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Chelsie Batko Dance Analysis

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Pages 8
Why do individuals dance? What’s it's purpose? It's a great way of expressing your emotions and feelings and entertaining others with a story or simply using a variety of dance moves to show off your true feelings. Each dance style has its own way of expressing feelings/emotions. It’s a way to escape from the real world. Human beings probably danced even before there was a word for it. Rhythmic bodily movement is instinctive. It connects people, even if subconscious, to the rhythms of nature. Tori Ashdown describes how modern dance saved her life, she expresses “ How it something about the swift feeling under the ball of your foot as you pirouette, the air rushing beneath you as you leap, your body melting out emotion with each release and …show more content…
The blog Dance and Movement as a Form of Communication from a knowledge of knowing Dance/Movement Therapy is a healing art, does not matter what age you are in. If you can move your hand, head, arm, leg, etc. You can find an inner peace within you. These therapies allow the patient to reach into their own sub-conscious at their speed and level, as opposed to conventional cognitive or linguistic methods. Such therapies are self-healing and non-intrusive. While they are not applicable in all cases, their effectiveness is definitely growing across all age levels. Chelsie Batko contends “when Marian Chace (one of the pioneers of dance movement therapy) first started out; the field was referred to as“dance for communication.” Also, Martha Graham (a pioneer of modern dance) referred to dance as“…the hidden language of the soul.” Chelsie Batko states that dance and movement can be a powerful vehicle by which to receive or release an emotion or message. Dancing with music is not always necessary. Moving peacefully enables us to enter the hush and the obstruction of our own bodies. In that moment, the body connects to the mind, and we wish that place where body and minds are one. On the off chance that we enable ourselves to move and grope whatever comes, we engage ourselves. By what method would we be able to potentially express what we feel on the off chance that we can't feel it? So that is the initial step, to feel in the body and afterward the feelings. At that point we should will to take that data and utilize it to change ourselves into a man who isn't reluctant to express those considerations and emotions. It takes responsibility since it isn't generally a concise

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