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Chapter Analysis: The Tang People

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In this chapter I learned that a few months before he was born his father left. His grandmother always had an excuse about talking about the Golden Mountain. He never saw his father so he would always pray for him. They had heavy debts to pay. Mothers patience wore thin. His father was a master of craft and he was a pro at making kites.
In this chapter i learned his uncle studied him as if he was a flatiron. The Tang people wore a special blue silk coat. To get to the Tang peoples Town you have to pass through Barbary Coast. The roofs of the buildings here were tiled and arched and the walls, windows, and doorways were gold or red or green.
In this chapter i learned that the boy opened the door and the door was 10 feet wide. The boy's father made a machine and he had tamed whatever demons were inside. I also learned that not all demons are evil. I also learned that the father told him why they called him windrider. In the …show more content…
The boy had worked 16 hour days and he loved it. In this story it says that Red Rabbit was the slowest horse in demon land. In Tang people town they would throw stones and other weapons sometimes other demons would jump in. In this chapter every demon had a stone, knife, or a gun.
What I learned in this chapter that black dog got hurt. The boy thinks that hand clap had lived in the demon land for along time. His uncle had to collect overdue bills. In this chapter I always learned that the husband was scared of his wife he didn’t want to be poisoned by a flower.
In this chapter I learned that Hand Clap sat and the reins in his hand reluctant to Red Rabbit. In one of the rooms of the house there was a potbellied stove with a pipe leading to the ceiling. The boy took his father’s hand and they walked towards the demon house. The boy thinks that the demons have been waiting for them. The boy had a dream in his dream he said that the demons would be

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