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Determination: My Definition Of A Hero

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Hero's don’t have to swoop in with red capes and save the day. A hero can be an ordinary person. They can be a person helping out in the community, doing their job or a person doing a random act of kindness, like a student helping a new student in school. A hero is someone you can look up to or be like, they are determined, caring and brave.

First a hero is determined. Determined is making a decision and seeing it through. Zig Ziglar said, “I believe success is achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary determination.” An example of that is Sully. Sully crash landed a plane in the hudson river because of birds and saved one hundred and fifty five people. Without determination he could have not done his job and could of not saved all of those people. Being determined is not giving up. Sully did not give up, even though he knew they were going to crash he just landed the plane in a place better for everybody on board. …show more content…
Caring is being kind and being there for others. Edward Albert said, “The simple act of caring is heroic.” A friend that I have known for about three and a half years now, is a caring hero to me. When I moved to Washington from Florida I didn’t feel like I belonged because it was so different from what I was used to, but once I met Leah she made me feel like we had been friends forever. She helped me get through that year of moving to a new place and has been my best friend ever since. Not being nice and someone who does not care about anyone or anything is not the definition of caring. Leah is one of the best people I know and she will always be a hero to me, just for being a caring friend when I needed

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