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Character Analysis: Ed Holdaway

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There are tons of jobs in the sports industry, but the job that Ed Holdaway holds at IUPUI sparked a curiosity between my partner and I. Mr. Holdaway acts as the Assistant A.D. of Communications for IUPUI Athletics. His job focuses on managing the social media and websites for the athletic teams, while being the primary liaison of 11 of the 18 sports. Being the Assistant A.D. of Communications is a “behind the scenes” type of job, but the less camera time Mr. Holdaway get’s, the happier he is.
Mr. Holdaway has always wanted to be behind the scenes, but his initial dream didn’t involve social media. Having the aspirations to become a sports journalist is want propelled Mr. Holdaway into the sport’s industry. In college, having the role as the sports editor for the IUPUI student newspaper is what prompted him to taking the position he has now. Although Mr. Holdaway can only put two jobs on his resume, he offerer a lot of experience. Even …show more content…
College is the perfect time to start volunteering and getting involved. Indiana Sports Corp is a great place to start. Indianapolis is one of the best sports cities. It’s not on the same level as L.A or New York, but indianapolis as carved out its own niche and does a great job at. The downtown is structured well to host big events which makes it easier to get involved. Along with getting involved, Mr Holdaway recommends that we pick a skill and master it. Taking classes in communication, graphic design, writing, or speech will benefit us in this field. Mastering skills from any other those classes can set us apart from our competition. College is also a great time to start reaches out and building a network. When we asked Mr. Holdaway “Is it more important to have an education, network, or experience?” He stated that “ experience and building a network is more important than educations but it’s good to have all

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