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From Skull Drills To Happy Pills

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Millions of Americans live with mental illness. There are so many health problems that include anxiety, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), psychotic disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) and eating disorders. Those are only some of the most common mental disorders that we know of. There are many more mental disorders which are less common and they include dissociative disorder, sexual and gender disorders, somatic symptom, and tic disorders. One out of six people take psychiatric drugs to help them cope or control these illnesses. The research on mental health/illness has come a long way it’s been traced back to sometime in 500 BCE (before common era) (From Skull Drills to Happy Pills …show more content…
This procedure was started by chipping a hole into the skull using stone instruments (From Skull Drills to Happy Pills 1). People believed that whatever was possessing the person would be released and the person would be healed. The procedure continued through the centuries to treat many different illnesses such as skull fractures, migraines, and mental illness (From Skull Drills to Happy Pills 1). There were better tools created as time passed for these precise procedures such as brain saws and drills. In many civilizations, mental illness was caused by supernatural things generally a demon or spirit (From Skull Drills to Happy Pills 1). Most of these mental cases where treated with exorcism and prayer. Before asylums where created the mentally ill or people who suffered from mental health problems would be treated by healers. They would take the person with the illness to a “general hospital or a workhouse” where the patient would eventually be abandoned by their family (From Skull Drills to Happy Pills 2). The firsts asylums were built in the sixteen centuries. The first asylum was in Europe in Valencia, …show more content…
These asylums were more of a place to abandon a mentally ill family member or for convicted mental inmates. The patients at these asylums would be treated inhumanly. “There was a study done for an asylum in Paris called La Bicetre where patients were shackled to the wall in the dark, cramped cells, Iron cuffs and collars” (From Skull Drills to Happy Pills 2). These patients didn’t have the space or mobility to lay down so they would sleep standing. They weren’t fed correctly and would sleep on the floor on their own feces since the rooms where never cleaned. These are things from the past now people with mental health problems have more civilized and normal lives. Even to this day there is a lot of people who have little knowledge of mental health problems. In a study done in 2003 by Mental Health America two-thirds of Americans hold limited, if any, knowledge of bipolar disorder (mental health America 2003). Many things have changed in all these years and the progress for mental illness is amazing. The research and improvement to help people with these illnesses has been remarkable. Now they have housing for people who suffer from mental

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