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Charles Drew's Life Saving Plasma

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Life Saving Plasma During World War II, soldiers died rapidly as delivering medicine to the battlefield exhausted unnecessary time and effort. Blood plasma was created for this reason: to improve the efficiency of saving lives. During Charles Drew’s path to producing blood plasma, he encountered many racial restrictions and was denied many opportunities. Nonetheless, he sustained through the discrimination and followed his dream to change the way of medicine. Although he was denied many privileges due to his racial profile, world-renowned African-American surgeon Charles Drew overcame them by not taking it to heart and went on to discover blood plasma and revolutionize modern medicine.
Because of prevalent thoughts on his race Drew was rejected …show more content…
He earned multiple degrees at various schools, including his Doctor of Science in Medicine Degree from Columbia (Ament). This degree gave him the acknowledgement of being the first Black American to receive a doctorate (Love 16). His students saw this as well as his other accomplishments and made him their motivational idol. He tried to help the future African American generations at Howard University to not be excluded from medical associations by battling against them (“The Charles”). Drew saw the best in his students and helped them achieve anything they put their minds to. He used his experiences to benefit them and make sure that they would not be pushed down by racial comments. He strengthened them and motivated them with his sayings and his success. Moreover, he also made Black American citizens proud, considering that there were not many African Americans able to make a change during that time (Love 43). He also paved the path for other Black doctors, such as Dr. James Gavin, Dr. Clyde Yancy, Dr. Hazel Dean, and many others (Lane). Drew not only changed medicine, he also affected people’s lives. He showed fellow Black Americans that colored prejudice should not put boundaries on dreams, aspirations or

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