...Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the review of the related literature and studies underlying the framework of the study. It includes the conceptual model of the study and the operational definition of terms. Review of Related Foreign Literature Computer Games Computers are used in entertainment for a very long time since 1970’s. Video games are used as a significant source for young generation such as children, teenagers and young adults in entertainment industry. Nowadays, computer games are played on not only PC’s but also on different gaming platforms like Xbox, Nintendo Wii and on mobile devices such as hand phones and PDA’s. This makes computer games much wider and popular. (Mitchell & Savill-Smith, 2009) Playing is one of characteristics of human. People learn serious information during playing computer games while feeling pleasure. Computer and video games become one the most popular activity for leisure times of young people in both western and Asian societies. (Vorderer, 2010) Positive and negative effects of computer games are discussed heavily especially on teenagers. Negative effects include headaches, eye problems, chest pain, and fatigue. Also game play causes sleep deprivation associated with eyes and 4 muscle problems. Playing computer games also create damage to social life by causing decrease on socialness and less positive behavior towards society. (Griffiths, 2010) Beside of negative effects, computer games...
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...Neuron Perspective Children, Wired: For Better and for Worse Daphne Bavelier,1,* C. Shawn Green,2 and Matthew W.G. Dye3 of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA of Psychology, Center for Cognitive Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA 3Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA *Correspondence: daphne@bcs.rochester.edu DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.08.035 2Department 1Department Children encounter technology constantly at home and in school. Television, DVDs, video games, the Internet, and smart phones all play a formative role in children’s development. The term ‘‘technology’’ subsumes a large variety of somewhat independent items, and it is no surprise that current research indicates causes for both optimism and concern depending upon the content of the technology, the context in which the technology immerses the user, and the user’s developmental stage. Furthermore, because the field is still in its infancy, results can be surprising: video games designed to be reasonably mindless result in widespread enhancements of various abilities, acting, we will argue, as exemplary learning tools. Counterintuitive outcomes like these, besides being practically relevant, challenge and eventually lead to refinement of theories concerning fundamental principles of brain plasticity and learning. Introduction It is Monday morning at 7:58 a.m....
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...Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter contains the gathered researches from different sources. These different studies will be used as a guide and support to the research. The related literature starts with the good and important effects of different gadgets used in learning areas and goes on with the possible effects that might happen to Students when technology is being used extensively. On the later part of the chapter are the gathered related studies and articles done by various researchers. Foreign Literature Jessica White (2005) said that, technology has completely changed the scope of education in America. Most states require a technology aspect to their school improvements plans. They have embraced the idea that using technology in their classroom makes the subject anything from math to art-more accessible to many kinds of students. Educators, administrators, parents, and students are so well-versed in technology that it has become norm in even the most economically disadvantaged schools. She also stated that controversy exist about some students having access too much information. Some internet sites are not monitored by educational sources. Students who have not been taught the proper way to research on the internet might make a research hypothesis based on a website whose information is untrustworthy. Educators should be cautious and explain exactly what their expectations to their students are. Plagiarizing-detection software checks that...
Words: 3916 - Pages: 16
...REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter contains the gathered researches from different sources. These different studies will be used as a guide and support to the research. The related literature starts with the good and important effects of different gadgets used in learning areas and goes on with the possible effects that might happen to Students when technology is being used extensively. On the later part of the chapter are the gathered related studies and articles done by various researchers. Foreign Literature Jessica White (2005) said that, technology has completely changed the scope of education in America. Most states require a technology aspect to their school improvements plans. They have embraced the idea that using technology in their classroom makes the subject anything from math to art-more accessible to many kinds of students. Educators, administrators, parents, and students are so well-versed in technology that it has become norm in even the most economically disadvantaged schools. She also stated that controversy exist about some students having access too much information. Some internet sites are not monitored by educational sources. Students who have not been taught the proper way to research on the internet might make a research hypothesis based on a website whose information is untrustworthy. Educators should be cautious and explain exactly what their expectations to their students are. Plagiarizing-detection software checks that students...
Words: 5065 - Pages: 21
...Study Mariposa County November 2009 Prepared by Chevon Kothari, Jill Harry, and Megan Rogers, Consultants, for the Mariposa County Local Child Care Planning Council "Promoting and supporting a community-wide effort that results in a child care system that meets the needs of our children." Table of Contents LCP Mission and Goals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv Age Ranges Defined ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v Local Child Care Planning Council Member List -----------------------------------------------------vi Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Section I: Community Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Mariposa County Profile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Nature of the Child Care Industry ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Existing Child Care Options in Mariposa County ------------------------------------------------ 6 Section II: Survey Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Summary of the 2009 Child Care Needs Assessment --------------------------------------------- 9 Child Care Needs Survey Results ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Family Child Care Homes...
Words: 38786 - Pages: 156
...Educational Psychology: Developing Learners This is a protected document. Please enter your ANGEL username and password. Username: Password: Login Need assistance logging in? Click here! If you experience any technical difficulty or have any technical questions, please contact technical support during the following hours: M-F, 6am-12am MST or Sat-Sun, 7am-12am MST by phone at (800) 800-9776 ext. 7200 or submit a ticket online by visiting http://help.gcu.edu. Doc ID: 1009-0001-158C-0000158D Jeanne Ellis Ormrod Professor Emerita, University of Northern Colorado University of New Hampshire ISBN 0-558-65860-1 Boston ● Columbus ● Indianapolis ● New York ● San Francisco ● Upper Saddle River Amsterdam ● Cape Town ● Dubai ● London ● Madrid ● Milan ● Munich ● Paris ● Montreal ● Toronto Delhi ● Mexico City ● Sao Paula ● Sydney ● Hong Kong ● Seoul ● Singapore ● Taipei ● Tokyo Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, Seventh Edition, by Jeanne Ellis Ormrod. Published by Allyn & Bacon. Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. Editor-in-Chief: Paul A. Smith Development Editor: Christina Robb Editorial Assistant: Matthew Buchholz Vice President, Director of Marketing: Quinn Perkson Marketing Manager: Jared Brueckner Production Editor: Annette Joseph Editorial Production Service: Marty Tenney, Modern Graphics, Inc. Manufacturing Buyer: Megan Cochran Electronic Composition: Modern Graphics, Inc. Interior Design: Denise Hoffman, Glenview Studios Photo...
Words: 101358 - Pages: 406
...Madeleine Fitzpatrick MA, Cantab brillkids www.brillkids.com ™ © 2010 BrillKids Inc. All rights reserved. Visit www.BrillBaby.com to learn more! CONTENTS FOREWORD..................................................................................... i Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION................................................... 1 I don’t believe it!.................................................................. 1 Why teach babies to read?.................................................. 1 Shouldn’t I teach the alphabet first?..................................... 2 What if my baby doesn’t enjoy reading?............................... 2 What are the learning methods for babies?.......................... 2 Chapter 2: WHY TEACH READING EARLY?........................... 3 Babies are linguistic geniuses.............................................. 4 Isn’t learning to read supposed to be difficult?..................... 5 From speaking to reading … a giant leap?........................... 6 Reading’s place in history.................................................... 7 The promise of early reading................................................ 8 Early reading can prevent dyslexia....................................... 9 Chapter 3: WHOLE LANGUAGE VS PHONICS...................... 12 Why teach whole language?................................................ 13 Why teach phonics?............................................................ 14 The dyslexia debate.....................
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION. 1. Background information to the research problem. The prevalence of drop out varies between and within countries and occurs more frequently in certain age ranges and grades depending on the educational structure and patterns of participation in that country (Hunt, 2008). However, Teenagers’ dropping out of high school before completion has been a challenge for educators, parents, and employers for at least 30 years [Blue & Cook (2004); citing Haycock & Huang]. For many public school students’ particularly male students from low-income or ethnic minority families graduating from high school has remained problematic, even as the nation’s general educational level has increased [Blue & Cook (2004); citing Dillow]. According to 2000 current population survey (CPS) of the U.S. census bureau are used to compute dropout and completion rates by background characteristics, such as sex, race/ethnicity, and family income. Dropout rates in U.S are typical calculated in one of two ways: status rates and events rates. Status dropout rates indicate the number and percentage of people aged 15–24 who are not enrolled in school and have not obtained a high school credential. Event dropout rates, on the other hand, measure the number and percentage of students leaving school over a particular time period typically one year. Dropping out of school seems to be the result of a long-term process of disengaging from school [Blue & Cook (2004); citing...
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...Chapter 1: Student Characteristics Understand Characteristics of Students with Disabilities Some students with disabilities pass through typical developmental milestones and express skills within an average range for their age group. Others show delayed growth at certain developmental milestones, and many students with disabilities experience challenges as they navigate through the school curriculum. It is critical that special education teachers know how to differentiate between typical individual differences among children without disabilities and differences that may indicate a disability that requires interventions and/or specialized designed instruction. In addition, special education teachers need to know the most common types of disabilities that students may experience and how those disabilities affect their ability to learn and their behavior in the classroom. Competency 1 thus focuses on the characteristics of typical and atypical human growth and development and the characteristics of students with various disabilities that special education teachers are likely to encounter. The test includes a wide range of multiple-choice questions that address Competency 1. * Questions on typical and atypical behaviors and abilities for children and adolescents at particular ages. * Questions on the types and characteristics of various disabilities. * Questions on the similarities and differences among students with and without disabilities. This competency encompasses...
Words: 37727 - Pages: 151
...Educational Psychology: Developing Learners This is a protected document. Please enter your ANGEL username and password. Username: Password: Login Need assistance logging in? Click here! If you experience any technical difficulty or have any technical questions, please contact technical support during the following hours: M-F, 6am-12am MST or Sat-Sun, 7am-12am MST by phone at (800) 800-9776 ext. 7200 or submit a ticket online by visiting http://help.gcu.edu. Doc ID: 1009-0001-191D-0000191E DEVELOPING LEARNERS JEANNE ELLIS ORMROD Professor Emerita, University of Northern Colorado EIGHTH EDITION ISBN 1-256-96292-9 Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, Eighth Edition, by Jeanne Ellis Ormrod. Published by Pearson. Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Vice President and Editorial Director: Jeffery W. Johnston Vice President and Publisher: Kevin Davis Editorial Assistant: Lauren Carlson Development Editor: Christina Robb Vice President, Director of Marketing: Margaret Waples Marketing Manager: Joanna Sabella Senior Managing Editor: Pamela D. Bennett Project Manager: Kerry Rubadue Senior Operations Supervisor: Matthew Ottenweller Senior Art Director: Diane Lorenzo Text Designer: Candace Rowley Cover Designer:...
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...Chapter Overview 12.1 The Beginnings of Development What Is Development? Prenatal Development The Newborn CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 12.1 Before and Preoperational Stage Concrete Operational Stage Formal Operational Stage Challenges to Piaget’s Stage Theory Social Development The Power of Touch Attachment Theory Disruption of Attachment Family Relationships Peers After Birth 12.2 Infancy and Childhood Physical Development Cognitive Development Piaget’s Stage Theory Sensorimotor Stage CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 12.2 Stages of Cognitive Development 12 Learning Objectives Development Throughout the Life Span 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Describe the development of the field and explain the prenatal and newborn stages of human development. Discuss physical development in infants and newborns. Examine Piaget’s stage theory in relation to early cognitive development. Illustrate the importance of attachment in psychosocial development. Discuss the impact of sexual development in adolescence and changes in moral reasoning in adolescents and young adults. Examine the life stages within Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. Illustrate the physical, cognitive, and social aspects of aging. Describe the multiple influences of nature and nurture in human development. 12.3 Adolescence and Young Adulthood Physical Development Cognitive Development Social Development Cognitive Development Social Development Continuity or Change Relationships Ages and...
Words: 34557 - Pages: 139
...Cover Designer: Chris Miller/cmiller design Cover Image: Getty Images/The Image Bank Permission Aquistion Manager/Photo: Deanna Ettinger Permission Aquistion Manager/Text: Mardell Glinski Schultz © 2010, 2007 South-Western, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution, information storage and retrieval systems, or in any other manner—except as may be permitted by the license terms herein. For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, 1-800-354-9706 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at www.cengage.com/permissions Further permissions questions can be emailed to permissionrequest@cengage.com Library of Congress Control Number: 2008939395 ISBN 13: 978-0-324-59360-0 ISBN 10: 0-324-59360-0 South-Western Cengage Learning 5191 Natorp Boulevard Mason, OH 45040...
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...Trust, Repute, and the Role of Nonprofit Enterprise [The book version] by Andreas Ortmann* & Mark Schlesinger** Abstract In this chapter we examine the trust hypothesis: the proposition that information asymmetries between providers and consumers of services can explain the existence of nonprofit enterprise in certain markets. We argue that this hypothesis, in order to be viable, has to meet three challenges: (1) the de jure inability of nonprofits to distribute profits to shareholders and/or management must affect incentives within the nonprofit firm in ways that are compatible with trustworthiness (Aincentive compatibility challenge@), (2) nonprofit behavior must not be adulterated by individuals taking advantage of the perceived trustworthiness (Aadulteration challenge@), and (3) nonprofit status must be treated as a reliable predictor of organizational behavior by consumers, when the reputation of individual firms is not seen as reliable (Areputational ubiquity challenge@). We propose that the trust hypothesis stands on shaky ground. It can be sustained only under particular conditions that have been neither carefully described in theory nor subject to empirical assessment. The available evidence, patchy and inadequate as it is, seems to suggest that there are ownership-related differences in the organizational behavior of non-profits and for-profits. However, there is little evidence that these differences can be connected to trust per se or provide a rationale for the existence...
Words: 17197 - Pages: 69
...PART 1 THE STUDY OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT R esearching the process of human development across cultures provides us with an opportunity to improve the human condition as well as, hopefully, to acquire the knowledge needed to optimize life satisfaction. We therefore begin with an overview of how diverse social science and life science researchers (collectively known as developmentalists) approach the monumental task of studying humans over the course of the life span. Our discussion includes the goals of the scientific community, the recognized framework for studying the life span, what aspects of development warrant extensive examination, and what scientific methods are used to conduct research with humans. Chapter 2 discusses the main developmental theories over the past 100 years, when social scientists, biologists, and chemists focused on studying discrete aspects of human development. Earlier introspective methods about subconscious experience and contemporary measurable evidence about microscopic genetic codes, neurons, and hormones all contribute to our understanding of the human condition. Contemporary researchers are focusing on how to integrate scientific findings and theory from across cultures into a more meaningful whole about human development. CHAPTER 1 Introduction Critical Thinking Questions 1. Developmental change takes place in three fundamental domains: physical, cognitive, and emotional-social. Which domain has been most important for...
Words: 20056 - Pages: 81
...Rights Acquisitions Specialist/Images: John Hill © 2012, 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, 1-800-354-9706 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at www.cengage.com/permissions Further permissions questions can be emailed to permissionrequest@cengage.com Exam View® is a registered trademark of eInstruction Corp. Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation used herein under license. Macintosh and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. used herein under license. © 2008 Cengage Learning. All...
Words: 34296 - Pages: 138