...ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: ARE MORE STUDENTS CHEATING? Dorothy L. R. Jones Norfolk State University ACADEMIC DISHONESTY, with Internet plagiarism as one of the most common forms, is a concern on college and university campuses more than ever before. A review of the literature validates these concerns. According to a 2003 nationwide research study of 23 public and private colleges and universities, conducted by Donald L. McCabe, Internet plagiarism is on the rise. Thirty-eight percent of the undergraduate students surveyed indicated that they had engaged in Internet plagiarism (as cited in Rimer, 2003). Brown, Weible, and Olmosk (2010) found that 49% of students in undergraduate marketing classes admitted cheating in 1988 versus 100% of the students in an undergraduate management class in 2008; a national survey published in Education Week found that 54% of the students surveyed admitted to Internet plagiarism and 76% admitted to cheating; and the Center for Academic Integrity found almost 80% of the college students surveyed admitted to cheating at least once (“Facts About Plagiarism,” 2011). In May 2006, Ohio University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering plagiarism scandal garnered national attention when a review panel found “rampant and flagrant” forms of plagiarism in 34 master’s theses (Grose, 2006); and in November 2010, more than 200 of the 600 students in a University of Central Florida business class confessed that they benefited from accessing online test questions...
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...Cheating has always been looked down upon in society, but it still thrives in the classrooms of schools and universities. It doesn't seem to matter whether it is right or wrong, just as long as it gets you that A you were looking for. Cheating has grown over the past few years and the question is why? Who's to blame? I know cheating occurs in Bacon Academy. I'll even be so honest to admit that I have participated in cheating once or twice in my high school career. Even so, I know it's not okay; and there are serious punishments if you are caught: there will be a zero on the assignment, and a suspension if you plagiarize. Ouch, cheating definitely doesn't sound worth the risk. So why do we do it? Cheating is done for multiple reasons. Sometimes it's done just to help out a friend. Your neighbor asks about a question during a test and you reply with the answer just to be courteous, nothing more than that. There's no deeper reason, other than maybe one day your neighbor will be able to return the favor. Another form of cheating is the "!%#&, I forgot to study for this test, but the smartest person in the room is sitting right next to me" reason. Some people figure there's no harm because they're going to do poorly anyway. But some people cheat because they're lazy or just don't care. All of these reasons don't make it okay to cheat, and its recurrence in school is an issue. Bacon has all types of cheating, and it can be blamed individually on the teachers, the students themselves...
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...not matter. As we grow up we learn through this method of learning from our weakness, fails, and creativity that we all can create our own work and put our name on it. Cheating and plagiarism became scary in high school but became our worst nightmare in college if one choice to partake in it and got caught. I was always proud of my work, especially when you spend hours and hours working on something and when you are finally finished you look back and it was worth that amount of time you spent on it. Cheating is not worth it; you’re not only going against the rules of academic misconduct you are cheating yourself. You’re not allowing yourself to actually learn something you are taking the easy way out and misleading not only yourself but those around you. Cheating goes into a lot of aspect in life, academics, love, sports, etc. The most interesting thing is it always comes down to one tiny aspect of yourself, your scared of letting someone down, you want to win so bad, your lazy and don’t want to try, but it all comes down to the amount you put into that activity. If you want to be good in school you need to put a lot into it to get a lot out of it, school does not come cheap. The same goes for love and relationships. Now of course there is no perfect human being, we all make mistakes, this is the beauty of cheating comes into play. It is those who learn from this mistake and take into the account how much they could of lost and...
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...then, he was an honest ball player who's goal had finally been accomplished from hard work and dedication to his craft. Over the years Rodriguez would face a number of tough life decisions that would shape his future forever. His decision to cheat destroyed his name and credibility. A vibrant young ball player who had his entire life ahead of him would later become the laughing stock of the Major Leagues. While Rodriguez knew what he was doing was wrong, he failed to think of the consequences that would result from his actions. Though it may be difficult to sympathize with Rodriguez's situation, it is the exact same situation that we are faced with when we choose to be dishonest. Whether its taking an illegal performing enhancing drug or cheating in any other aspect of life, you sell yourself short and risk the hardships...
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...Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not cheat Do not...
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...Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not CheatDo Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not CheatDo Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not CheatDo Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not Cheat Do Not...
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...& Islamic Values in Business Section (53) Course number (0302350) Assignment 1 Written by Araam Jamal U00035221 To Dr. Alaa-Aldin Abdul Rahim A. Al Athmay For this assignment, you will carefully read the story below that summarizes the incident, behaviors associated with cheating using technology, and how you can relate this story to your own situation. You should incorporate answers to the following questions into your assignment, as they are related to issues of integrity, ethics, professionalism, and personal reflection: - Why do students cheat? What can be done to address cheating in schools? - What lessons have you learned from the case? Has learning about this case inspired you to make changes in your own life? - How do you relate this behavior to ethics from the Islamic perspective? Assignment Requirements: Length: Minimum 750 words (Approximately 2.5 typed pages, 12 pt font, 1.5-spaced) Style: This paper should be written in an academic style. The tone of your work should be thoughtful and respectful. Be sure to edit your work for grammatical and spelling errors. Papers must be submitted to the instructor by 11:59 pm on the stated due date. Reading Case: Cheating and Technology Cheating in the classroom has been happening since the first schoolhouse was built; however, it has more than doubled in the last decade due to the emergence of new technologies that give students high tech alternatives to looking at their classmate's paper. "A 2002 survey by the Josephson...
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...necessary in today’s society; therefore, we should explore the effects of cheating and plagiarism among students. As enrollment increases for online classes, it also raises the question about academic honesty in distant learning classes. Distant learning has become popular over the past few years, but with the popularity comes cheating and plagiarism in the classes. Plagiarism has increased over the years due to technology and the ability to purchase term papers online. With the increase of cheating and plagiarism the faculty of many schools put policies and reprimands in place to bring the cheating to a halt. When a student is caught cheating a professor must make the decision of whether they want to follow policy procedure or handle the situation in class. One problem that comes from the professors handling the situation themselves is that the student feels they can still cheat without failing the class, as long as they can still walk away with a passing grade. Educational institutions have created policies that teacher’s are to include in the class syllabus so that the student is aware of the consequences from cheating. In most online classes the teachers will have the policies posted in the main forum for the students to reply that states they have read the rules. This is one way that the school insures that the student is aware that they can be expelled for committing plagiarism or cheating in any form. There are forms of minimizing academic dishonesty as explained...
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...Cheating: An Epidemic Cheat: to break a rule or law usually to gain an advantage at something. By its very definition, cheating is breaking a rule or law to get an advantage or something you want. But what if, in today’s society, cheating was necessary to survive? What if in order to live your life to the fullest extent, you had to cheat? Would you? This is the decision that students in America are facing today. Cheating is becoming increasingly “necessary” for students in order to excel academically in America. Students in America are finding it harder and more stressful to achieve the goals they, or society, sets for themselves. In today’s America, students are expected to perform at a certain level and in some cases, are required to do so by parents, teachers, or academic institutions. The stress this put on students is enormous, and makes them paranoid about their grades. This pressure also puts students into a Machiavellian state of mind where they truly do believe that “the ends justify the means”. So what do students do? They cheat. Students cheat until they know they will get the grades they want, until they know they will impress their parents, or they cheat until they get caught. This can lead to serious problems in a child’s future, such as: cheating on a girlfriend/wife, not being able to accomplish anything without cheating, and the trust issues that can develop from cheating. Then one may ask the question, “How many students actually cheat?”. According to...
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...Hill 1 Candace Hill Professor Jacobs Compostion and Rhetoric October 17, 2014 Academic Cheating: Many essays have been written about the consequences of cheating, whether college level o at high school. People who cheat on tests, essays, o assignments find themselves facing repercussions such as failure, suspension, expulsion, and lack of credibility. If a person cheats once, they most likely will do it again in the future. What may be the case of academic cheating? Factors such as stress, procrastination, and lack of study skills ay led to cheating. When It comes to cheating in school, the phrase “everyone’s doing it” is no far from the truth (Cisek, 1999; Jensen, Arnett, Feldman, and Cauffman, 2002). Although cheating behavior in educational settings is not new, research shows a rise over the past 30 years (McCabe, 2001;Schab, 1991). In McCab and colleagues, national study of high school students, 74% of the students reported cheating on test in the past year, and 59% reported some form of plagiarism (McCab and Katz, 2009.pp 378-399). Many institutions of higher education have adopted academic honesty policies, instituted academic integrity completion courses. Students think they don’t have to cite information they find on the interne because it I public knowledge. (Rimer 2003). Many students overlook what they actually produce and what they cut and paste due to it being so easy to do on the internet. (Howard and Davies, 2009). A study of academic dishonesty...
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...Cheating on exams in online courses Proctored exams are necessary in order to maintain the credibility and integrity of currently offered online degree programs. There has been much written on the subject of cheating by students on the college level and studies conducted to support the conclusions. With the advent of the internet and the recent trend of colleges pressured to offer totally online degree programs the opportunity to cheat has expanded with the same exponent. “Academic integrity has been a perennial issue in higher education. Undoubtedly, the advent of the Internet and advances in user-friendly technological devices have spurred both concern on the part of faculty and research interest in the academic community regarding inappropriate and unethical behavior on the part of students. 73.6% of students in the sample held the perception that it is easier to cheat in an online versus traditional course.” (King, Guyette and Piotrowski 2009) Internet based classes are experiencing a growth surge. With the recent employment crisis, and the increased weight on academic achievement, more adults are now able to enroll in online classes, and still maintain full time jobs and meet the demands of busy families. In a study conducted by Oskar Harmon and James Lambrinos they used a “model that predicts exam scores from independent variables of student characteristics. In one course, the final exam was proctored, and in the other course, the final exam was not proctored...
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...that over half of the junior class at West Point Academy had violated the West Point honor code by cheating on a case assignment. The honor code states "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do." This was by far the largest violation of the honor code in West Point history and presented some unusual challenges to the administration. As the year dragged on it was found that more and more students possibly had cheated on the assignment and was also becoming a public relations nightmare in the press and internally to the Army branch of the United States military. April of 1976 it was found that there was a possibility that over half of the junior class at West Point Academy had violated the West Point honor code by cheating on a case assignment. The honor code states "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do." This was by far the largest violation of the honor code in West Point history and presented some unusual challenges to the administration. As the year dragged on it was found that more and more students possibly had cheated on the assignment and was also becoming a public relations nightmare in the press and internally to the Army branch of the United States military. April of 1976 it was found that there was a possibility that over half of the junior class at West Point Academy had violated the West Point honor code by cheating on a case assignment. The honor code states "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate...
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...The act of cheating is considered taboo in society as we know it today. Cheating on school exams, in sports and in relationships are almost always frowned upon, thus, portraying the “cheater” as the bad guy, and his act morally wrong. When it comes to cheating to get ahead in your education, the only person you are hurting is yourself. For example, a student has to write an essay on a specific topic, but because of a full schedule including sports and music lessons, along with poor time management, the student finds himself sitting at the computer the night before the essay is due, completely drawing a blank when it comes to beginning the essay. It is easy to go on the internet, search for the topic and then find several websites dedicated to essays on that topic. The student using another person’s essay as their own will only hurt them in the long run. They may be caught and punished for plagiarizing, as there is a multitude of software available to detect plagiarizing. A teacher gives the assignment to measure the student’s understanding, ability, and comprehension of the actual act of writing the essay. It is with these assignments that the student can learn and perfect good writing habits, a skill that is taken with them into adult life. Cheating in sports has been happening for a very long time. As far back as 1919, cheating was recorded in the baseball World Series; the cheaters then became infamous for their cheating behavior rather than their performance on the field...
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...Cheating is something everyone will be tempted to do sometime in their life. The decision to cheat can have many consequences and one must consider them before acting on the temptation. Some say that temptation is everywhere. What you must realize the ultimate decision to cheat rests on your shoulders, to pass the blame to someone or something else will not turn out very well in the work or school world. What is considered cheating you may ask? Using distance learning classes, many are confused as to what cheating entails. Cheating is having someone else do your assignments for you, paying someone for the answers to an exam they may have taken, or even surfing the internet to find the answers on an exam. Penn Foster has many rules in their Student Handbook that inform you of the consequences that will happen if you decide to go down that path resulting in disciplinary action which could end up with you being asked to leave the school. During my studies, I have seen and heard many talk about getting the answers for an assignment. When offered to buy the answers, I declined. Getting the answers to an exam will not help me in the long run. Using another person’s answer, I will not have learned the material. This is the material a prospective employer will assume I have good knowledge about. This assumption will not only embarrass me when it is discovered I do not know but will, also, make me prospectively lose my job. Many people have different views on cheating. Most people...
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...Cheating in School Team C Cheating in school has become much more common than many people would think. In studies done over the past five years, cheating has increased over 40% (Etter, Cramer, & Finn, 2006). What was the catalyst that caused this ethical breakdown in students over the years? Why is it considered more acceptable now than in years past? Who cheats more and why? When does the student feel the need to cheat as opposed to doing the work themselves? Where does someone who is studying online find the resources to cheat? Because so many questions arise when discussing this topic it becomes difficult for one to find answers to all these questions. 18th century writer Samuel Johnson stated, “mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.” (Boswell, Quotation by Samuel Johnson: 1750) Cheating has become a very intense topic over the years with the onset of online education. Everyone who desires an education should realize the important fact although the tools are out there and it has become easier to cheat, it has also become much easier to get caught. The internet has played an advanced role in the aid of assisting students in cheating; however, it has also played a useful roll in catching them as well. Online websites such as schoolsucks.com, flashpapers.com, and hundreds of others have made buying a term...
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