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Chappy Day Research Paper

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McHappy Day is one of McDonalds' longest traditional events, held annually to help support sick children around the world. This event was established in 1977 as a one-day fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House Charities, and has raised nearly over 26 million dollars in the past sixteen years (Z99, 2009). On this day, when you purchase a Big Mac sandwich, McMuffin sandwich or Happy Meal, McDonalds will donate $1.00 to its various childrens' charities, which help support children in desperate need. In addition to the donations collected on this day, 10 cents from each Happy Meal sold regularly is donated to the Ronald McDonald House Program. (Marketwire, 2009)

There are many ways in which someone can support McHappy Days in addition to purchasing …show more content…
Some locations are visited by "special guests, sports and media personalities, politicians and entertainers as they roll up their sleeves to work behind the counter and show their support" (Marketwire, 2009). This may be the biggest draw for the crowd: seeing celebrities and local figures, "…swap their glamorous day jobs for flipping burgers" (Katu, 2007). For example, last year's McHappy Day, Senior chief Mike Metcalf of Peel Regional Police visited his local McDonalds restaurant to lend a hand, helping to raise money for McHappy Day. Some of the proceeds from the purchase of selected sandwiches were also donated to the William Osler Hospital Foundation in Brampton, ON and Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga (Silver Creek, 2009). McDonald's also holds McHappy Days for elementary and middle schools. Students are given an opportunity to see their teachers flip burgers, deep fry fries, fill drinks and more, on their designated McHappy school days. Teachers hand out McHappy school cards to their students, which are stamped with their schools name and address. When purchasing, they give the cashier the card and $1.00 of their purchase is given to their

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