...MKT 450 – Consumer Behavior and Marketing Syllabus (Revised: 01/04/2016) Spring 2016 16496 T/Th 12:00 - 01:50 pm HOH 303 16498 T/Th 02:00 - 03:50 pm HOH 303 16499 T/Th 04:00 - 05:50 pm HOH 303 Professor: Gülden Ülkümen Office: HOH 620 E-Mail: ulkumen@marshall.usc.edu Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00 am-12:00 pm Course Description We are all consumers. We buy groceries, computers, and cars. We purchase services ranging from bank accounts to college educations. However, we also know that consumers are different from one another. We buy different clothes, drive different cars, and eat different foods. Moreover, even the same consumer can make different decisions depending on the situation. So how are we to construct coherent marketing strategies? In this class we will learn how and why consumers behave the way that they do. We will explore our intuitions about our own behavior. We will learn about theories developed in marketing, psychology and other behavioral sciences. And we will learn to use these theories to predict how consumers will respond to different marketing activities. Learning Objectives * To acquire a framework for analyzing consumer behavior problems * To learn how consumer behavior can be affected by different marketing strategies * To show how behavioral evidence can be used to evaluate alternative marketing strategies * To...
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...Confirming Proofs Chapter 3 Strategic Market Segmentation Segmenting markets is a foundation for superior performance. Understanding how buyers’ needs and wants vary is essential to designing effective marketing strategies. Effective approaches to segmenting markets may be one of the most critical factors in developing and implementing market-driven strategy. The need to improve an organization’s understanding of buyers is escalating because of buyers’ demands for uniqueness and the growing array of technology available to generate products to satisfy these demands. Companies are responding to the opportunities to provide unique customer value with products ranging from customized phone pagers for business users to self-designed, individualized greeting cards for consumers. Indeed, McKinsey research underlines the weakness of thinking about markets only in general terms—talking of market trends, growth markets, mass markets, declining markets, and so on—and collecting information that describes only broad trends, where differences within markets are averaged-out. They point to the identification of opportunities from a deeper understanding of markets at a “granular” level. Market fragmentation and increasing granularity characterize a growing number of markets. The compelling logic of market granularity is that effective strategy can emerge only from a much finer understanding of market segments, their needs, and the capabilities required to serve them.1 Best Buy provides an interesting...
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...Akhter Office : UB20605 E-mail : rahma.akhter@bracu.ac.bd Phone : 01817530917 Consultation Hours |DAY |TIME |ROOM |HOURS | |Sun & Tues |12:30-01:50 |UB 20605 |3 | |Sun & Tues |02:00-03:20 |UB 20605 |3 | |Mon & Wed |11:00-12:20 |UB 20605 |3 | |Mon &Wed |12:30-01:50 |UB 20503 |3 | I. RATIONAL: This course introduces the students to the world of marketing. Starting off with the key concepts of marketing, the course is also a survey of the marketing function of the organization, including the marketing environment and target markets, marketing strategy with emphasis on the marketing mix and social and ethical responsibilities of marketing. II. SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the semester, the students should be able to understand – • The basics of marketing as well as its Concepts, Processes and Environments. • The behaviors of different customers as well as their segmentation, targeting and product positioning process. •...
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...SUKKUR INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUKKUR Faculty of Business Administration CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Programs & Class: BBA & MBA (Specialization) Semester: Spring 2016 Credit Hours: Instructor: Mr. Nabeel Nisar 03 Pre-requisite Courses: Principles of Marketing Co-requisite Courses: Post-requisite Courses: e-mail: nabeel.nisar@iba-suk.edu.pk Office Hours: 9 AM-5 PM Consulting Hours: Monday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM & Wednesday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM (kindly confirm your schedule via email for these days) Office Location: Room No: 102 Block II EVALUATION 1. Group Project 2. Individual Project 01 3. Individual Project 02 4. First Term 5. Second Term 6. Final Examination 15 % 10 % 05 % 15 % 15 % 40 % RECOMMENDED BOOKS: Publisher Name & Edition S.No Book Name Author/s Name 1. Consumer Behavior Schiffman and Leslie Lazer Pearson Education REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Consumer Behavior: Soloman, M Buying, Having and Being Prentice Hall 2. Consumer Behavior: Managerial Perspective Shelth, J. and Mittal, B Thomson-South Western 3. Consumer Behavior Eagle, Blackwell and Miniard Thomson-South Western A Official Course Outline Template Page 1 of 13 DIGITAL & WEB RESOURCES: http://iradio.oum.edu.my/icast/fbm/learning_segment/?p=archive&cat=bbgp_4103_consumer_behavior http://builderradio.com/blog/?p=678 http://www.london.edu/videoandaudio/facultyandresearch/ http://www.consumerpsychologist...
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...Session Plan: Managerial Economics Text Book: Pindyck, Rubinfield & Mehta, 7th Edition |Session Number|Topics Covered |Identified Cases |Readings |Source |Date | | |Fundamental Problems of An Economic System: Scarcity and Efficiency | | |1 & 2 |Introduction to Managerial Economics, Micro and Macro |1. Switzerland, Cuba and India: The Troika of Economic Problems in Three |Chapter-1 |CDC | | | |Economics |Economies |(Pindyck) | | | | |Production Possibility Frontier And Curves | | | |15-06-‘11 | | | | | | |17-06-‘11 | | |Partial And General Equilibrium | | | | ...
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...Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis Spring 2013 Textbook: Richard Froyen, Macroeconomics, 10thed. Cases: From HBS online: http://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cb/access/16750635 Or available at the bookstore Course Description: Building off the principles of macroeconomics course, this course is concerned with the behavior of key economic aggregates including the unemployment rate, inflation rate, productivity growth, interest rates, government budget imbalances, foreign trade imbalances, et. al. We want to learn how these macroeconomic variables are determined, the causes and consequences of their variations, how they interact with each other, and how they respond to government interventions. As a member of the business community, a journalist, educator, government official, or a stay-at-home mom, you will make decisions that should be influenced by our economy. This course endeavors to give you tools to fully interpret what is happening in the economy based on available information and an understanding of how the economic indicators influence the future. The course tries to do all of this while looking at the evolution of modern economic thought to understand how we have arrived at the conclusions and models we currently employ. This course is for economics majors…those of you who understand why economics is the key to making good decisions. We will focus on the ability to interpret, explain, and communicate. Approach: The main approach is analytical...
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...Motivation, goals, contribution. 2- Context. 3 - Elaboration and illumination of theory and results. 4 - Critical review, limitations and further thought. Group: 3.08 Assignment Theoretical assignment Date: 5.11.2014 1 1. Motivation, goals, contribution The article aims at making a comparative analysis between three different communication formats used in advertising, and assess their relative effectiveness on a continuum. The three communication formats are direct experience (DE), television ads, and infomercials. The authors build on previous work to explain the similarities and differences of infomercials and ads / DE, and imply that it is interesting to examine the moderating / mediating effects each medium’s features has on consumer attitudes and intentions. (For example, length, persuasive intent, physical interaction, etc. – how does each effect consumer’s attitudes?). The reasoning behind the choice of these specific formats is that infomercials are a “natural” middle ground, as they combine both television advertisements and DE features (while, they assume beforehand, most likely closer to DE, which is also what they find in their experiments). The motivation for the study is twofold: novelty and useful practical implications. Novelty / research gap: Previous studies discussed differences between ads and DE, while articles about infomercials did not elaborate on other formats. This article is the first to examine all three formats together. No other study has measured...
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...protection U.S. banks 15 Banks cash in on big data 16 Privacy vs. Security 17 Predicting with privacy 18 Privacy selling 19 Contrast between consumers privacy expectation versus their own online behavior 20 Expectations for growth internet users 2025 20 2.2Technology 22 Online banking approaches by different banks 22 SaaS business models 23 Why cloud computing for banks? 24 Privacy Trends 2014 – privacy trends in the age of technology 25 In-memory computing 27 2.3 Legislation 30 Europe Union 30 2.4 Future 31 Out in the open 31 Future sharing of finances 32 Changing Online ignorance 34 Cyber security trends for financial services 34 2.4 Results in-depth interviews 36 3.1 Basic needs 38 3.2 Drivers of change 39 3.3 Emerging consumer expectations 41 3.4 Inspiration 43 Target 43 Innovation by other banks 44 Luth Research 44 4.1 Technology 46 4.2 Changing user behaviors 46 4.3 Inconsistency 47 4.4 Legislation 47 5.1 Value proposition regarding SaaS and cloud computing trends 48 5.2 Financial forecast 49 5.3 Conclusion and recommendations 50 6. Bibliography 52 Appendix 1 – in-depth survey of teens aged 15-20 55 Appendix 2 - Interview questions – security 58 Appendix 3 - Innovation Dept. Interview 59 UPDATE Table of content at the end! Chapter 1 Research Proposal 1.1 Introduction to the...
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...[pic] SUMMER TRAINING REPORT ON “CONSUMER BEHAVIOR & SATISFACTION” FOR [pic] “GUJRAT CO-OPERATIVE MILK MARKETING FEDERATION LTD.” BY ROHAN ROY SAMUEL Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Post Graduate Diploma in Management. 2008-2009 CERTIFICATE OF THE COMPANY CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. ROHAN ROY SAMUEL of DSM has successfully completed the summer training in partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of PGDM Degree prescribed by the Institute. This report is the record of authentic work carried out by the student during the academic year 2008 -2009. Prof. VIBHUTI JHA Prof. N. H. Deshpande (Internal Guide) Vice-President (Faculty of Management) DECLARATION I, Rohan Roy Samuel hereby declare that this report is the record of authentic work carried out by me during the academic year 2008-2009 in Amul (Gujrat co-operative Milk Marketing Federation) Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Gudiyari Raipur (C.G.) ( ) Signature of the student ( Rohan Roy Samuel ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With immense...
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...Customer Buyer Behavior Regarding Luxury Goods in Peter Jones By [Author’s Name] [Faculty Name] [Department or School Name] [Month Year] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My thanks go out to all who have helped me complete this study and with whom this project may have not been possible. In particular, my gratitude goes out to friends, facilitator and family for extensive and helpful comments on early drafts. I am also deeply indebted to the authors who have shared my interest and preceded me. Their works provided me with a host of information to learn from and build upon, also served as examples to emulate. DECLARATION I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this thesis/dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, & this thesis/dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views & not essentially which are associated with the university. Signature: Date: ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 01: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Outline of the Study Purchasing products and services is common around the world, and almost everyone indulges in shopping. The value of a brand is seen in its brand equity and the brand loyalty that the brand possesses. The way consumers perceive a product or service, and the importance it has in their life is what makes all the difference, watching dogs on the way...
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...PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE This course aims at preparing students for a professional journey in the growing field of psychology by creating interest and developing an understanding of basic concepts of the discipline. Its major concerns include fostering capability to meet the challenges of self-discovery and effective participation in responding to the needs of society. With a vision to create a balance between society and the individual, the course intends to enable students in developing abilities needed for meeting the challenges and needs of the real world effectively. Along with it, students would also be encouraged to build a relationship with oneself, requisite for self discovery. To this end, the course emphasizes on building the conceptual foundations and acquiring psychological skills through classroom teaching/learning consisting of reflective as well as creative engagement in exercises, projects and hands on experiences. The teaching-learning of the programme would be organized through lectures, group discussions, experiential exercises, group projects, presentations, workshops and seminars. Students would be encouraged to connect to real life issues and participate in the programs and practices in the different social context. To this end practicum is incorporated as an important component in most of the papers with hands on training in the use of various research methods such as: laboratory experiments, field experiments, observation, testing, survey, interview, case...
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...A Field Book of Consumer Behavior Mount Ida College BA513 1H Consumer Behavior 09/27/2014 Table of Contents Concept page Positioning by Association with Competitors……........................……………............3 Positioning by Brand Personality …...….............................................................….…..............4 Positioning by Consumer Benefits.................................................................................5 Positioning by Price.......................................................................................................6 Positioning by Brand User.............................................................................................8 Positioning by Brand Personality...................................................................................9 Consumer Lifestyles and Product/Consumption Constellations....................................10 Repetition.....................................................................................................................11 Consumer Familiarity or Experience............................................................................12 Factors Influencing Gestalt Perception........................................................................13 Perceptions of Product/Service Quality........................................................................14 Perception of a Pioneer Brand......
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...Instructor Sub: MGT251; Section: 05 Group Members: Name ID number Quazi Aritra Reyan 2010-1-10-145 Syed Tasin Jahan 2010-2-20-072 Salman Iftekhar Suny 2010-1-10-131 Date of submission: November 29, 2011 Letter of Transmittal To Mrs. Rumana Afroze Faculty of Business Administration Department East-West University – Bangladesh Mohakhali, Dhaka Subject: Submission of Report. Dear Miss, It is our great pleasure to submit this report that you assigned on “Effect of personality on occupational stress in DHAKA BANK LIMITED” which has been prepared as a part of our Organizational Behavior course. We have tried our best to accomplish our research objectives successfully. This report definitely gives us an exceptional experience that will be of use in the future. The whole experience of this course enabled us to get an insight into the real life research situation. We will always be available for any supplementary interpretation or clarification that may require. Thank You. Quazi Aritra Reyan Salman Iftekhar Suny Syed Tasin Jahan Aknowledgement At this point we would specially like to thank those who had made it possible for us to prepare our report. Without their cooperation the completion of this report would have been difficult. We are most grateful to the many people...
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...A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELO OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TO SOUTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT Submitted By: TARANG P PATIL T.Y.B.B.A. (SEM-VI) ROLL NO.-23 Under the guidance of MR.HORMAZ.D.PATEL Submitted To: THE CO-ORDINATOR THE SURAT PEOPLE’S CO-OP. BANK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION UDHNA (SUART) March 2007 1 THE SURAT PEOPLE’S CO-OP. BANK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF THE FACULTY GUIDE This is to certify that the project entitled “A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TO SOUTH GUJURAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT is a record of bonafide research work carried out by TARANG P PATIL under my supervision and guidance. Signature Project Guide (Prof .H.D.Patel) Signature Co-Ordinator (MRS. DAISY S.T) DECLARATION 2 I , TARANG P PATIL , here by declare that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. under the guidance of Prof H. D. PATEL submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of business administration to south Gujarat university , Surat is my original Work - research study - carried out during 1st January, 2008 to 1st March ,2008 and...
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...PARTICIPANT HANDBOOK STRATEGIC MARKETING – DURABLE CONSUMER GOODS Jean-Claude Larréché The Alfred H. Heineken Chaired Professor of Marketing INSEAD Hubert Gatignon The Claude Janssen Chaired Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Marketing INSEAD Rémi Triolet Simulation Expert How you can save paper. Please refer to page 2 before printing this document. Copyright © StratX 2015-02-03 i TABLE OF CONTENT I. Introduction to the Markstrat Challenge ________________________________________________ 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. II. Understand your role ________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Your objective ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Your team _________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Getting prepared ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2 How to print the PDF version of this handbook ___________________________________________________________ 2 Questions & Technical Support _______________________________________________________________________ 2 Overview of the Markstrat World ______________________________________________________ 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sonite Products _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Vodite Products ____________________________________________________________________________________...
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