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How To Save Curious George

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The authors of the three readings all seem to suggest the same in terms of helping children and adolescents meet the increasing complex and diverse literacy demands, which is incorporating informational text into the classroom and curriculum during the early years. Biancarosa (2012) states, “No matter how successful early instruction in reading is, it cannot fully prepare students for the literacy demands that evolve after 3rd grade (pg.26). From grades K-3, students are learning to read, they are memorizing sight words and decoding. The shift begins in the 4th grade when students are reading to learn. Students are reading to obtain information. Biancarosa (2012) suggests moving out of the 20th century and into the 21st with incorporating digital …show more content…
I knew very little about the background of the authors of Curious George. It was interesting to read about their travels. I admire how H.A. and Margaret Rey never lost their passion and motivation to continue drawing and creating stories throughout their travels. Some of the text features that pique my interests are the pictures. The pictures are beautifully illustrated and captures all that was going on during this time. Also alongside the drawings were real life photos of the Rey’s and actual documents such as childhood photos, H.A. Rey’s diary from 1936 and a manuscript from 1938. The real life photos brought a sense of closeness to the authors. So much of the Rey’s life is seen throughout their work. Another text feature that interest me was the book is written in way that anyone can read it with ease. This text may lead readers to further pursue Jewish History and immigration. Readers may want to learn how Jewish people fled their homes to find safety from the war and being captured. This text could also be used to teach about World War II. My daughter began reading part I of the text and immediately made a connection with the Reys’ and Raoul Wallenberg during the

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