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Charles Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection

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Charles Darwin was very interested in how species changed over time, he had studied fossils and other creatures as he travelled the world and found some to be more familiar to others. This realization that there were similar species roaming the earth led to his theory of natural selection.

On one of his journeys to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin began to study finches, a bird found on many of the different islands. To his discovery he recognized that some of the finches had bigger beaks than others. He went on to find that the different islands had different types of living conditions and food resources. Due to the different food Charles concluded that there was a reason these birds were almost similar in size but their beaks were completely …show more content…
It was not only the idea of their beaks changing over night, it was a more in depth realisation, that it was passed down from generation to generation. Animals had to learn to adapt , find the perfect mate and procreate the next generation of Species, something found to be more instinctive in animals than us human beings.

There was a lot of different speculation to Darwin’s theories, many people felt offended, mainly people of God, who tried many times to ruin Darwin’s theory of natural selection causing the famous “scopes monkey trial” in Dayton Tennessee. Soon people moved on but only if more bible study was introduced into schools curriculum as well.

Charles Darwin grandfather Erasmus Darwin, played a major influential role on his grandson. His evolutionary theories is what intrigued Charles and influenced him into writing one of the best explanatory books of evolution …show more content…
Certain features may differ due to living in certain environments for example, studies have proven that people living in high altitudes; their breathing becomes alot easier but if someone who is not used to living in such an environment, has a higher chance of passing out. The correct term for living in an environment not of your own and getting used to it is called Acclimatization. Another good example would be when someone from Johannesburg moves to Port Elizabeth; they might find their bodies are in fact quiet sensitive to the change in the environment and may experience physical changes like their hair frizzing or their skin breaking out in pimples.

The culture in which we live too plays a role in human variation. Cultures affect however kind of person you are and how you live your life. Culture plays a role on one’s diet, fashion ideas and living conditions. It is interesting to note that it also has an impact on how one thinks or what one believes in. Culture is not something that affects one directly. I would suggest it has a more indirect affect, without one even noticing how it could make human

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