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Brabantio's Demeanor Of Confidence In Othello

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Although having a demeanor of confidence, William Shakespeare’s title character, Othello, becomes manipulated through the words of others, losing his own confidence and destroying his relationship with his wife. Unwavered by what Brabantio will do to annul Othello marriage with Desdemona, Othello remains confident in himself and that no matter what Brabantio accuses him of, the Moor’s “services… shall out-tongue his complaints. (I, ii, 18)" Without even knowing what Brabantio will accuse Othello of, he knows in the end that he will win because of his services to the state. The Duke acknowledges Othello innocence and that his stories of “battles, sieges [and] fortunes (I, iii, 129)” would even“win [his] daughter (I, iii, 170).” Othello is eventually

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