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Comparing Beowulf And Grendel's Mother

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Beowulf is an epic based on a warrior who travels across Scandinavia to protect the people of Herot from the beasts who continuously invade the land. He vows to protect the people of Herot at any cost and pledges to put an end to the invasions by killing the beasts with nothing more than his bare hands. Beowulf was successful in each of his battles, concluding that his strength is unparalleled to any human or beast known to man on earth. Untraditionally, Beowulf displays far less human qualities than the beasts themselves, especially in contrast to Grendel’s mother. Two critics, Chih-chiao Joseph Yang and Santanu Ganguly, discuss the character of Grendel’s mother. They both conclude that Grendel’s mother is portrayed as having more human characteristics

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