commitment to help individuals, groups or communities as a labour of love) are typically found in areas of need – working with street children, the homeless, healthcare for the poor, battered women, etc. Some of these areas of need have, over time, attracted other providers who see a business opportunity, resulting in a competitive setting. In India, the church-owned hospitals are an example of commitment–based organizations facing a competitive situation. Most church-owned hospitals in the country when there was little private or government healthcare, with a strong commitment to provide health care to the poor. Over the years, the number of healthcare providers has increased, the technology of healthcare provision has changed, funding for care of the poor is no longer easily available, and the founders of the hospitals have handed over leadership to the next generation. Managing such commitment-based organizations in this changed environment is a challenging task. A case-based study of 6 Indian church-owned hospitals was undertaken to understand how this challenge can be addressed. The findings suggest that such organizations need to have three primary areas of management focus: a) managing the operations b) managing the environment, and c) managing the ideology. Managing the operations...
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...Managing Information System Infrastructure Issues Iris Goldston CMGT 445 Charlie Neuman May 4, 2013 Abstract Managing an Information System Infrastructure is a difficult task that involves many facets and therefore many possible issues. An extreme advance in information technology is enabling business to have many opportunities. The advancement has brought about many challenges from obsolete hardware and software issues such as when to upgrade and how to ever increasing need for storage space. Energy consumption to support the new technology is expensive and therefore affects the bottom line of any business. The challenge to consume less energy and save money is an important concern, especially when going green builds consumer loyalty. As the need to keep up with new technology to keep or gain a competitive advantage, companies have to decide whether to build, rent, or simply maintain a facility to support its hardware. And finally, as with any business supply and demand fluctuates and with this comes the question of how to scale the power uses of an IS infrastructure. Configuration and Preventative Maintenance Configuring an Information System (IS) infrastructure involves hardware, software, communications and collaborations networks, database, human resources, and security. Preventative maintenance should include flexibility, strategic, and tactical planning. The hardware is all monitors, servers, mainframes, keyboards, desktops, and in some cases mobile...
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