OST2335 COMM. IN THE WKFORCE - Fall 2012 ONLINE 412734
Assignment #2 (Chap 5) (Attempt 1 )
DATE: October 27, 2011
SUBJECT: Chapter 5, Page 143
Complete 5.10 though 5.13 on page 143 of your text book. * 5.10- Rewrite the 5 sentences in plain language; remove the wordiness and buzzwords. a. Being a jack-of-all-trade, Dave worked well in his new general manager job.
Being a skilled person, Dave worked well in his new general manager job.
b. Moving Leslie into the accounting department, where she was literally a fish out of the water, was like putting a square peg into a round hole, if you get my drift. Moving Leslie into the accounting department, was a bad idea, she doesn’t have the knowledge for this position. c. My only take away from the offsite was that laird threw him entire department under the bus for missing the deadline.
My only way from the offsite was that laird threw him entire department in trouble for missing the deadline.
d. I’d love to help with the project, but I’m bandwitdth-constrained
I would love to help with the project, but I don’t have the knowledge. e. The board green-lighted our initiative to repurpose our consumer products for the commercial space.
The board approved our initiative to repurpose our consumer products for the commercial space.
* 5.11- Replace the 15 words with simple words. a. Inaugurate: start b. Terminated: ended c. Utilize: Use d. Anticipate: Look forward to e. Assistance: Help f. Endeavor: Try g. Ascertain: Find out h. Procure: Get i. Consummate: Complete j. Advise: recommend k. Alteration: Change l. Forwarded: Advanced m. Fabricate: Make n. Nevertheless: But o. Substantial: Important * 5.12- Rewrite the 5 messages using up-to-date and less stuffy versions. a. As per your instructions: delete
b. Attached herewith: delete
c. In lieu of: instead
d. In reply I wish to state: none
e. Please be advise that: deleted
* 5.13- Rewrite the e-mail so the recipient is more receptive.
I am writing you to say that I think I was unfairly awarded a "C" in your accounting class last term. I would like to know if there was any possible way that I could change that grade to a B? It was a very difficult term for me with school and work. On the midterm examination; I originally got a 75 percent score. You said in class that there were two different ways to answer the third question and that you were going to change the grades for the students who use the optional cost method. I had been counted off 6 points for doing this. I’m not sure if you took this into account, because I got an 80 percent on my final exam also.
I was hoping that you can take this into consideration. Please let me know if I can make an appointment with you to discuses my grades. Whichever you decide is fine with me. I also wanted to thank you for everything you teach me. I really enjoyed your class last semester. Thank you for making accounting so interesting.