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A-10 Pros And Cons

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1. This paper will discuss the A-10, the ongoing pursuit to retire it, and pros and cons of keeping it around longer. After going into detail of the pros and cons of prolonging the A-10’s tenure, additional information will be given, further supporting the notion that it is in the Air Force’s best interest to postpone the A-10’s retirement. Some of the pros that will be discussed include reputation, weaponry, and design of the A-10. The cons that will be examined include the integration of the F-35, budgeting, and the aging technology within the A-10. The additional points further supporting the viewpoint of the author will include information relating to budgeting, advancement in A-10 technology packages, and the unequal weaponry of …show more content…
Opponents to Congress’ push to save the A-10 from retirement argue that the A-10 is outdated and needs to be replaced by a more technologically advanced aircraft, more specifically, the F-35.3 The F-35 has far more advanced features, including state-of-the-art stealth and electronic warfare configurations.3 In support to this advocacy, General Herbert J. Carlisle of the United States Air Force argues that other countries such as Russia and China are quickly advancing their air weaponry to a level that is superior to that of the USAF’s current airframe lineup.4 This information would necessitate the Air Force to begin retiring older airframes and integrating new technology, such as the F-35, sooner rather than later. Additionally, it is approximated that the USAF could save $3.5 billion over five years if it were to retire the A-10 right now.4 Amidst budget cuts, this is a strong argument, however only one side of the …show more content…
Thus far, pros and cons of postponing the retirement of the A-10 have been examined. Within the cons mentioned, was information regarding budgeting, technology, and the F-35. Now, counter arguments to these cons will be examined. As stated, the Air Force has claimed that cutting the A-10 would save approximately $3.5 billion over five years.4 However, when comparing the A-10 with the F-35, the A-10 is substantially cheaper. The A-10 costs $11,500 per flight hour, compared to $32,000 for the F-35.1 The newer upgrades to the A-10 have closed the gap between it and the F-35.1 Additionally, the technological upgrades that the F-35 has over the A-10 are almost obsolete in relation to the current needs of the Air Force. As the United States fights insurgents in the Middle East, they are not battling against high-budgeted weaponry and manpower which would necessitate technologically advanced stealth and electronic warfare configurations. The F-35 lacks the armored underbelly necessary for close air support and the heavier 30mm gun that the A-10 possesses.1 The F-35 is more appropriate and maintained for air-to-air combat.1 The F-35 may be the plane of the future, but for now, with the current circumstances and needs in the Middle East, the A-10 is the more appropriate

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