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Transformational Leadership Style Analysis

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The army’s definition of leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization. (Army Publishing Directorate, 2012) Leading is not just getting your troops from here to there; leaders must make corrections and arrive there with a better product than he left with. The old military ways are over. That one angry Sergeant yelling and making Soldiers do push-ups is no more. Yes there are some though actives required to succeed in the military but they build confident, responsible, and disciplined leaders. General of the Army Omar Bradley once remarked: “Leadership in a democratic army means firmness, not harshness; understanding, not weakness; generosity, …show more content…
Now, leaders must be charismatic while inspiring and educating troops. Transformational leadership is a style in which a leader seeks to change and engage followers and the organization by creating a compelling vision, strategy, and culture. (Weiss, 2015) Leaders are also encouraged to empower junior Soldiers to assist and develop their leadership skills and apply decision making process. This type of leadership is supposed to highlight the subordinate’s strength and weaknesses for further development. In military jargon, this is the ability to adapt and overcome. The ultimate goal in the transformational leadership style within the army is to earn Soldiers trust by allowing them to make decisions and creating a sense on significance within all Soldiers.
The transformational leadership style seems paralleled to parenting or even babysitting. The U.S. Army's mission is to fight and win our Nation's wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders. In other words, as Soldiers we are in the business of killing. When bullets are flying, there is not time for substandard leaders. I honestly believe in natural born leaders and not everyone is meant to lead …show more content…
He personified heroism on the battlefield. His near fatal achievements were the things you see in super hero movies. Murphy’s life was far from easy, at the early age of fifteen, Murphy had to drop out of school for good and leave his home, so he could seek work that could help his family. After numerous low paying jobs, lack of education and opportunities he decided to join the military. He was denied by the Marines twice and the Army once, but that didn’t stop him from giving up. At the age of eight-teen he tried to enlist for the Army again and succeeded. This speaks volumes about his determination. He was immediately sent to boot camp for combat infantry training. There he excelled at marksmanship and quickly developed into a well-disciplined soldier. Murphy quickly realized that the military and war was not as glamourous as the world made it seem. But it made him even more determined. Early on in his military career Murphy stepped up to lead his soldiers and there for was not only awarded a bronze star as well as two others and the Combat Infantryman Badge, which set him apart from soldiers who had not been under fire, and the 1st Oak Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal, which recognized his "exemplary conduct in ground combat against an armed enemy." He was then promoted to platoon leader. A couple years later

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