...Bellingham's mansion it is magnified in the breastplate. It seems as though she is hidden behind it. On the night that Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold with Hester and Pearl, a huge letter A appears in the sky. Later, while in the forest, Pearl arranges a letter a on her heart that is made of eel grass. One of the most dramatic of the A's that appear in the book is the A that appears on Dimmesdale's chest. Not only does the "A" symbolize adultery, but it also has several other meanings to the different characters as well. To the community, it is simply a mark of punishment. To Hester, it is a mark of embarrassment and humiliation. To Dimmesdale, the scarlet letter is a reminder of his own guilt. To Pearl, the mark is a mysterious curiosity. To Chillingworth, the "A" is his chance to get revenge on Dimmesdale. Later, the letter symbolizes "Able" when Hester wins some respect from the townspeople. The scarlet letter is meant to be a symbol of shame, but instead it becomes a powerful symbol of identity to Hester. The letter's meaning shifts as time passes. Originally intended to mark Hester as an adulterer, the A eventually comes to stand for Able. Finally, it becomes indeterminate: the Native Americans who come to watch the Election Day pageant think it marks her as a person of importance and status. Like Pearl, the letter functions as a physical reminder...
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...Vera Kemzane Group 4B The text analysis “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck. The present extract is from the novel “The Pearl” written by American author John Steinbeck. The novel is about Kino, who is a pearl diver and main theme is man`s nature, both evil and good, greed and honest. The extract refers to the part of the novel, when Kino discovers an enormous pearl or “the Pearl of the World”. The register of the text is fictional narrative, and type of narration is heterodiegetic, because the narrator situated outside the level of action. The text is with omniscient point of view, or zero focalization – the narrator knows more than characters. The authorial narrative allows the narrator to have an insight into the thoughts and feelings of the characters, and to see the story from outsider`s position: And he wondered whether he had baptized Kino`s baby, or married him for that matter. And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little fat hammocks and he thought of Paris. He remembered the room he had lived in there … In addition, it is a third-person narrative extract, because all character of the story referred as “they” “it” “he”: their mother knew it; his eyes; he wondered; they waited etc. Finally, it is overt narrator; he makes his opinion known and gives extra information and explanations: The news came to the doctor where he sat with a woman whose illness was age, thought neither she nor the doctor would admit it (this is also an example of irony). The narrator uses evaluative...
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...Indian J. Genet., 69(4) (Spl. issue): 352-360 (2009) Analysis of diversity among cytoplasmic male sterile sources and their utilization in developing F1 hybrids in Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (R.) Br] C. Tara Satyavathi*, Sakkira Begum, B. B. Singh, K. V. Unnikrishnan and C. Bharadwaj Division of Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012 Abstract The present study aims at analysis of diversity among parental lines of different cytoplasmic sources and their utilization in developing F1 hybrids. Seven male sterile cytoplasmic lines belonging to A1 – 3; A4 – 2 and A5 – 2 were crossed with three elite restorers. The cluster analysis done with molecular data obtained from genomic DNA using SSR markers grouped the parental lines belonging to A1 cytoplasm into one cluster, A4 into one and A5 into the other. The assessment of the performance of the F1 hybrids was done through standard heterosis, heterobeltiosis and economic heterosis. The study clearly indicated that all the seven cytoplasmic male sterile lines coming from different cytoplasmic sources are capable of producing new superior hybrids. Physiological characters like chlorophyll, relative carotenoids and root length density have also been studied to assess the performance of parents and F1 hybrids. Higher economic heterosis was observed for yield in A 1 cytoplasm compared to A4 and A5 cytoplasms. Desirable effects of earliness and maturity can be obtained using A4 cytoplasm while desirable...
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...Film Music in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Name Professor Institution Course Date Introduction The movie ‘the curse of the Black Pearl’ is a fiction film that was produced in 2003. This movie saw the establishment of jack sparrow the principal character in the movie. This movie took the historical setting of colonialism and explained the adventure of rescue (MacDonald 56). The film talks about a quest where jack sparrow wants to form an act of revenge to a rival captain who had left him for dead. Jerry Bruckheimer produced the film, and the film director was Verbinski Gore. The two have worked consistently and made sure that the movie has been a success in the world. The movie curse of the black pearl had two music composers who were Hans Zimmer, who was the producer and Klaus Badelt, who was the composer. In this document, we are going to look at only two personalities that include the writer and the director in the play. These people are Verbinski Gore and Klaus. Klaus was of the German nationality and composer of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. He was born in 1968 in Frankfurt. He was an original music composer. His first works were in the film industry back at is original home ground. His work received admirable attention, and soon he became a super rising star. He contributed to some of the major Hollywood movies. His first work was when he made the movie ‘time...
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...The Pearl Literary Analysis In 1947 John Steinbeck wrote a novel, “The Pearl”, about exposing social injustices practiced on a poor indigenous community of pearl divers in La paz Mexico. John used the pearl as multiple motifs to make the theme during the book. The indigenous pearl divers of La Paz would never break out of poverty, even when they find a big beautiful pearl.The reason is that the people who live in the town would never allow it by stealing, tracking, and even killing. This book is exposing it secretly with the pearl representing something different throughout the book. In the beginning of the book the pearl represents hope and opportunity. The quote is “On the surface of the great pearl he could see dreams from” (19). The quote means that with the pearl they could do things that they only thought of in their dreams. The pearl represents something else, which is evil. Everything that the family thought would be so good went downhill very fast. “He felt cloth, struck at it with his knife and missed, and struck again and felt his knife go through cloth” (37). Kino, the main character, is attacking someone trying to steal the pearl in the middle of the night....
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...• ESSAY: Analyse the setting of “The Pearl”: Is it of major or minor importance? What effects has it on the characters? The analysis of the setting of any story poses a question: Is this setting significant to the story? In the case of “The Pearl”, it is decisive as well as constructing due to the fact that it provides us with the perfect background to understand the vital messages the story conveys. Firstly, concerning place, on the one hand, the Mexican Indian village (La Paz) where the story is set, adequately represents human desires, plans, and motives to form civilization. On the other hand, the time, possibly late nineteenth or early twentieth century, illustrates the scene of that time: colonial society’s oppression of native cultures. Secondly, it is not random the fact that the writer chooses a specific landscape: the natural world, which makes the setting more suitable for the story as for its role to parallel the human world. This reflects both the natural world’s innocence (Kino’s innocence at the beginning of the novella) and the natural world’s darker qualities (the struggle Kino experiences at the end). Apart from that, the descriptions of the sea exemplify the fact that life is a battle for survival from which only the strongest remain alive. Thirdly, the setting undoubtedly exerts considerably influence on the characters selected, especially the main ones. In the first place, Kino’s belonging to a native tribe, which after the Spanish...
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...not explain herself.When looking at the feminist approach to literature, the reader must know the three premises and principles. First, language, institutions, social power structures have impacted throughout history reflected particular interest. Second, woman have always resisted or subvert, and at the last but now least, patriarchal dominance and feminine subversion is evident in literary and cultural text. In Bentuck's analysis of The Scarlet Letter, she uses the statement “ Hester Prynne, however, subverts the Puritan- patriarchal laws of meaning in two ways. First, she embroiders and embellishes the community's representational codes, thereby confusing them. Second, Hester refuses to name child's father.(pg.397)”as one of her primary arguments. In addition to Hester's ability to subvert, Benstuck's argument and statement that The Scarlet Letter“focuses attention on representations of womanhood, with special emphasis on Puritan efforts to regulate female sexuality within religious, legal, and economic structures.(pg398)” is her thesis for her analysis. The people of the society Hester Prynne lived in were strictly judgmental on one if they had not chose to take the “proper” and “righteous” way to reproduce. Benstuck speaks on the biology and religious aspects of man and woman to support her idea gender issues. She uses the term “ Alpha – Omega” to describe how the male is viewed, however the woman is not entitled to such a higher power title. “ The patriarchal construction...
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...Motherly love is a topic we find in the short story “Where the Gods Fly”, written in 2012 by Jean Kwok. The short story is from the anthology “The Shortlist” which was one of the short stories that won The Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Short Story Award in 2012. Briefly, the short story is about a mother: fearful that she may be losing touch with her, and that she may be losing all that is inherent in her culture. A Chinese mother takes the drastic step of removing her daughter from ballet school. This paper contains an analysis and interpretation where part of the paper focuses on the structure of the story and the use of contrasts. The mother in the short story narrates the story, which means, the point of view in the short story is a limited omniscient first person point of view, because the narrator participates in the action of the story and is one of the characters in the short story, and limited omniscient because the narrator is limited to one characters...
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...Lance Shaundell American Literature Hester Character Analysis September 10,2014 Hester Prynne Analysis In the novel The Scarlet Letter, Hester is the main character. She is described as a tall, youthful, free minded, beautiful women but the “A” takes a lot away from her confidence and swagger. Her spirit is shown when she decorated the “A” and made the best outta this new situation but she seems like the protagonist throughout. She’s fighting with inner pains with having the affair but there was a reason why she did it but she doesn't see it. I see her grow throughout the story and mature and she was a good centerpiece in this novel. In the beginning when she described prison in such detail you knew she had spent a lot thinking about that prison. We learned about her affair and I quickly wondered with who? As a reader there are many secrets that we have to find out. When Chillingworth comes in to the story the mood feels eerie and the past between them is very complicated. Hester feels like Chillingworth sent her away to the new world to get away and she didn’t think she was ever going to see him again so when he comes its unexpected. I think she always had sorrow for the sin she committed. Through her hardships she was still strong and confident even though society is very cruel. She keep a tight circle with just Pearl and herself. "'No, my little Pearl!' said her mother. 'Thou must gather thine own sunshine. I have none to give thee!'" Chapter 7, pg. 95 She...
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...FINAL WORD TRACK ANALYSIS- THE BLACK MAN In The scarlet letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne has used “Black Man “to signify evil and darkness. The Scarlet letter is based on the sins of the puritan society. The word “Black Man” refers to the “Satan” who is the devil. Many religions believe it to be an incarnation of God in a human or animal. Puritans and Christians believed it to be a devil dressed in black, who haunts the forest and tempts people into signing their name in his book with their own blood as ink. The word “Black Man” is used for the first time by Hester Prynne in chapter 4 while conversing with Roger Chillingworth. She says “art thou like the Black man that haunts the forest round about us? Hast thou enticed me into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul?” .Hester Prynne doesn’t trusts Roger Chillingworth and believes he is trying to take his revenge. Roger Chillingworth has asked Hester to keep his identity a secret. Hester Prynne knows something will be wrong because of this bond but still she makes the deal because she has no choice. This is said in chapter 14 in another conversation between Hester and Roger. The bond here is referred to the Black man’s bond where Roger Chillingworth has been compared to the Black man and has made a deal with Hester. The word Black man is used once again by Mistress Hibbins in chapter 8. Mistress Hibbins has been suspected of being a witch. She says, “There will be a...
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...style, theme, and language. Set in seventeenth-century Puritan Massachusetts, the novel centers around the travails of Hester Prynne, who gives birth to a daughter Pearl after an adulterous affair. Hawthorne's novel is concerned with the effects of the affair rather than the affair itself, using Hester's public shaming as a springboard to explore the lingering taboos of Puritan New England in contemporary society. The Scarlet Letter was an immediate success for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the United States was still a relatively new society, less than one hundred years old at the time of the novel’s publication. Indeed, still tied to Britain in its cultural formation, Hawthorne's novel offered a uniquely American style, language, set of characters, and--most importantly--a uniquely American central dilemma. Besides entertainment, then, Hawthorne's novel had the possibility of goading change, since it addressed a topic that was still relatively controversial, even taboo. Certainly Puritan values had eased somewhat by 1850, but not enough to make the novel completely welcome. It was to some degree a career-threatening decision to center his novel around an adulterous affair (but compare the plot of Fielding's Tom Jones). But Hawthorne was not concerned with a prurient affair here, though the novel’s characters are. Hawthorne chose to leave out the details of the adulterous rendezvous between Hester and Dimmesdale entirely. Instead, he was concerned with the aftermath...
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...Between Hawthorne's earlier and his later productions there is no solution of literary continuity, but only increased growth and grasp. Rappaccini's Daughter, Young Goodman Brown, Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure, and The Artist of the Beautiful, on the one side, are the promise which is fulfilled in The Scarlet Letter and the House of The Seven Gables, on the other; though we should hardly have understood the promise had not the fulfillment explained it. The shorter pieces have a lyrical quality, but the longer romances express more than a mere combination of lyrics; they have a rich, multifarious life of their own. The material is so wrought as to become incidental to something loftier and greater, for which our previous analysis of the contents of the egg had not prepared us. The Scarlet Letter was the first, and the tendency of criticism is to pronounce it the most impressive, also, of these ampler productions. It has the charm of unconsciousness; the author did not realize while he worked, that this "most prolix among tales" was alive with the miraculous vitality of genius. It combines the strength and substance of an oak with the subtle organization of a rose, and is great, not of malice aforethought, but inevitably. It goes to the root of the matter, and reaches some unconventional conclusions, which, however, would scarce be apprehended by one reader in twenty. For the external or literal significance of the story, though in strict correspondence with the spirit, conceals...
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...It Might Have Gone Something Like This In “Queen of Knives”, Neil Gaiman exemplifies how unreliable our narrator is in dealing with death and derangement. Through this naïve narration, we are presented with a story in which the narrator; a young boy at that time, recalls how a magician vanishes his grandmother during a magic show. Upon closer analysis we will see that Gaiman actually implies that the grandmother has died causing the grandfather to go crazy from the death of his wife. In order for our narrator to cope with traumatic experience of losing a loved one and witnessing his grandfather lose his mind he blends the story with memories. The poem is set up as a flashback which further gives credibility to our narrator’s erroneous memory. My analysis will scrutinize the diction used throughout the poem as well as the crucial symbolism in order to uncover the hidden meaning behind the text. When someone reads “Queen of Knives” for the first time it is likely that they will ponder the outcome with confusion. They may also conclude that the grandfather murdered the grandmother or that she ran off with the magician. It is understandable to arrive at this conclusion when the literal meaning of the passage points to such answers, but once we examine how dynamic this piece of literature is we can conclude much deeper meanings. Gaiman himself stated that this poem was like his other work “Mr. Punch;” a story in which a young boy’s grandfather went mad. The songs Daisy Bell and...
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...Salem, Massachusetts, where the novel takes place. In the customhouse’s attic, he finds a number of documents, among them a manuscript that was bundled with a scarlet patch in the shape of an “A.” The manuscript detailed events that occurred some two hundred years before the narrator’s time. When the narrator lost his customs post, he decided to write a fictional account of the events recorded in the manuscript. The Scarlet Letter is the final product. The novel begins in the seventeenth-century Boston, when Hester is briefly released from prison so that she can be paraded through town, displaying her scarlet "A" embroided on her chest while standing on top of the town scaffold. She carries her baby daughter, Pearl, in her arms. After being Hester steadfastly refuses to reveal the name of Pearl’s father, so that he might be saved from punishment. Hester Prynne’s long lost husband arrives in the midst of this parade through town. He visits her in prison before her release and asks her not to tell anyone that he’s in town. His plan is to disguise himself so that he can ferret out and seek revenge on her lover. Hester’s husband tells the townspeople that he’s a physician, and he adopts a fake name: Roger Chillingworth. Hester keeps his secret. Chillingworth soon realizes that the minister, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, is the likely father of Hester’s baby, and he haunts the minister’s mind and soul, day and night, for the next...
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...Ad Analysis It happens once a month. It lasts for five to seven days. It is a time when a female becomes physically, emotionally, and mentally affected. It has been known to be a women’s worse nightmare. It’s the infamous menstrual cycle. The only thing that makes this time manageable is a good, reliable tampon. The Tampax Pearl ad persuades buyers to purchase their product through role models, settings, and props. The ad context is directed towards the teenage female population. A high school football field is the setting for the ad. The main characters portrayed are high school cheerleaders. They are all dressed in matching uniforms with blue and white tops, white skirts, and white shoes. They are perceived to be cheering in the middle of a high school football game. There is a girl doing a toe touch as she is tossed into the air by three other cheerleaders. There is a look of uncertainty on her face, as she attempts to smile. This brings a bit of humor to the ad. Above her head is the text reading “At a moment like THIS, I don’t care if my tampons came in a little black box.” The other 4 cheerleaders are doing individual jumps in the background. Near the bottom of the ad is a Tampax box that has the shape of a heart on the front of the package. Beneath the logo are the words “Outsmart Mother Nature,” outlined in pink. The bottom center of the ad also reads “Tampax Pearl with Cleanguard protects better than Kotex.” To persuade potential buyers the Tampax...
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