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Chapter 8 and Conclusion- Flavin


Submitted By mia415
Words 2468
Pages 10
Reading Notes: Flavin Ch. 8 and Conclusion

Flavin, Jeanne. 2009. Our Bodies, Our Crimes: the policing of women’s reproduction in America. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Chapter 8: “Asking for It”: Battered women and Child Custody

1. Jessica Gonzales obtained a restraining order against her estranged husband from herself and her three young children. a. The restraining ordered was not enforced and led to the killing of her three children b. Gonzalez sued the town of castle rock i. The supreme court ruled that police are exempt from legal action, even if the result of their refusal to enforce a restraining order resulted in death 2. Child Abductions are not uncommon. c. Most children are abducted by family members, typically the biological father. d. In most cases, the child is taken for about a week of more. ii. Generally, the abductor is trying to prevent contact between the child and the mother and also trying to change the current custody arrangement 3. Intimate partner violence is big problem e. It accounts for 1/5th of all nonfatal violence act and 1/3rd of homicides when looking at females age 12 and older f. Most rapes and physical assaults against women are committed by current or former spouses, a date or live-in partners 4. Thaw two relevant types of intimate violence in the text are intimate terrorism and violent resistance g. Intimate terrorism is a form of violence that escalates over time and becomes more severe and likely to cause injury as the man feels more of a need to have power and control in relationships; this is his motivation iii. A man’s motivation for power is why he may become more violent when she tries to leave iv. Men who take part in intimate terrorism are more likely to use custody challenges to punish her or

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