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Character Analysis: Their Eyes Were Watching God

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As a hero herself, Janie goes on journey of hardships where she persists through them with her endurance. But with endurance comes with her determination and her want to go forward with her life. Not only does she stand against those that hurt her but Janie wants to keep going. Wanting to move forward, Janie exhibits the heroic quality of determination in Their Eyes Were Watching God. Meeting Jody, Janie finds that he could be the new start in her life and is determined to begin a new. But with the journey she realizes that along with Logan, Jody fails her too shown s she looks over her life “She had been getting read for her great journey to the horizons in search of people . . . But she had been whipped like a cur dog and run off down a back …show more content…
Courage allows for heros to take actions and almost every hero has it. In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie shows the heroic trait of courage. Looking at Janie’s past, she shows courage when she leaves to make a change in her life. Making a change in life takes great courage in that everything one knows of will change. In the state that she is in, Janie had been trapped inside of a cage but when Jody appears he is a horizon to what her future could hold. To Janie “he did not represent sun-up and pollen and blooming trees, but he spoke for far horizon. He spoke for change and chance.” (28). Jody is her future and a key to free her from her cage. Hurston even tosses away her apron as well, a historical sign and badge of a woman or docile wife showing her courage to leave even more. Willingly leaving Logan because of his refusal to respect Janie, she leaves for a new life with Jody. In this way, Janie has courage when she hopes for the future and eventually leaves Logan for him. Yet again, Janie also shows courage when she leaves Jody speechless and at a lost for words. The time is described to be that “Anybody would have thought that things had blown over, it looked so quiet and peaceful around. But the stillness was the sleep of swords” (81). With his manhood trampled on, Jody does not speak to Janie at all. Her courage to speak is uncalled for by Jody and Janie realizes that their marriage is completely ruined. Similarly, Hurston creates this tension to show how much her courage could have an effect on others. In the same way, Janie’s courage is shown at Jody’s deathbed. The two persistently argue until Jody’s death. The last thing Janie tells Jody is “All dis bowin’ down, all dis obedience under yo’ voice - dat ain’t whut Ah rushed off down de road tuh find out about you” (87). Going so far as to

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