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Queer Culture

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The contrast between cisgendered heterosexuals and queer people is never more prominent than when preparing for a date. Looking in the mirror, scrutinizing every aspect of your appearance, mind racing with anxious “what if” thoughts is undoubtedly present before any date. What if they hate the restaurant I picked? What if they hate what I’m wearing? What if they hate me? Through a queer lens, there are several other factors and anxieties to be considered. What if someone there is homophobic? What if someone’s transphobic? What if I don’t pass enough to even be considered trans? Along with anxious thoughts, additional problems come from the outfit. A recently transitioned trans person working minimum wage with an unsupportive family can’t afford …show more content…
With encouragement from the various forms of media and political organizations, queer culture has deteriorated and we are forced or gladly fit into heteronormative molds. In regards to the connection between queer and mainstream media, Jay Michaelson stated that “by convincing straight America that #loveislove and, in Macklemore’s words, it is the Same Love. … Our loves are different, in ways that seem relevant to the question of whether same-sex marriage is ‘changing the definition of marriage,’ as the bigots say, or just ‘extending’ marriage to same-sex couples, as assimilationist advocates say” (Michaelson, 2016: 190). However, even when the mass considers us equal, we will always be on the outside, and we need to stay separate to stay visible. “Queers Read This” stresses the need for separation: “Being queer means leading a different sort of life. It’s not about the mainstream, profit-margins, patriotism, patriarchy or being assimilated. It’s not about executive directors, privilege and elitism. It’s about being on the margins, defining ourselves; it’s about gender-fuck and secrets, what’s beneath the belt and deep inside the heart; it’s about the night” (Anonymous Queers, 1990: 2). Much of this passion and rage in the community was lost around the turn …show more content…
Thin eyebrows, high cheekbones, a soft jawline however, and curves make the effort worthless. I looked more masculine when I had an eating disorder comes to mind. This is an everyday occurrence; thirty minutes are set aside in the morning to deal with dysphoria. More time is set to prepare for constant misgendering. In this cishet society, I can count on being greeted with “good morning ladies” and referred to as “ma’am” after ordering breakfast. The desire to correct people always comes but is quickly suppressed by a running list of the very possible consequences ranging from dysphoria to death. My date is nonbinary as well but presents much more femme. A good morning photo shows me they’re wearing a lovely yellow dress, heels, and a full face of makeup. It’s foreign that they feel comfortable like this, but perhaps they

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Se Notes

...provide them with treatment (disorder); others viewed them as regular people like heater - homo's view them sales as political activists challenging male dominance and heterosexuality - homo viewed through a medical model perspective - sociologists viewed homo as neither normal or abnormal but as a way to identify themselves in a hostile environment - homo feelings may be inborn but have to be learned to keep up with the identity - homo is defined based on pp.'s response to it which varies in diff societies - constructionists challenged the notion that homo always existed b/c, then it would be normal - queers value the multiplicity of meanings attached to homo - queer theory challenged a key idea that all homo's share the same interests; but in truth, there are many ways of being gay - these homo differences can be factored into varied political strategies - queer politics objective is to widen sexual theory by factoring in all forms of sexuality and sexual behavior each group holds exclusively > identity and community - many societies are intolerant of homo while others create the identity to justify heteronormativity - homo is said to not be inborn but something that is learned in the context of one's environment - felt a strong sense of isolation fro the social mainstream - since homo is becoming more acceptable joining this community is more about affirming one's identity as a desired way of life and understanding that the gay community isn't the heart...

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