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Character Analysis: Flipped

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You know how everybody has different personalities, right? Well then have you heard of people having different mindsets? In Flipped, Bryce’s mom, Mrs. Loski, shows that she has a growth mindset. On page 119, the text states,” ‘Well,” my mother said as she sat down, “I have come up with a solution to our situation.”…”The solution is…” my mother said as she served herself some pancakes,”… we’re going to have the Bakers over for dinner.”…” It is something we should have done years ago.” This proves that Mrs. Loski has a growth mindset because she is willing to look past the Bakers’ minor flaws and wants to have the Bakers over for dinner to get to know them better. In addition, the author also writes, “Mom glared at him, “What I’m expecting is

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